The dictionary of art |
1. A to Anckermann
2. Ancona to Azzolino
3. B to Biard
4. Biardeau to Brüggemann
5. Brugghen, ter to Casson
6. Cassone to China, VII
7. China, VIII to Cossa
8. Cossiers to Diotti
9. Diploma work to Egypt, ancient, X
10. Egypt, ancient, XI to Ferrant
11. Ferrara to Gainsborough
12. Gairard to Goodhue
13. Goodnough to Habsburg, I
14. Habsburg, II to Hungary, V
15. Hungary, VI to Iran, ancient
16. Iraq to Janoušek
17. Jansen to Ketel
18. Kettle to Leathart
19. Leather to Macho
20. Mächtig to Medal
21. Medallion to Montalbani
22. Montald to Neufforge
23. Neuhuys to Pandit Seu
24. Pandolfini to Pitti
25. Pittoni to Raphael
26. Raphon to Rome, ancient, II
27. Rome, ancient, III to Savot
28. Savoy to Soderini
29. Södermark to Summerson
30. Summonte to Tinne
31. Tinoco to Varna
32. Varnish to Wavere
33. Wax to Zyvele; Appendices
34. Index