The tombstone tourist : musicians |

Stanton and Kerrigan present the graves of famous people. Stanton focuses on musicians, while Kerrigan eyes the famous and infamous in Britain and Ireland. Irreverent and fun, Stanton's work has the feel of a high school yearbook. Divided into three alphabetized sections Legends, Gone but Not entries include biographical information about the artist; the location of the grave, with directions; and suggestions for collectors. Although Stanton's love of music and musicians shows in his writing, the book has many problems. It is weighed heavily in favor of rock, blues, jazz, and country musicians (in that order), with few entries for classical or Broadway composers. The vast majority of musicians included are American. The index is by place, not by name, so if you are looking for a particular musician you must look in all three sections. Finally, the criteria for inclusion in the Legends section goes unexplained. Includes index

Print Book, English, 1998

3T Pub., Portland, Or., 1998