Ancient Greeks west and east |

Introduction / G.R. Tsetskhladze

1. M.I. Rostovtzeff in England: a Personal Experience of West and East / G.M. Bongard-Levin

2. Greek Racism? Observations on the Character and Limits of Greek Ethnic Prejudice / C. Tuplin

3. Pomponius Mela on Colonies in West and East / J. Hind

4. Between the Aegean and the Levant: the Philistines / J. Vanschoonwinkel

5. Greeks Overseas in the 8th Century B.C.: Euboeans, Al Mina and Assyrian Imperialism / R.A. Kearsley

6. The Excavated History of Al Mina / J. Boardman

7. From East to West: the Eponymous Amazon Cleta / L. Moscati-Castelnuovo

8. Medea in Italy: Barter and Exchange in the Archaic Mediterranean / C.J. Smith

9. Euboean Colonisation in the Gulf of Naples / B. d'Agostino

10. From Death to Life. The Cemetery of Fusco and the Reconstruction of Early Colonial Society / R. Frederiksen

11. Fibulae and Females: Intermarriage in the Western Greek Colonies and the Evidence from the Cemeteries / G. Shepherd

12. Hellenisation in Iberia?: The Reception of Greek Products and Influences by the Iberians / A.J. Dominguez

13. Dama de Elche: Embodying Greek-Iberian Interaction / S. Aguilar

Appendix. The Case of the Lady of Elche: a Review Article / R. Olmos and T. Tortosa

14. Erbinna, the 'Nereid Monument' and Xanthus / T. Robinson

15. [Sigma]YMBO[Lambda]ON. A Noteworthy Use for a Persian Gold Phiale / A.D.H. Bivar

16. Between Greece and Persia: Rhyta in Thrace from the Late 5th to the Early 3rd Centuries B.C. / S. Ebbinghaus

17. Thracian Cult

from Practice to Belief / Z.H. Archibald

18. Between West and East: Anatolian Roots of Local Cultures of the Pontus / G.R. Tsetskhladze

19. The Scythian 'Rule Over Asia': the Classical Tradition and the Historical Reality / A. Ivantchik

20. Greeks, Scythians and Hippake, or "Reading Mare's-Cheese" / D. Braund

21. Early Types of Greek Dwelling Houses in the North Black Sea / V.D. Kuznetsov. 22. Some Classical Subjects on the Late Hellenistic Sarmatian Phalerae (to the Origin of Phalerae) / M. Treister

23. The Silver Aryballos from Vani / N. Gigolashvili