Florence and the Medici |

The founding of a dynasty

The early Medici to Giovanni di Bicci

The social and political framework

The Medici party

Exile and triumph, 1433-34

Cosimo, 1434-64, character and interests

Pater Patriae

Piero di Cosimo, 1464-69

Lorenzo the Magnificent, 1469-92, character and interests

Lorenzo, politician and statesman

Lorenzo's position in Florence and in Italy

Into exile, Piero di Lorenzo, 1492-94

From republic to duchy (1): the patriciate

From republic to duchy (2): the Medici popes

Florence without the Medici 1494-1512

Broncone: the Medicean restoration, 1512-19

The first Medici pope: Leo X, 1513-21

The Giulian compromise, 1519-23

Clement VII, 1523-34

The Medici bastards and the Last Republic, 1523-30

The peace settlement and the first Medici duke, 1530-37

Cosimo I: the creation of a Tuscan territorial state, 1537-74

Cosimo I: politician and patron

Francesco (1574-87) and Ferdinando I (1587-1609)

Court and constitution

The Medicean city

The economy

Independence and security

The French perspective: Catherine and Marie

Cosimo II, 1609-21 and Ferdinando II, 1621-70

Cosimo III, 1670-1723 and Gian Gastone, 1723-37

The legendary afterlife of the Medici