Archaeology of Oceania: Australia and the Pacific Islands |

Archaeology in Oceania : themes and issues / Ian Lilley

Revisiting the past : changing interpretations of Pleistocene settlement subsistence and demography in Northern Australia / Sue O'Connor and Peter Veth

Archaeology and the dreaming : towards an archaeology of ontology / Bruno David

Blunt and to the point : changing technological strategies in Holocene Australia / Peter Hiscock

Rock art and social identity : a comparison of Holocene graphic systems in arid and fertile environments / Jo Mcdonald and Peter Veth

Closing the distance : interpreting cross-cultural engagements through indigenous rock art / Anne Clarke and Ursula Frederick

Archaeology in Melanesia : a case study from the Western Province of the Solomon Islands / Richard Walter and Peter Sheppard

Envisaging early agriculture in the Highlands of New Guinea / Tim Denham

Late Pleistocene complexities in the Bismarck Archipelago / Matthew Leavesley

Life before Lapita : new developments in Melanesia's long-term history / Christina Pavlides

The first millennium BC in remote Oceania : an alternative perspective on Lapita / Jean-Christophe Galipaud

Ethnoarchaeology in Polynesia / Eric Conte

The formation of Hawaiian territories / Thegn Ladefoged and Michael Graves

Ritual and domestic architecture, sacred places, and images : archaeology in the Marquesas Archipelago, French Polynesia / Sidsel Millerstrom

The archaeology of the conical clan in Micronesia / Paul Rainbird


What is archaeology for in the Pacific? history and politics in New Caledonia / Christophe Sand, Jacques Bole, and Andre Ouetcho

Levuka, Fiji : a case study in Pacific Islands heritage management / Anita Smith

Last words

a few words about archaeology in French Polynesia / Mickaelle-Hinanui Cauchois

Shaking the pillars / Mark Dugay-Grist

What is the future of our past? : Papua New Guineans and cultural heritage / Herman Mandui