Walker's marine mammals of the world |

Foreword / John E. Heyning

Marine Mammals of the World : an introduction / Randall R. Reeves, Brent S. Stewart

Seals, sea lions, and walrus : Pinnipedia

Eared seals, fur seals, and sea lions : Otariidae

Walrus : Odobenidae

True, earless, or hair seals : Phocidae

Whales, dolphins, and porpoises : Cetacea. Ganges and indus dolphins, or susus : Platanistidae ; Baiji, or Chinese river dolphin : Lipotidae ; Franciscana, or La Plata dolphin : Pontoporiidae ; Boto, or Amazon dolphin : Iniidae ; Beluga and narwhal : Monodontidae ; Porpoises : Phocoenidae ; Dolphins : Delphinidae ; Beaked whales : Ziphiidae ; Sperm whales : Physeteridae ; Gray whale : Eschrichtiidae ; Pygmy right whale : Neobalaenidae ; Right whales : Balaenidae ; Rorquals : Balaenopteridae

Dugong, sea cow, and manatees : Sirenia. Dugong and sea cow : Dugongidae ; Manatees : Trichechidae

Other marine mammals. Polar bear : Ursus maritimus ; Marine otter : Lontra felina ; Sea otter : Enhydra lutris

World distribution of marine mammals