Classical electricity and magnetism |
1. The electrostatic field in vacuum
2. Boundary conditions and relation of microscopic to macroscopic fields
3. General methods for the solution of potential problems
4. Two-dimensional potential fields
5. Three-dimensional potential problems
6. Energy relations and forces in the electrostatic field
7. Steady currents and their interaction
8. Magnetic materials and boundary value problems
9. Maxwell's equations
10. Energy, force, and momentum relations in the electromagnetic field
11. The wave equation and plane waves
12. Conducting fluids in a magnetic field (magnetohydrodynamics)
13. Waves in the presence of metallic boundaries
14. The inhomogeneous wave equation
15. The experimental basis for the theory of special relativity
16. Relativistic kinematics and the Lorentz transformation
17. Covariance and relativistic mechanics
18. Covariant formulation of electrodynamics
19. The Lienard-Wiechert potentials and the field of a uniformly moving electron
20. Radiation from an accelerated charge
21. Radiation reaction and covariant formulation of the conservation laws of electrodynamics
22. Radiation, scattering, and dispersion
23. The motion of charged particles in electromagnetic fields
24. Hamiltonian formulation of Maxwell's equations
Appendix I: Units and dimensions in electromagnetic theory
Appendix II: Useful vector relations
Appendix III: Vector relations in curvilinear coordinates