Sight & sound : a quarterly review of modern aids to learning |

Sight & Sound is the international film magazine that offers a unique insight into the very best of film culture - past, present and future. Published by the BFI since 1932 the Sight & Sound archive is an unrivalled resource of film commentary and criticism. When paired with long-running sister publication Monthly Film Bulletin (1934-1991) this collection also represents a fascinating journal of record of the films released in UK cinemas across the decades. (MFB is collected as annual volumes which can be found in the corresponding year within the S & S archive). Sight & Sound continues to bring you the best writing on the films that matter - covering a broad range of work in its features, interviews and comprehensive reviews section. A trusted guide with an intelligent approach - Sight & Sound is essential reading for the serious film fan

ejournal, eMagazine, English, 1932

British Institute of Adult Education, London, 1932