Cornwallis : the American adventure |

Pt. 1: before the war

A Suffolk family

A "very military" young man

Family and politics

Pt. 2: the war begins: the frustrated general

"Some relief for the poor foot-soldier"

Never in command: 1776 to 1779

Pt. 3: the general gets a command: success in South Carolina

A taste of independence: autumn, 1779, to summer, 1780

Camden: "a severe satire upon Saratoga"

Pt. 4: the disaster drive north: the Carolinas

The loyalist militia: "a useless, disorderly, destructive banditti"

King's Mountain: the riderless white horse

Bitter aftermath

Winter at Winsboro

Cowpens: "The late affair has almost broke my heart"

Guilford courthouse: "a bear with his stern in the corner"

Wilmington: "our very shatter'd exhausted, ragged troops"

Pt. 5: the war ends: the frustrated commander

Virginia: the last campaign

The world turned upside down