The Origins of Chinese civilization |

The evolution of the Chinese government t/ Robert Orr Whyte

The domestication of plants in China : ecogeographical considerations / Hui-Lin Li

The origins and early cultures of the cereal grains and good legumes / Te-Tzu Chang

Swidden cultivation of foxtail millet by Taiwan aborigines : a cultural analogue of the domestication of Setaria italic in China / Wayne H. Foog

The Ch'ing-lien-kang culture and the Chinese Neolithic / Richard Pearson and Shyn-Charng Lo

Origins and development of the Yueh Coastal Neolithic : a microcosm of culture change on the mainland of East Asia / William Meacham

The relationship of the painted pottery and Lung-shan cultures / Louisa G. Fitzgerald Huber

The origin of Chinese civilization : Soviet views / Karl Jettmar

Further evidence to support the hypothesis of indigenous origins of metallurgy in ancient China / Noel Bernard

On bronze and other meals in early China / Ursula Martius Franklin

Origins of the Chinese people : interpretations of the recent evidence / W.W. Howells

Recent archaeological evidence relating to the origin of Chinese characters / Cheung Kwong-Yue

Archaic Chinese / Fang Kuei Li

The Chinese and their neighbors in prehistoric and early historic times / E.G. Pulleyblank

Tribe to state or state to tribe in ancient China? / Morton H. Fried

Sandai archaeology and the formation of states in ancient China : processual aspects of the origins of Chinese civilization / K.C. Chang

The late Shang state : when, where, and what? / David N. Keightley

Concluding remarks / K.C. Chang