Hearing by Whales and Dolphins |

Hearing in Whales and Dolphins: An Overview / Whitlow W.L. Au

Cetacean Ears / Darlene R. Ketten

In Search of Impulse Sound Sources in Odontocetes / Ted W. Cranford

Communication and Acoustic Behavior of Dolphins and Whales / Peter L. Tyack, Christopher W. Clark

Acoustics and Social Behavior of Wild Dolphins : Implications for a Sound Society / Denise L. Herzing

The Auditory Central Nervous System of Dolphins / Sam H. Ridgway

Electrophysiological Measures of Auditory Processing in Odontocetes / William F. Dolphin

Psychoacoustic Studies of Dolphin and Whale Hearing / Paul. E. Nachtigall, David W. Lemonds, Herbert L. Roitblat

Echolocation in Dolphins / Whitlow W.L. Au

Acoustic Models of Sound Production and Propagation / James Aroyan, Mark A. McDonald, Spain C. Webb, John A. Hildebrand, David Clark, Jeffrey T. Laitman, et al