Handbook of toxicology of chemical warfare agents | WorldCat.org
Section I: introduction, historical perspective, and epidemiology. Introduction
Historical perspective of chemical warfare agents
Global impact of chemical warfare agents used before and after 1945
The Tokyo subway sarin attack: acute and delayed health effects in survivors
Early and delayed effects of sulfur mustard in Iranian veterans after the Iraq-Iran conflict
Epidemiology of chemical warfare agents
Chemical weapons of mass destruction and terrorism: a threat analysis
Section II: Agents that can be used as weapons of mass destruction. Mustards and vesicants
Organophosphate nerve agents
Russian VX
Riot control agents
Psychotomimetic agent bz (3-quinuclidinyl benzilate)
Neurological effects and mechanisms of blast overpressure injury
Arsenicals: toxicity, their use as chemical warfare agents, and possible remedial measures
PCBs, dioxins and furans: human exposure and health effects
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: implications for developmental, molecular, and behavioral neurotoxicity
Carbon monoxide: from public health risk to painless killer
Methyl isocyanate: the Bhopal gas
Cyanide toxicity and its treatment
Other toxic chemicals as potential chemical warfare agents
Botulinum toxin
Onchidal and fasciculins
Cyanobacterial (blue-green algae) toxins
Radiation and health effects
Depleted uranium
Section III: Target organ toxicity. Chemical warfare agents and the nervous system
Behavioral toxicity of nerve agents
The respiratory toxicity of chemical warfare agents
Cardiovascular system as a target of chemical warfare agents
Ocular toxicity of chemical warfare agents
Dermal toxicity of sulfur mustard
Skeletal muscle
Reproductive toxicity and endocrine disruption of potential chemical warfare agents
Liver toxicity of chemical warfare agents
Renal system
The immune system as a target for chemical warfare agents
Alternative animal toxicity testing of chemical warfare agents
Section IV: Special topics. Genomics and proteomics in brain complexity in relation to chemically induced ptsd
Clinical and cellular aspects of traumatic brain injury
Excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, and neuronal injury
Blood-brain barrier damage and dysfunction by chemical toxicity
Neuropathologic effects of chemical warfare agents
The effects of organophosphates in the early stages of human muscle regeneration
Cholinesterase inhibitors: from molecular mechanisms of action to current and future prospects
Section V: Risks to animals and wildlife. Potential agents that can cause contamination of animal feedstuffs and terror
Chemical warfare agents and risks to animal health
Threats to wildlife by chemical and warfare agents
Section VI: Toxicokinetics, toxicodynamics and physiologically-based pharmacokinetics. Toxicokinetic aspects of nerve agents and vesicants
Toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics of DFP
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling of chemical warfare agents
Biotransformation of warfare nerve agents. Section VII: Analytical methods, biosensors and biomarkers. On-site detection of chemical warfare agents
Laboratory analysis of chemical warfare agents, adducts, and metabolites in biomedical samples
Biosensors for the detection of op nerve agents
Neuropathy target esterase as a biomarker and biosensor of delayed neuropathic agents
Biomarkers of exposure to organophosphorus poisons: a new motif for covalent binding to tyrosine in proteins that have no active site serine
Monitoring of blood cholinesterase activity in workers exposed to nerve agents
Section VIII: Prophylactic, therapeutic and countermeasures. Pharmacological prophylaxis against nerve agent poisoning: experimental studies and practical implications
Prophylactic and therapeutic measures in nerve agents poisoning
Medical management of chemical toxicity in pediatrics
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling of countermeasures to nerve agents
Strategies to enhance medical countermeasures after the use of chemical warfare agents on civilians
Pyridinium oximes in the treatment of poisoning with organophosphorus compounds
Novel cholinesterase reactivators
Paraoxonase (PON1) and detoxication of nerve agents
The role of carboxylesterases in therapeutic intervention of nerve gases poisoning
Catalytic bioscavengers: the new generation of bioscavenger-based medical countermeasures
Section IX: Decontamination and detoxification. Rapid decontamination of chemical warfare agents from the skin