Living Elephants : Evolutionary Ecology, Behaviour, and Conservation |

1 online resource (935 pages)

9781602561397, 1602561397


Cover; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Preface; Contents; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 The Paleocene-Ancient Origins; 1.3 The Eocene-Aquatic Existence; 1.4 The Oligocene-Evolutionary Quiescence; 1.5 The Miocene-Evolutionary Diversification; 1.6 The Pliocene-Radiation of the Elephants; 1.7 The Pleistocene-The Final Burst and Then Collapse; 1.8 The Holocene-Calm after the Storm; 1.9 Genetics, Phylogeny, and Population Differentiation in the Elephants; 1 Moeritheres, Mastodonts, and MammothsElephant Evolution in Action; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Historical Antecedents of the Elephant Culture in Asia. 2.3 The Rise of Elephant Armies in Asia2.4 The Rise of the Elephant-Headed God; 2.5 Ecology, Politics, and Culture; 2.6 From Ganesha to the Present; 2.7 The Capture and Use of the African Elephant; 2 Elephants, Gods, and PeopleThe Interrelationship of Culture and Ecology; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Estrus in the Female Elephant; 3.3 Musth in the Male Elephant; 3.4 Sexual Selection and Mate Choice; 3 Bulls, Musth, and CowsThe Elephantine Mating Game; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Behavioral Development and Social Interactions in Elephants; 4.3 Communication in Elephants; 4.4 Home Range of Elephants. 4.5 Social Groups and Their Determinants4.6 The Evolution of Elephant Society; 4 Mothers, Children, and AuntsThe Social Life of Elephant Families; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 The Nature of the Elephant's Diet; 5.3 Isotopic Tracking of the Elephant's Diet; 5.4 Ecological Determinants of Diet in Elephants; 5.5 Nutrition and the Condition of Elephant Populations; 5 Bamboos, Bark, and BananasThe Diet of a Megaherbivore; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 The Nature of Vegetation Change in Elephant Habitats; 6.3 Hypothesized Causes of Vegetation Change; 6.4 Modeling the Elephant-Vegetation Dynamics. 6.5 The Role of Elephants in the Ecosystem6 Forests, Fires, and GrasslandsThe Impact of Elephants on Their Habitats; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Demographic Variables in Elephant Populations; 7.3 Evolution of Life History Traits in Elephants; 7.4 Modeling the Dynamics of Elephant Populations; 7.5 Stochastic Models of Elephant Population Dynamics; 7.6 Modeling the Dynamics of Exploited Populations; 7 Birth, Death, and ChanceThe Dynamics of Elephant Populations; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Crop Depredation by Elephants; 8.3 Manslaughter by Elephants; 8.4 Habitat Manipulation by People. 8.5 Capture and Hunting of Elephants8 Coconuts, Corn, and CarvingsThe Conflict between Elephants and People; 9.1 Introduction; 9.2 Minimum Viable Populations for Elephant Conservation; 9.3 Managing Elephant-Human Conflicts; 9.4 Management of Overabundant Populations; 9.5 The Management of Small versus Large Populations; 9.6 Controlling Poaching and the Illegal Trade in Ivory; 9.7 Management of Elephants in Captivity; 9.8 Concluding Remarks; 9 Science, Politics, and PragmatismConserving the Elephant Populations; Appendix 1: Status and Distribution of Elephants

Appendix 2: Statural Growth in Elephants