A history of the transport service : adventures and experiences of United States transports and cruisers in the World War, | WorldCat.org
the crisis of 1917
The navqal mission
summary of transport operations
The first expedition
The stay in France
the return voyage
Lessons learned from experience of first voyage
repairing the German ships
Safeguarding the troopships
Development of transport force
returning the Army
Sinking on Antilles
Finland torpedoed
Loss of President Lincoln
Covington torpedoed
U-boats bring war to American shores
San Diego sunk by a mine
Mount Vernon topedoed
The work of the cruises
Contacts of transports and cruisers with enemy submarines
Orizaba depth bomb explosion
Great Northern collides with British freighter Brinkburn
fire on board the Henderson
Sidelights of transport life
The loss of the U.S.S. Ticonderoga
Foreign transports in the U.S. convoy
loss of Dwinsk
adventures of Lieutenant Whitemarse
Adventures of Lieutenant Isaacs