SYNERGY Processing
Processing Baseline
The following table summarises the evolutions of the processing baseline used to process Sentinel-3 Synergy data since October 2018 for Sentinel-3A and February 2019 for Sentinel-3B.
Related Synergy Processing Baseline documents:
Sentinel-3 Synergy Product Notice Level 2 (last notice issued)
Sentinel-3 Product Data Format Specification - Synergy Level 1 and 2
For the full list of processors' releases, please refer to the SentiBoard Processors page.
Sentinel-3A Synergy Processing Baseline Timeline

Sentinel-3B Synergy Processing Baseline Timeline

L1 Algorithms
SYN Level-1 processing aims to retrieve OLCI and SLSTR radiances and brightness temperature in their acquisition geometry. The same computation is done for their associated annotations. This processing also aims to compute the correspondence grids between the OLCI reference channel and all other OLCI and SLSTR channels.
SYN Level-1 processing is divided into the following parts:
A pre-processing step which reads and adapts the Level-1B data for subsequent processing.
The main processing steps:
Inter-instrument mis-registration estimation aims to correspond, for each OLCI camera module, the reference SLSTR visible reference channel with the reference OLCI channel.
Computation of correspondence between the OLCI reference channel and all other OLCI and SLSTR channels, based on the mis-registration estimated at the previous step and on intra-instrument mis-registration estimation stored in a characterisation ADF.
Projection of all OLCI/SLSTR and subsampled parameters on the same SYN reference grid (i.e. the OLCI acquisition grid)
Post-processing to define and write the Level-1 product, SY_1_MISR
The pre-processing focuses on reading and adaptation of OLCI and SLSTR Level-1B product and is divided into two sub-steps.
An extended land/sea mask is applied to distinguish land from ocean pixel. if SYN L2 algorithm is only applied on land pixels, the SYN AOD algorithm is applied on both land and Ocean pixels. A rough misregistration can be applied over sea as SYN AOD algorithm is based on a 4.5 km resolution, i.e. 15*15 super pixel dataset, where a misregistration information at pixel level is sufficient.
The OLCI retrieval section retrieves the full images of the five OLCI camera modules in their acquisition geometry. This processing involves radiometric measurement and associated annotations. The TOA radiance from OLCI reference channels is converted to TOA reflectance. A first selection Ground Control Point (GCP) is also included. This Ground Control Point grid can be computed from an external database or regularly created.
A similar process, except GCP selection, is done for each channel of the SLSTR nadir and oblique views during SLSTR retrieval. The conversion is done for TOA radiance from SLSTR reference channels.
The main processing section is divided into four sections, gathering inter and intra-measurement spatial mis-registration.
The extraction of OLCI/SLSTR imagette pairs extracts imagettes around each GCP, one in the OLCI reference channel (called the context imagette) and one larger imagette in the SLSTR reference channel (called the search imagette). The search imagette is projected onto the OLCI geometry. This section also includes rejection tests on selected Ground Control Points.
The sub-pixel shift estimation at GCP sub-step computes a correlation surface between the two imagettes that is shifted around the GCP according to shift vectors and finds its sub-pixel maximum. This sub-step also includes final rejection tests on selected GCP. These two last sub-steps are performed for each selected GCP.
The deformation model estimation sub-step computes the parameters of a piece-wise deformation model giving the mis-registration of the reference SLSTR channel at each pixel of the OLCI selected channel.
The correspondence between reference OLCI and other channels sub-step uses all previously computed parameters and mis-registration ADFs to compute the correspondence between the OLCI reference channel image and all other OLCI channels, and SLSTR nadir channels. The correspondence between the OLCI reference channel and the SLSTR oblique channel is computed by estimating the common swath between these two images and establishing a superimposition in the gridded Level-1B product. These results are used to project all OLCI/SLSTR parameters on the same grid, the SYN reference grid, i.e. the OLCI acquisition one.
The post-processing step gathers all de-registration information over land pixels, inter and intra-instrument and writes this information to the Level-1 product.
L2 Algorithms
SYN AOD Processing
SYN Level 2 AOD processing starts, once the whole OLCI and SLSTR datasets have been projected on the OLCI reference grid, with the creation of a super-pixel dataset.
A super-pixel is defined on the OLCI image pixel on a 15x15 pixels basis. All parameters are checked regarding surface classification and cloud detection before being averaging. Then, on this super-pixel dataset, an aerosol retrieval module is performed to retrieved aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm.
The cloud detection is based on a combination of the OLCI bright pixel flag and the SLSTR summary cloud flag. Discussion are on-going to improve this cloud detection and replace it by dedicated algorithm.
This aerosol retrieval is close to the one applied on SYN L2 SDR products (i.e. based on a double optimization of the error model), but with important differences:
An ocean transfer radiative model has been included, taken into account SLSTR radiances and providing aerosol characteristics over the whole swath
The inversion process and associated Look-up-tables have been adapted to retrieve continuous aerosols components from 35 aerosols mixtures
Prior climatology of aerosol properties has been included and uncertainty estimate per retrieval is provided for each pixel
An additional post-processing filtering has been also added to detect missed cloudy pixels. It is based on a simple image processing considering all neighbors of a retrieved super-pixel, i.e. boxes of 9 (3x3) super-pixels. For an individual AOD retrieval to successfully pass this step of filtering the following criteria need to be met:
at least 3 neighboring super-pixels with successful retrievals are required
the sample corrected standard deviation of the valid super-pixels in the 3x3 box needs to be smaller than the minimum of 0.15 or 80% of the mean AOD value + 0.04
A filtering regarding Sun Zenith Angle is also performed to exclude all AOD values associated with a SZA higher than 78°
SYN VGT-P and VGT-S Processing
SYN Level-2 VGT processing aims to combine information from the OLCI and SLSTR instruments to provide comparable products to SPOT-VGT to allow continuity of data delivery to the existing user community of SPOT-VGT.
The products selected for continuity are the P, S1 and S10 products named SY_2_VGP, SY_2_VG1 and SY_2_V10, respectively.
The P projection is defined at top of atmosphere (TOA), while the S1 and S10 are composite products defined at top of canopy (TOC), i.e. after an atmospheric correction. S1 is defined over a daily time period and S10 over a 10-day (decade) period.
The starting point of the processing is the co-located TOA L2 product from the SYN branch. It is divided into four steps:
Spectral band mapping to simulate the SPOT-VGT spectral bands (four bands) at top of atmosphere from the OLCI and SLSTR bands.
Pixel flagging, indicating land, water, cloud cover, ice/snow are transferred from SYN L2 datasets.
Projection from the ortho-geolocation grid to the SPOT VGT Plate-Carrée grid at 1 km resolution. At the end of this sub-step, the SY_2_VGP product can be written.
Atmospheric correction of the VGT-P product to obtain TOC reflectance and computation of the NDVI. This last step aims to produce the VGS1&10 products.
VGT S1 products give a single ‘best’ value for TOC reflectance at the four VGT channels (B0, B2, B3, MIR), based on those giving the maximum of Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The NDVI is a simple numerical indicator that is widely used to give an indicator of vegetation amount, derived from the NIR and RED VGT channels:

The method and principals for generation of the VGT S10 product are identical to the VGT S1, except that S10 is formed using the maximum value composite over a 10‐day period.
S1 and S10 can either be generated in parallel, as is the case in CTIV, (Centre de Traitement des Images VEGETATION) or alternatively S10 can be generated from S1. The advantage of the former approach is that the same compositing program can be used to generate S1 and S10.
SYN L2 SDR Processing
SYN Level-2 SDR processing employs an advanced surface reflectance and aerosol retrieval algorithm, which makes use of the combined information from the OLCI and SLSTR instruments on Sentinel-3 to provide synergistic data for land surface and vegetation analysis. The processing aims to produce self-consistent product packages with atmosphere-corrected surface reflectance for OLCI and SLSTR channels and corresponding information on aerosol properties.
The algorithm takes as input TOA reflectance data for five solar-reflective SLSTR channels at both nadir and oblique views (resulting in a total of 10 channels, the fourth channel of SLSTR is discarded from processing as this channel is dedicated to the cloud detection), and the 16 OLCI bands at all non-absorbing channels, avoiding O2 absorption bands 13, 14 and 15, and water vapour band 19 and 20.
The output is aerosol optical thickness at a reference waveband of 550 nm, an estimate of aerosol model and Angstrom coefficient, and atmosphere-corrected surface reflectance for all input channels.
The problem of surface reflectance and aerosol retrieval can essentially be formulated as one of multivariate optimisation subject to multiple constraints.
Given a set of satellite TOA reflectances and an initial estimate of atmospheric profile, the corresponding set of surface reflectances is estimated.
Application of the observed set to the estimated set of reflectances results in an error metric, where a lower value of the metric corresponds to a set of surface reflectances (and hence atmospheric profile) that is more realistic.
These two steps are repeated with refined atmospheric profiles until convergence at an optimal solution.
SYN atmospheric correction consists of the following steps :
Averaging of collocated TOA radiance over 15 pixels squared. The averaging is appropriate for minimizing the effect of errors in image collocation, whilst retrieving aerosol within the spatial scale of aerosol variability.
Pixel-wise retrieval of aerosol properties.
Interpolation of aerosol properties retrieved for the averaged grid onto the collocated grid.
Atmospheric correction of collocated TOA radiance using the retrieved aerosol properties.
In theory, this processing should be done independently for several atmospheric model and the one providing the minimized error should be selected. However, for practical and technical reason, only the continental model is applied in this aerosol retrieval module
Before the aerosol retrieval module, a dedicated Cloud/snow detection is performed to filter out any contamination in the 15*15 combined dataset. This Cloud/Snow detection is based on a Neural network Approach only applied on OLCI radiometric measurements.
A last step aims to define and write the SYN Level-2 products.