Progress Soviet Author’s Library – A Series of Series
Progress Publishers (Moscow)
Series dates: 1973-1990
Size: 5.25″ x 8″
The Foreign Language Publishing House was a Soviet imprint for literature and political books written in English and targeted at audiences in Europe and the US. Publications began in the 1930s. Numerous series were published after WW2: Classics of Russian Literature (1950-1965), the Library of Soviet Literature (1948-1965), the Library of Selected Soviet Literature (1950-1956), the Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics (paperback, 1946-1951) and the Arts Library (1950). They also published the delightfully named Soviet Children’s Library for Tiny Tots. In the mid-1960s the name of the publisher changes to Progress Publishers.
The Progress Soviet Author’s Library reprints titles from the various FLPH literary series published in the 1950s and early 1960s. The majority of titles are dated from 1973 to 1978 but some reprints have dates as late as 1990. Titles include novels, short stories, plays, biographies, and memoirs. The series contained at least 20 titles and used a stylized flower as its series logo.
This copy of Maxim Gorky’s Childhood indicates Sixth Printing 1973, which seems to be the first printing of this title in the new Progress Soviet Author’s Library. It’s not clear which series (if any) the earlier printings were part of. Jackets are unique to each title but follow a common design. The series name is not included on the spine or front of the jacket, but is on the front jacket flap, along with a photo of the author and description of the book. The series flower logo is included on the spine, front and front flap of the jacket.
The rear of the jacket lists the first 10 titles in the series, issued, as this book, in 1973. The series name is at the top of the back jacket cover. The rear flap continues the book description began on the front jacket flap.
The bindings are of better than average quality, dark blue cloth with gold stamping. The series flower logo is imprinted on the spine and front of the book.
The half-title page is in two colors, with the series name and logo but no indication of author or title.
The title page is very simple, with the author, title and publisher’s imprint.
The copyright page includes the printing history of the title: