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Players born in Wejherowo

Player Age Club
Jacek Wicon
37 years GOSRiT Luzino GOSRiT Luzino
Arkadiusz Gieraszek
Striker - Centre-Forward
29 years
Michal Nalepa
Midfield - Central Midfield
29 years Sakaryaspor Sakaryaspor
Rafal Siemaszko
Striker - Centre-Forward
38 years GOSRiT Luzino GOSRiT Luzino
Maciej Bank
Midfield - Attacking Midfield
30 years GOSRiT Luzino GOSRiT Luzino
Blazej Miszka
Defence - Right-Back
30 years
Pawel Czoska
Midfield - Attacking Midfield
34 years GOSRiT Luzino GOSRiT Luzino
Przemyslaw Szur
Defence - Centre-Back
28 years Ruch Ruch
Michal Wiecek
30 years Start Mrzezino Start Mrzezino
Maciej Szymanski
Midfield - Defensive Midfield
36 years Gryf Wejherowo Gryf Wejherowo
Kamil Godula
28 years Gryf Wejherowo Gryf Wejherowo
Krzysztof Wicki
Defence - Centre-Back
34 years Olimpia Grudziadz Olimpia Grudziadz
Dawid Patelczyk
30 years Stolem Gniewino Stolem Gniewino
Fabian Katny
Midfield - Right Midfield
24 years
Dawid Pilarski
Midfield - Attacking Midfield
23 years Gryf Wejherowo II Gryf Wejherowo II
Piotr Robakowski Retired
Defence - Centre-Back
34 years
Patryk Szlas Retired
30 years
Adrian Sulima Retired
Midfield - Central Midfield
34 years
Henryk Szczepański Retired
91 years

Managers and Coaches born in Wejherowo

Person Age Club
Jaroslaw Krupski
Goalkeeping Coach
55 years
91 years
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