Huriti – Wikipedija/Википедија

  • ️Thu Jun 14 2007
Drevna Mezopotamija
Gradovi / kraljevstva
Sumer: UrukUrEridu
Akadsko Carstvo: Akkad
Asirija: AssurNiniva
Sumerski kraljevi
Asirski kraljevi
Babilonski kraljevi
Klinasto pismo
Enûma Elish
Za historiju kraljevstva Mitanni (1500–1300. pne.), v. Mitanni.

Huriti (također Kuriti;[1] klinopis Ḫu-ur-ri 𒄷𒌨𒊑) su bili narod drevnog Bliskog Istoka, koji je živio u sjevernoj Mezopotamiji i oblastima istočno i zapadno od nje, s početkom od oko 2500. pne.. Vjerojatno su se naselili s Kavkaza, ali za to nema čvrstih dokaza. Postojbina im je bila Subartu, dolina rijeke Khabur, a kasnije su se nametnuli kao vladari malih kraljevstva au Mezopotamiji i Siriji. Najveće i najvažnije od njih je bilo kraljevstvo Mitanni.

Huriti su igrali važnu ulogu u historiji Hetita.

  1. Hittites on Bartleby.
  • Martiros Kavoukjian, Armenia, Subartu and Sumer, Montreal, 1989
  • Jacquetta Hawkes, "The First Great Civilizations"

"Yet the Hurrians did not disappear from history. Away to the North in their Armenian homeland, they entrenched themselves and build up the kingdom of Urartu."

  • E. A. Speiser, "Introduction to Hurrians,"
  • E. A. Speiser, "Hurrians and Subarians,"
  • Artak Movsisyan, Sacred Highland: Armenia in the spiritual conception of the Near East, Yerevan, 2000.
  • Artak Movsisyan, Aratta: Land of the Sacred Law, Yerevan, 2001.
  • Vahan Kurkjian, History of Armenia, Michigan, 1958
  • Martiros Kavoukjian, The Genesis of Armenian People, Montreal, 1982.
  • O.R. Gurney, "The Beginning of Civilization,"

"The influence of the Hurro-Hittite upon Greek religion is indeed remarkable." "The weather god Teshub, standing on the bull, who became well known throughout the Roman Empire under the name of Jupiter dolic henus."

  • Hovick Nersessian, Highlands of Armenia, Los Angeles, 2000.
  • Vyacheslav V. Ivanov and Thomas Gamkrelidze, The Early History of Indo-­European Languages, Scientific American, vol. 262, N3, 110­116, March, 1990
  • Chahin, M. 1987. The Kingdom of Armenia. Reprint: Dorset Press, New York. 1991.
  • Isaac Asimov, The Near East: 10,000 Years of History,Boston :Houghton Mifflin, 1968.
  • Ignace J. Gelb, 1944, Hurrians and Subarians, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization No. 22, Illinois, University of Chicago Press.
  • Mayrhofer, Manfred: Die Arier im Vorderen Orient - ein Mythos?, Wien 1974.
  • Wilhelm, Gernot: The Hurrians, Aris & Philips Warminster 1989.
  • Wilhelm, Gernot (ed.): Nuzi at seventy-five (Studies in the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians), Capital Decisions Ltd Bethesda 1999.
  • Diakonov I.M., Starostin S.A.Hurro-Urartian as an Eastern Caucasian Languages. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft, R. Kitzinger, München 1986.