Mervyn Peake – Wikipedija/Википедија
- ️Thu Oct 21 2021
Mervyn Laurence Peake (9.7. 1911 – 17.11. 1968.) bio je engleski modernistički pisac, umjetnik, pjesnik i ilustrator. Najpoznatiji je pos ciklusu knjiga Gormenghast, mada je ispravniji naziv Titus s obzirom da ju je Peake namjeravao posvetiti jednom te istom liku, ali ga je u tome spriječila smrt. Ponekad se uspoređuju s djelima njegovog suvremenika Tolkiena, mada je njegova nadrealistička proza inspiraciju prije našla kod Dickensa i Roberta Louisa Stevensona nego kod Tolkienovih studija mitologije i filologije.
Peake je također pisao poeziju i besmislenu književnost u stihu, pripovjetke za odrasle i djecu ("Letters from a Lost Uncle"), kazališne i radio-drame, te Mr Pye, relativno tradicionalni roman u kome Bog implicitno ismijava evangeličke pretenzije i konformistički stav junaka.
Peake je reputaciju prvo stvorio kao slikar i ilustrator 1930-ih i 1940-ih, živeći u Londonu i stvarajući portrete poznatih ličnosti. Zbirka tih crteža je danas u posjedu njegove porodice. Iako nije bio popularan za života, uživao je ugled kod kolega, a prijatelji su mu bili Dylan Thomas i Graham Greene. Njegova djela su danas dio zbirke Nacionalne galerije portreta i Imperijalnog ratnog muzeja.
- Captain Slaughterboard Drops Anchor (1939)
- Shapes and Sounds (1941)
- Rhymes without Reason (1944)
- Titus Groan (1946)
- The Craft of the Lead Pencil (1946)
- Letters from a Lost Uncle (from Polar Regions) (1948)
- Drawings by Mervyn Peake (1949)
- Gormenghast (1950)
- The Glassblowers (1950)
- Mr Pye (1953)
- Figures of Speech (1954)
- Titus Alone (1959)
- The Rhyme of the Flying Bomb (1962)
- Poems and Drawings (1965)
- A Reverie of Bone and other Poems (1967)
- Selected Poems (1972)
- A Book of Nonsense (1972)
- The Drawings of Mervyn Peake (1974)
- Mervyn Peake: Writings and Drawings (1974)
- Twelve Poems (1975)
- Boy in Darkness (prvo posebno izdanje, 1976)
- Peake's Progress (1978)
- Ten Poems (1993)
- Eleven Poems (1995)
- The Cave (1996)
- Captain Slaughterboard Drops Anchor (Country Life, 1939)
- Ride a Cock Horse and Other Nursery Rhymes (Chatto & Windus, 1940)
- Lewis Carroll: Hunting of the Snark ()
- Lewis Carroll: Alice in Wonderland
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
- Braća Grimm: Household Tales
- Quentin Crisp: All This and Bevin Too
- Robert Louis Stevenson: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
- Robert Louis Stevenson: Treasure Island
- Balzac: Droll Stories (Folio Society, 1961)
- The Rhyme of the Flying Bomb(1962)
- Mervyn Peake Arhivirano 2021-10-21 na Wayback Machine-u, the official site
- Gormenghast, the official Gormenghast site
- Peake Studies, the periodical dedicated to Peake's life and work
- the Peake entry in the Literary Encyclopedia
- The Scriptorium: Mervyn Peake Arhivirano 2004-01-22 na Wayback Machine-u
- "An Excellence of Peake" Arhivirano 2005-11-25 na Wayback Machine-u, by Michael Moorcock
- Gormenghast Castle Arhivirano 2010-04-16 na Wayback Machine-u
- Self-portrait from the National Portrait Gallery collection
- Interview with Sebastian Peake, Mervyn Peake's son, on Arhivirano 2007-10-09 na Wayback Machine-u
- Winnington, G. Peter (ed.) (2006) Mervyn Peake: the man and his art. (London: Peter Owen)
- Winnington, G. Peter (2000) Vast Alchemies: the life and work of Mervyn Peake. (London: Peter Owen)
- Winnington, G. Peter (2006) The Voice of the Heart: the working of Mervyn Peake's imagination. (Liverpool U P / Chicago U P)
- Peake, Mervyn (ca.1950) 'Notes towards a Projected Autobiography', printed in Maeve Gilmore (ed.), Peake's Progress: Selected Writings and Drawings of Mervyn Peake (London: Allen Lane, 1978)