William Haines – Wikipedija/Википедија

  • ️Tue Jan 02 1900
William Haines
glumac, dizajner interijera

promotivna fotografija iz 1928. godine

Biografske informacije
RođenjeCharles William Haines
2. 1. 1900.
Staunton, Virginia, SAD
Smrt26. 12. 1973. (dob: 73)
Santa Monica, Kalifornija, SAD
PartnerJimmie Shields (1926–1973)
Profesionalne informacije
Zanimanjeglumac, dizajner interijera
Djelatni period1922–1935 (gluma)
Službene stranice

Charles William "Billy" Haines (2. januar 1900 – 26. decembar 1973) je bio američki filmski glumac, poznat po nastupima u nizu uspješnih komedija u Hollywoodu pred kraj nijeme i na početku zvučne ere. Karijeru mu je prekinulo odbijanje da poriče svoju homoseksualnost, koja je u tadašnjem Hollywoodu bila javna tajna, odnosno na sugestiju matičnog studija MGM sklopi tzv. "lavandin brak". Umjesto toga se preorijentirao na karijeru dizajnera interijera, pri čemu je zajedno sa svojim životnim partnerom Jimmiejem Shieldsom ostvario veliki uspjeh.

Godina Naslov Uloga Napomene
1922 Brothers Under the Skin Bit part nenaveden
1923 Lost and Found on a South Sea Island statist
1923 Souls for Sale Pinkey – Assistant Director
1923 Three Wise Fools Gordon Schuyler
1924 Three Weeks Curate
1924 True As Steel Gilbert Morse
1924 The Midnight Express Jack Oakes
1924 The Gaiety Girl Owen Tudor St. John
1924 Wine of Youth Hal Martin
1924 Circe, the Enchantress William Craig izgubljeni film
1924 So This Is Marriage?
1924 The Wife of the Centaur Edward Converse izgubljeni film
1925 A Fool and His Money John Smart
1925 Who Cares Martin sačuvan u Kongresnoj biblioteci
1925 The Denial Ljubavnik u flashbacku djelomično izgubljen film
1925 A Slave of Fashion Dick Wayne izgubljen film
1925 Fighting the Flames Horatio Manly, Jr. izgubljen film
1925 The Tower of Lies August izgubljen film
1925 Little Annie Rooney Joe Kelley
1925 Sally, Irene and Mary Jimmy Dungan
1925 MGM Studio Tour Himself Short subject made by MGM
1926 Mike Harlan
1926 The Thrill Hunter Peter J. Smith
1926 Memory Lane Joe Field
1926 Brown of Harvard Tom Brown
1926 Lovey Mary Billy Wiggs izgubljen film
1926 Tell It to the Marines Redov "Skeet" Burns
1927 A Little Journey George Manning izgubljen film
1927 Slide, Kelly, Slide Jim Kelly
1927 Spring Fever Jack Kelly
1928 West Point Brice Wayne
1928 The Smart Set Tommy
1928 Telling the World Don Davis
1928 Excess Baggage Eddie Kane izgubljen film
1928 Show People Billy Boone
1928 Alias Jimmy Valentine Jimmy Valentine
1929 The Duke Steps Out Duke
1929 A Man's Man Mel
1929 The Hollywood Revue of 1929 sam sebe
1929 Speedway Bill Whipple
1929 Navy Blues Kelly
1930 The Girl Said No Tom Ward
1930 Free and Easy sam sebe - gost alternativni naslov: Easy Go
1930 Estrellados sam sebe
1930 Way Out West Windy
1930 Remote Control William J. Brennan
1931 A Tailor Made Man John Paul Bart
1931 The Stolen Jools Bill Haines
1931 Just a Gigolo Lord Robert Brummel također scenaograf
1931 New Adventures of Get Rich Quick Wallingford Wallingford
1932 Fast Life Sandy
1932 Are You Listening? Bill Grimes
1934 Young and Beautiful Robert Preston Set decorator
1934 The Marines Are Coming Por. William "Wild Bill" Traylor
1936 Craig's Wife scenograf