reject - Simple English Wiktionary

reject is on the Academic Word List.

Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

  1. (transitive) If you reject an idea or belief, you decide that you do not believe it.
    We reject the idea that English is somehow "better" than other languages.
    The court rejected his arguments that he should be set free.
  2. (transitive) If you reject a person, you refuse to care for that person.
    Often people who are infected with AIDS are rejected by family and friends.
  3. (transitive) If you reject an object, you refuse to take it or keep it.
    Consumers have the right to reject problem goods and demand a refund.
  1. (countable) A reject is something that has been rejected.
  2. (countable) (slang) A reject is a stupid person.