Elizabeth Hoover

Elizabeth Gunderson, B.Ed. (née Hoover; also known as Miss Hoover) is a recurring character on The Simpsons. She is a second-grade teacher at Springfield Elementary School.


Elizabeth Hoover Miss Hoover Blue Hair

Mrs. Hoover with blue hair

Miss Hoover has been worn down by her years in the public school system and is therefore unable to retain an enthusiastic attitude during her job, although she does show premises of it on some occasions. As much as Hoover is concerned for the future of the children (as opposed to Edna, who didn't seem to care the slightest), she hates her job and seems overwhelmed with stress, seeking whatever remedies she can to alleviate it. Hoover is often seen smoking even while teaching, even under a "No Smoking" sign in the assembly hall. She also occasionally drinks on the job. Once she was granted tenure, she willingly turned over her teaching responsibilities to Ralph Wiggum.

Her desperate attempts to regain her stability include rushing out of class to recite "Calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean" with her eyes closed, and even, on two occasions, getting into her car and driving off (although one of those instances also had to do with a teacher's strike that Edna proposed).

She was replaced by a substitute teacher, Mr. Bergstrom, when she thought of being diagnosed with Lyme disease. It turned out that her condition was psychosomatic, which the kids thought meant that she was "faking it" and "crazy", with her admitting that it was "a bit of both."[2]

She seems to have a better handle on Bart that Edna does, but this can be attributed to the fact that she likely was his teacher back when he was in second grade.

She also seemed to be dangerously unaware of how a teacher is supposed to act and is gullible at times relating to teaching. This trait was especially evident when Homer Simpson, who was a newly-made teacher at the Springfield Adult Education center, was speeding and driving through red lights while behaving as though being a teacher made him entitled to do such a thing: Hoover, who briefly witnessed, and heard, Homer's behavior, felt that she must be entitled to do the same thing, and began to do the same reckless behavior[3]. She also was not above sleeping in class, which Nelson Muntz once exploited by doodling a message saying "Insert Booze Here" with an arrow pointing to her mouth.[4] She also appears to be somewhat resistant to injury, as she was hurled head-first out of the teachers lounge during a massive brawl after Mike said Edna's fourth grade students suck, but simply got back up, straightened her blouse and went back inside to resume fighting[5]. Despite her negative attitude towards teaching, she has demonstrated considerable skill in math, being able to calculate 926 dollars simply by leafing through them - though this could also be meant to imply that she has extensive experience with illicit, cash-only transactions.


Non Canon Appearances[]

The contents of this article or section are considered to be non-canon and therefore may not have actually happened/existed.

Video Games[]

In The Simpsons Game, Miss Hoover is one of two characters that doesn't have any lines, even whilst exploring the town; the other being Lunch-lady Doris.

She becomes a character in The Simpsons Tapped Out, coming with the Ah, Fudge! Factory and Cocoa Beanie.


In "Future-Drama", she can be seen in Moe's Tavern with Edna Krabappel when Homer Simpson and Bart Simpson attempt to look for females.

In "Days of Future Future", she is one of the many women Bart has a relationship with.

At the end of "Flanders' Ladder", she is shown to be one of the many wives of Ned Flanders.

Treehouse of Horror series[]

"Treehouse of Horror XX"[]

In the second segment, Dial "M" for Murder or Press "#" to Return to Main Menu, she picks a student other than Lisa to represent the class at a reading roundup. Lisa's enraged response causes Miss Hoover to give her detention where she and Bart concoct a plan to get revenge on their teachers. Lisa ding-dong-ditches Mrs. Krabappel, but Bart kills Miss Hoover.


She once joined a team of single people who all went and did stunts. It is also revealed her that she dated Rainier Wolfcastle only to realize he was just practicing for his movie "I Dated A Plain Girl"[7]

Behind the Laughter[]

Miss Hoover is voiced by Maggie Roswell, and was temporarily voiced by Marcia Mitzman Gaven while Roswell was involved in a salary dispute.

In her initial appearances in season 2 and 3, her hair is bright blue, barring "Lisa's Substitute", "Bart the Lover" and "Homer at the Bat., where it is light brown, and "Bart the Murderer", where it is orange. From season 4 onwards, brown becomes the norm.


  • She is named after Matt Groening's first grade teacher.
  • She lives next door to the Van Houtens.[8]
  • In the Latin American dub, she is named Elizabeth Stricter.
  • In The Simpsons: Tapped Out, she states of having a tramp stamp.
  • She has a slight New England accent in the earlier episodes.


The Simpsons: Season Two
"Bart Gets an "F"": "Simpson and Delilah": "Treehouse of Horror": "Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish": "Dancin' Homer":
Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
"Dead Putting Society": "Bart vs. Thanksgiving": "Bart the Daredevil": "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge": "Bart Gets Hit by a Car":
Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
"One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish": "The Way We Was": "Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment": "Principal Charming": "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?":
Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
"Bart's Dog Gets an F": "Old Money": "Brush with Greatness": "Lisa's Substitute": "The War of the Simpsons":
Absent Absent Minor Minor Absent
"Three Men and a Comic Book": "Blood Feud":
Absent Absent
The Simpsons: Season Three
"Stark Raving Dad": "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington": "When Flanders Failed": "Bart the Murderer": "Homer Defined":
Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
"Like Father, Like Clown": "Treehouse of Horror II": "Lisa's Pony": "Saturdays of Thunder": "Flaming Moe's":
Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
"Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk": "I Married Marge": "Radio Bart": "Lisa the Greek": "Homer Alone":
Absent Absent Absent Minor Absent
"Bart the Lover": "Homer at the Bat": "Separate Vocations": "Dog of Death": "Colonel Homer":
Minor Cameo Minor Minor Absent
"Black Widower": "The Otto Show": "Bart's Friend Falls in Love": "Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?":
Absent Absent Absent Absent
The Simpsons: Season Four
"Kamp Krusty": "A Streetcar Named Marge": "Homer the Heretic": "Lisa the Beauty Queen": "Treehouse of Horror III":
Minor Absent Absent Absent Absent
"Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie": "Marge Gets a Job": "New Kid on the Block": "Mr. Plow": "Lisa's First Word":
Minor Absent Absent Absent Absent
"Homer's Triple Bypass": "Marge vs. the Monorail": "Selma's Choice": "Brother from the Same Planet": "I Love Lisa":
Absent Minor Absent Absent Minor
"Duffless": "Last Exit to Springfield": "So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show": "The Front": "Whacking Day":
Cameo Absent Absent Absent Absent
"Marge in Chains": "Krusty Gets Kancelled":
Minor Absent
The Simpsons: Season Five
"Homer's Barbershop Quartet": "Cape Feare": "Homer Goes to College": "Rosebud": "Treehouse of Horror IV":
Absent Absent Absent Cameo Absent
"Marge on the Lam": "Bart's Inner Child": "Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood": "The Last Temptation of Homer": "$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)":
Absent Cameo Absent Cameo Absent
"Homer the Vigilante": "Bart Gets Famous": "Homer and Apu": "Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy": "Deep Space Homer":
Cameo Absent Absent Absent Absent
"Homer Loves Flanders": "Bart Gets an Elephant": "Burns' Heir": "Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song": "The Boy Who Knew Too Much":
Absent Absent Absent Minor Absent
"Lady Bouvier's Lover": "Secrets of a Successful Marriage":
Cameo Minor
The Simpsons: Season Six
"Bart of Darkness": "Lisa's Rival": "Another Simpsons Clip Show": "Itchy & Scratchy Land": "Sideshow Bob Roberts":
Absent Minor Absent Absent Absent
"Treehouse of Horror V": "Bart's Girlfriend": "Lisa on Ice": "Homer Badman": "Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy":
Cameo Cameo Cameo Absent Absent
"Fear of Flying": "Homer the Great": "And Maggie Makes Three": "Bart's Comet": "Homie the Clown":
Absent Minor Absent Absent Absent
"Bart vs. Australia": "Homer vs. Patty and Selma": "A Star is Burns": "Lisa's Wedding": "Two Dozen and One Greyhounds":
Absent Absent Cameo Minor Absent
"The PTA Disbands": "'Round Springfield": "The Springfield Connection": "Lemon of Troy": "Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part One)":
Minor Absent Absent Absent Minor
The Simpsons: Season Seven
"Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two)": "Radioactive Man": "Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily": "Bart Sells His Soul": "Lisa the Vegetarian":
Absent Cameo Absent Cameo Minor
"Treehouse of Horror VI": "King-Size Homer": "Mother Simpson": "Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming": "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular":
Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
"Marge Be Not Proud": "Team Homer": "Two Bad Neighbors": "Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield": "Bart the Fink":
Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
"Lisa The Iconoclast": "Homer The Smithers": "The Day The Violence Died": "A Fish Called Selma": "Bart on the Road":
Minor Absent Absent Absent Absent
"22 Short Films About Springfield": "Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"": "Much Apu About Nothing": "Homerpalooza": "Summer of 4 Ft. 2":
Cameo Absent Cameo Absent Minor
The Simpsons: Season Eight
"Treehouse of Horror VII": "You Only Move Twice": "The Homer They Fall": "Burns, Baby Burns": "Bart After Dark":
Cameo Absent Absent Cameo Cameo
"A Milhouse Divided": "Lisa's Date with Density": "Hurricane Neddy": "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Homer)": "The Springfield Files":
Absent Cameo Cameo Cameo Cameo
"The Twisted World of Marge Simpson": "Mountain of Madness": "Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious": "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show": "Homer's Phobia":
Absent Absent Cameo Cameo Absent
"Brother from Another Series": "My Sister, My Sitter": "Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment": "Grade School Confidential": "The Canine Mutiny":
Cameo Cameo Cameo Cameo Absent
"The Old Man and the Lisa": "In Marge We Trust": "Homer's Enemy": "The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase": "The Secret War of Lisa Simpson":
Absent Cameo Absent Absent Minor
The Simpsons: Season Nine
"The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson": "The Principal and the Pauper": "Lisa's Sax": "Treehouse of Horror VIII": "The Cartridge Family":
Absent Minor Absent Cameo Absent
"Bart Star": "The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons": "Lisa the Skeptic": "Realty Bites": "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace":
Cameo Minor Minor Absent Minor
"All Singing, All Dancing": "Bart Carny": "The Joy of Sect": "Das Bus": "The Last Temptation of Krust":
Absent Absent Cameo Absent Cameo
"Dumbbell Indemnity": "Lisa the Simpson": "This Little Wiggy": "Simpson Tide": "The Trouble with Trillions":
Absent Minor Absent Absent Cameo
"Girly Edition": "Trash of the Titans": "King of the Hill": "Lost Our Lisa": "Natural Born Kissers":
Absent Cameo Cameo Cameo Absent
The Simpsons: Season Ten
"Lard of the Dance": "The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace": "Bart the Mother": "Treehouse of Horror IX": "When You Dish Upon a Star":
Minor Absent Absent Cameo Absent
"D'oh-in' in the Wind": "Lisa Gets an "A"": "Homer Simpson in: "Kidney Trouble"": "Mayored to the Mob": "Viva Ned Flanders":
Absent Minor Absent Cameo Cameo
"Wild Barts Can't Be Broken": "Sunday, Cruddy Sunday": "Homer to the Max": "I'm with Cupid": "Marge Simpson in: "Screaming Yellow Honkers"":
Cameo Absent Absent Absent Minor
"Make Room for Lisa": "Maximum Homerdrive": "Simpsons Bible Stories": "Mom and Pop Art": "The Old Man and the "C" Student":
Absent Absent Absent Absent Cameo
"Monty Can't Buy Me Love": "They Saved Lisa's Brain": "Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo":
Cameo Cameo Cameo
The Simpsons: Season Eleven
"Beyond Blunderdome": "Brother's Little Helper": "Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?": "Treehouse of Horror X": "E-I-E-I-D'oh":
Cameo Absent Absent Absent Absent
"Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder": "Eight Misbehavin'": "Take My Wife, Sleaze": "Grift of the Magi": "Little Big Mom":
Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
"Faith Off": "The Mansion Family": "Saddlesore Galactica": "Alone Again, Natura-Diddily": "Missionary: Impossible":
Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
"Pygmoelian": "Bart to the Future": "Days of Wine and D'oh'ses": "Kill the Alligator and Run": "Last Tap Dance in Springfield":
Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
"It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge": "Behind the Laughter":
Absent Absent


The full image gallery for Elizabeth Hoover may be viewed at Elizabeth Hoover/Gallery.


Characters voiced by Maggie Roswell

Maude Flanders | Helen Lovejoy | Elizabeth Hoover | Luann Van Houten | Princess Kashmir | Mary Bailey | Shary Bobbins | Barbara Bush | Mona Simpson | Martha Quimby

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The Simpsons Characters
The Simpsons and relatives
Homer SimpsonMarge SimpsonBart SimpsonLisa SimpsonMaggie Simpson
Santa's Little HelperSnowball IIAbraham SimpsonPatty BouvierSelma BouvierMona SimpsonJacqueline BouvierLing BouvierHerb Powell
Around Springfield
Jasper BeardlyComic Book GuyKumiko AlbertsonBarney GumbleMaude FlandersNed FlandersProfessor FrinkGil GundersonJulius HibbertLionel HutzHelen LovejoyReverend Timothy LovejoyCaptain Horatio McCallisterAkiraHans MolemanMarvin MonroeBleeding Gums MurphyApu NahasapeemapetilonMayor Joe QuimbyDr. Nick RivieraAgnes SkinnerCletus SpucklerDisco StuSqueaky-Voiced TeenMoe SzyslakSam and LarryKirk Van HoutenLuann Van HoutenClancy WiggumEddieLouCrazy Cat LadyLindsey NaegleCookie KwanWiseguyBrandine SpucklerThe Yes GuySanjay NahasapeemapetilonBlue-haired LawyerJudge Roy SnyderRich TexanLuigi RisottoOld Jewish ManMrs. Glick
Media Personalities
Itchy & ScratchyKent BrockmanKrusty the ClownTroy McClureSideshow MelRainier Wolfcastle | Arnie PyeRadioactive ManDuffmanBumblebee ManBill and MartyDrederick TatumMr. TeenyScott ChristianBooberellaGabboLurleen LumpkinCelebrities
Springfield Elementary School faculty and students
Superintendant ChalmersSeymour SkinnerEdna KrabappelElizabeth HooverGroundskeeper WillieOtto MannLunchlady DorisDewey LargoRayshelle PeytonDr. J. Loren PyrorMilhouse Van HoutenRalph WiggumNelson MuntzMartin PrinceRod FlandersTodd FlandersSherri and TerriWendell BortonDatabaseJimbo JonesKearney ZzyzwiczDolph StarbeamÜter ZörkerJaney PowellLewisRichardBashir bin Laden
Springfield Nuclear Power Plant
Charles Montgomery BurnsWaylon SmithersCarl CarlsonLenny LeonardCharlieBlinky
Snake JailbirdKang & KodosHermanSideshow BobFat TonyFrankie the SquealerJohnny TightlipsLegs and Louie
The SimpsonsThe BouviersThe FlandersThe Van HoutensThe Wiggums
Guest Stars
Matt GroeningConan O'BrienStan LeeStephen HawkingMark ZuckerbergKaty PerryLady GagaElon MuskLizzoTaika Waititi
Fictional charactersOne-Time CharactersLGBT charactersParodied celebritiesAnimals