HEAL - Al Alamain International Airport | SkyVector


Al Alamain International Airport

Location Information for HEAL

Coordinates: N30°55.47' / E28°27.68'
View all Airports in Matruh, Egypt.
Elevation is 143.0 feet MSL.

Operations Data

Airport Use:Open to the Public

Airport Communications

AL AMAIN INTL Emergency:121.50
ALAMAIN TWR Tower:120.00
FOLLOW ME Tower:121.90
ALAMAIN TWR Tower:123.40

Runway 13/31

Dimensions:11483 x 148 feet / 3500 x 45 meters
Runway 13Runway 31
Coordinates:N30°56.09' / E28°26.85'N30°54.85' / E28°28.52'
Elevation: 143 140
Runway Heading: 126° 306°