Potsdamska konferenca - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija
- ️Tue Dec 20 2005
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Potsdamska konferenca (angleško Potsdam Agreement, rusko Потсдамское соглашение, latinizirano: Potsdamskoe soglašenje) je potekala na Cecilienhofu, domu princa Wilhelma Hohenzollerna, v Potsdamu, Nemčija, od 17. julija do 2. avgusta 1945. Države udeleženke so bile Sovjetska zveza, Združeno kraljestvo in ZDA. Predstavljali so jih generalni sekretar sovjetske komunistične partije Josif Stalin, ministrski predsednik Združenega kraljestva Winston Churchill in kasneje Clement Attlee ter predsednik ZDA Harry S. Truman.
Stalin, Churchill in Truman – pa tudi Attlee, ki je Churchilla nadomestil po porazu na volitvah, so se zbrali, da bi se dogovorili, kaj narediti z nacistično Nemčijo, ki je devet tednov pred tem, 8. maja 1945, podpisala brezpogojno kapitulacijo. Cilji konference so obsegali tudi vzpostavitev povojnega reda, mirovne pogodbe in spoprijem s posledicami vojne.
(v angleščini)
- Truman and the Potsdam Conference
- Annotated bibliography for the Potsdam Conference from the Alsos Digital Library Arhivirano 2005-12-20 na Wayback Machine.
- The Potsdam Conference, July – August 1945 on navy.mil Arhivirano 2014-12-19 na Wayback Machine.
- United States Department of State Foreign relations of the United States : diplomatic papers : the Conference of Berlin (the Potsdam Conference) 1945 Volume I Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1945
- United States Department of State Foreign relations of the United States : diplomatic papers : the Conference of Berlin (the Potsdam Conference) 1945 Volume II Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1945
- European Advisory Commission, Austria, Germany Foreign relations of the United States : diplomatic papers, 1945.
- Cornerstone of Steel[mrtva povezava], Time magazine, 21 January 1946
- Cost of Defeat Arhivirano 2007-03-11 na Wayback Machine., Time magazine, 8 April 1946
- Pas de Pagaille! Arhivirano 2006-10-31 na Wayback Machine. Time magazine, 28 July 1947
- Agreements of the Berlin (Potsdam) Conference Arhivirano 2009-08-02 na Wayback Machine.
- Interview with James W. Riddleberger Chief, Division of Central European Affairs, U.S. Dept. of State, 1944–47
- "The Myth of Potsdam," Arhivirano 2006-10-13 na Wayback Machine. in B. Heuser et al., eds., Myths in History (Providence, Rhode Island and Oxford: Berghahn, 1998)
- "The United States, France, and the Question of German Power, 1945–1960," Arhivirano 2006-10-13 na Wayback Machine. in Stephen Schuker, ed., Deutschland und Frankreich vom Konflikt zur Aussöhnung: Die Gestaltung der westeuropäischen Sicherheit 1914–1963, Schriften des Historischen Kollegs, Kolloquien 46 (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2000).
- U.S. Economic Policy Towards defeated countries Arhivirano 2006-10-11 na Wayback Machine. April, 1946.
- Lebensraum Arhivirano 2009-09-21 na Wayback Machine.