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Find out our Liturgy schedule here

English Mass

This is a fully English Liturgy aimed at anyone who prefers to pray in English and we welcome all with open arms to attend and share this opportunity with us.


The liturgy takes place on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of every month starting at 9AM.

Young deacons see it as a great opportunity to learn, practice and shine.

This takes place in the nursery of the hall.

Saturday Vespers

A collection of prayers are said in preparation for the Sunday Liturgy the next day. It is a valuable chance to prepare.

Every week on Saturday evening, a short Vespers service is held from 7PM-7:30PM.

This is then succeeded by Midnight Praises from 7:30PM-9:30PM.

Everyone is welcome to prepare with us for the sacrament of Communion the next day.

Midnight Praises

Succeeding the Saturday Vespers, this is a chance to offer praises and ask for intercessions as we prepare for the Sunday Liturgy.


Each week following the Saturday Vespers from 7PM-7:30PM, the Midnight Praises take place from 7:30PM-9:30PM.

Everyone is welcome to praise and prepare with us for the sacrament of Communion the next day. It is a blessed opportunity.


Our usual Liturgies schedule for normal and non-festive seasons. During the festive seasons an updated schedule is published and shared.


Find out our Liturgy schedule here

English Mass

This is a fully English Liturgy aimed at anyone who prefers to pray in English and and we welcome all with open arms to attend and share this opportunity with us.


The liturgy takes place on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of every month starting at 9AM.

Young deacons see it as a great opportunity to learn, practice and shine.

This takes place in the nursery of the hall.

Saturday Vespers

A collection of prayers are said in preparation for the Sunday Liturgy the next day. It is a valuable chance to prepare.

Every week on Saturday evening, a short Vespers service is held from 7PM-7:30PM.

This is then succeeded by Midnight Praises from 7:30PM-9:30PM.

Everyone is welcome to prepare with us for the sacrament of Communion the next day.

Midnight Praises

Succeeding the Saturday Vespers, this is a chance to offer praises and ask for intercessions as we prepare for the Sunday Liturgy.


Each week following the Saturday Vespers from 7PM-7:30PM, the Midnight Praises take place from 7:30PM-9:30PM.

Everyone is welcome to praise and prepare with us for the sacrament of Communion the next day. It is a blessed opportunity.

Sunday School

A range of classes for children from the age of 3 all the way until 18 years old. The curriculum covers important aspects of the Bible, Coptic Orthodox history, current relevant topics and faith.


Classes take place every Sunday from around 1pm-2:30pm, depending on the age group.


  1. Primary School (Nursery – Year 6) – Magid Mansor (07788975767)
  2. Secondary School (Year 7 – 13) – Marco Saadallah (07884974426)


Aimed at youth wanting to become servants in the future. Extensive curriculum is taught throughout the year which then ends with an exam and an interview with both priests.


These classes are aimed at university students (18+)

Classes take place in the priests’ offices and start at 1:30PM and aim to finish at 2:30PM.

For more information, contact Fr. Looka.

English Bible Study

This is an english bible study open for anyone who wants to join and enjoy the word of God after the Sunday liturgy.


The Bible Study is held every Sunday in the nursery of the church hall.

It starts at 12:30PM after the liturgy and finishes at 1:30PM.

For more information contact Ashraf Sadek on 07791530138.

EPIC Youth Meeting

This Friday youth meeting takes a more social approach and aims to engage the youth through stimulating talks and allows them to participate in an array of activities.


EPIC (Endless Possibilities in Christ) Friday meeting is designed for those who are aged 13 years and above.

It takes place every Friday with the talk starting at 8PM and finishing at 8:30PM. This is usually followed by activities including board games, Playstation tournaments, group games etc.

For more information contact Fr. Mina.

GG Cafe

This is a chance for people to come and enjoy a bite, prepared by the youth for the congregation, with their friends and family in a warm and relaxed environment.


On the first, third and fifth Sunday of every month, panini are prepped, coffee machines are connected and dessert is dispensed.

The Cafe is set up after every English Mass in the nursery of the church hall is operated on a PWYW basis; all donations go the church.

If you would like to help or would like more information contact Julie Kheir on 07722294730.

Football Training

Built around the Golders Green Football Team, MNF has grown into a weekly football match that involves players from all backgrounds. Brothers from many different walks of life. It is a chance for the youth to socialise to enjoy a quality football match.


Training takes place every Monday from 7:00 -9:00 pm at Preston Manor High School – Carlton Avenue East, Wembley HA9 8NA.

Male players are picked based on regular attendance and ability to ensure competitive matches.

For more information, contact Hani Mohib (GGFC Coach) on 07958057784.

Youth Leisure Activities

Following the EPIC Youth Meeting on Fridays and after Sunday School, a range of activities are available for all to take part in.


Activities include:

  • Playstation
  • Table Tennis
  • Nintendo Wii
  • Pictionary
  • and many more games.

Activities take place on Friday after 8:30PM and on Sundays after 2:30PM.

Hymns Class

These classes teach the fundamental hymns of the church as well as providing the opportunity to learn how to sing and lead as one choir.


All are welcome to attend the class every Thursday at 8PM – 9PM in Fr. Mina’s office.

For more information, contact Fr. Mina.


This service is provided to our children in order to provide them with extra help in their studies. A range of subjects are covered.

Subjects covered include:

  • Maths
  • Science
  • Languages

These classes often take place on Saturdays in the church hall and is designed for children in both primary and secondary education. For further information contact Maria on 07946388472.

St. Paul's Meeting

This meeting is primarily aimed at the people who joined the Coptic Orthodox Church not from Childhood and want further support and fellowship as well as bible study.


The meeting takes place every Monday from 8:00PM to 10:00PM in Fr. Mina’s office.

For more information contact Fr. Mina.

Aghapy Meeting

Priests engage with those attending by giving a brief talk, Bible study or answer any burning questions people may have.


The meeting takes place every Wednesday morning at 11:30AM in either of the priests’ offices.

All are welcome to attend.

Church Cleaning

Once a month, a group of people volunteer their time and give the church a deep cleansing. It's a chance for people to commune whilst also keeping the house of the Lord clean and proper.


This happens on a monthly basis and is under the see of Rita Basilious.

All are welcome to volunteer and help.



Under the see of Hani Rasmi and Vicky Sidarous. For any orders please call Hani on 07958 957771


The Ti-Theotokos and Ti-Parthenos choirs allow children and adults interested in singing and playing musical instruments to share their talents.


The Ti-Theotokos Choir is for children and is managed by Akram Shehata. For more information contact him on 07951630566.

The Ti-Parthenos Choir is for adults and is managed by Elham Fakhouri. For more information contact her on 07956828343.

Trips and Retreats

Throughout the year, trips are organised for the congregation to provide them with an opportunity to grow closer and create lifelong memories.

Trips in the past have been to Wales, Margate, Bournemouth, Jerusalem and Disneyland Paris. Information about trips is announced after liturgies and is disseminated on Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets.

For more information contact either of the priests.

Bus Service

St. Augustine's Bus Service was created for the elderly who can't come on their own to church. The church provides a community bus that transports them to and from church.


The service was primarily created for the elderly but has grown to accommodate for anyone who finds it difficult to come to church due to no means of transport.

The bus service is managed by George Hawi (07956073695) and Michael Makram (07969081476).

Aghapy Services

This service is to provide food and drinks for the whole congregation after the Sunday Liturgy.


This service is managed by Naguat Bushra.

Help and donations are welcome. For more information contact Naguat Bushra (07415622060).


The Ti-Theotokos and Ti-Parthenos choirs allow children and adults interested in singing and playing musical instruments to share their talents.


The Ti-Theotokos Choir is for children and is managed by Akram Shehata. For more information contact him on 07951630566.

The Ti-Parthenos Choir is for adults and is managed by Elham Fakhouri. For more information contact her on 07956828343.

Trips and Retreats

Throughout the year, trips are organised for the congregation to provide them with an opportunity to grow closer and create lifelong memories.

Trips in the past have been to Wales, Margate, Bournemouth, Jerusalem and Disneyland Paris. Information about trips is announced after liturgies and is disseminated on Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets.

For more information contact either of the priests.

Bus Service

St. Augustine's Bus Service was created for the elderly who can't come on their own to church. The church provides a community bus that transports them to and from church.


The service was primarily created for the elderly but has grown to accommodate for anyone who finds it difficult to come to church due to no means of transport.

The bus service is managed by George Hawi (07956073695) and Michael Makram (07969081476).

Aghapy Services

This service is to provide food and drinks for the whole congregation after the Sunday Liturgy.


This service is managed by Naguat Bushra.

Help and donations are welcome. For more information contact Naguat Bushra (07415622060).

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