referencedIn |
Frank Whitson Fetter Papers, 1902-1992
David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
Shaemas O'Sheel Letters, 1938-1941
Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center |
referencedIn |
New Yorker records
New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. Artist file.
Brooklyn Museum Libraries & Archives |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. AMS, [ca. 1930].
Copley Press, J S Copley Library |
referencedIn |
The ACA Galleries records
Archives of American Art |
referencedIn |
Guide to the Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Papers, 1896-1964
Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives |
referencedIn |
Earl Browder Papers, 1879-1990
Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center |
creatorOf |
Art Young Collection, circa 1919-1939
Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center |
referencedIn |
Waldo Peirce Papers, 1889-1985
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Fred Ellis Papers, 1923-1968, 1941-1955
Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center |
creatorOf |
Wood, Charles Erskine Scott, 1852-1944. Papers of C. E. S. Wood, 1829-1980 (bulk 1870-1940).
Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. Art Young correspondence, 1891-1943.
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
creatorOf |
Rice, Elmer, 1892-1967,. Elmer Rice letters from various correspondents, 1915-1967.
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Beffel, John Nicholas. Papers, 1909-1970.
Churchill County Museum |
referencedIn |
Papers, 1925-1972
Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America |
creatorOf |
Bates, Ralph. Correspondence with Wanda Gág, 1938-1944.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
McCutcheon, John T. (John Tinney), 1870-1949. Album of letters from cartoonists.
Ohio State University Libraries |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. Correspondence with Van Wyck Brooks, 1937-1943.
University of Pennsylvania Library |
referencedIn |
Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866. Jared Sparks collection of American manuscripts, 1582-1843
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
San Francisco Academy of Comic Art collection : Newspaper Comic Strips, 1893-1996
The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum |
referencedIn |
Oswald Garrison Villard papers
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Read, Opie Percival, 1852-1939. Papers of Opie Percival Read [manuscript], 1885-1917.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Ohio State University. Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum. Art Young 1866-1943 biographical file.
Ohio State University Libraries |
creatorOf |
James David Preston illustrated autograph book
Archives of American Art |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. Drawing of Hamlin Garland [manuscript], 1894 May 28.
University of Virginia. Library |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. Papers, 1913-1955 (bulk 1924-1944).
New-York Historical Society |
referencedIn |
United China Relief records, 1928-1947
New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division |
referencedIn |
Elmer Rice letters from various correspondents, 1915-1967.
Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University |
creatorOf |
Albee, George Sumner, 1905-1964. Collection of letters to Kyle Crichton from leftist activists, screenwriters, novelists, literary critics, fans, etc., [1927]-1960.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, 1847-1902. Papers of Mary Hartwell Catherwood, 1877-1899, n.d.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Mine excursion group photo.
Boulder Public Library |
referencedIn |
Kent, Rockwell, 1882-1971. Rockwell Kent papers, ca.1885-1970.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. Correspondence with Carl Zigrosser, 1916-1944, n.d.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. Correspondence file, 1927-1929, from Boni & Liveright and Horace Liveright, Inc.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
referencedIn |
Records of District Courts of the United States. 1685 - 2009. Criminal Case Files. 1845 - 1979. United States of America v. The Masses Publishing Company, Max Eastman, Floyd Dell, C. Merril Rogers Jr., Henry J. Glinterkamp, Arthur Young, John Reed, and Josephine Bell
National Archives at New York |
creatorOf |
Hill, Draper. Keppler family papers, 1840-1956.
Churchill County Museum |
referencedIn |
Houghton Library printed book provenance file, R-Z and unidentified
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Dennett, Mary Ware, 1872-1947. Papers: Series V, 1913-1945 (inclusive).
Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America |
referencedIn |
Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan, extra-illustrated.
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Partymiller, Walter. Correspondence with Carl Zigrosser, 1941-1965.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
referencedIn |
Kelly, Harry May, 1871-1953. Letters, to Agnes Inglis, 1927-1948.
University of Michigan |
referencedIn |
Young, Art, 1866-1943 : [miscellaneous ephemeral material].
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Thomas J. Watson Library |
referencedIn |
Lynd Ward papers
Archives of American Art |
referencedIn |
Guide to the Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Papers, 1896-1964
Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. Letters, 1939-1942, to Lewis Mumford.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Art Young Papers, Bulk, 1924-1944, 1891-1955, (Bulk 1924-1944)
Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives |
creatorOf |
Max Weber papers
Archives of American Art |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. Letters and post cards, 1918 October 11-1937 December 27, New York, N.Y., and Danbury, Conn., to Frederick Hier, New York, N.Y., and Pleasantville, N.Y.
Dartmouth College Library |
referencedIn |
The ACA Galleries records
Archives of American Art |
creatorOf |
Adamic, Louis, 1899-1951,. Letters to Alfred Kreymborg [manuscript], 1921-1956.
University of Virginia. Library |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1928-1943.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
referencedIn |
John Nicholas Beffel Papers, 1909-1970
Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives |
creatorOf |
Adams, Elbridge L., 1866-. Collection of books from the library of William Faulkner.
University of Virginia. Library |
creatorOf |
Brooks, Van Wyck, 1886-1963. Van Wyck Brooks letters, 1927-1963.
Pennsylvania State University Libraries |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. [Letters], 1929-1930.
Ohio State University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Ornitz, Samuel, 1890-1957. Papers, 1919-1957.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
referencedIn |
John Reed papers, 1903-1967.
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. Letter, 1920-1930, New York City [to] Mr. [Edwin] Markham, [Staten Island] / Art Young.
Wagner College, Horrmann Library |
creatorOf |
The ACA Galleries records
Archives of American Art |
referencedIn |
Gannett, Lewis, 1891-1966. Papers, 1681-1966 (bulk 1900-1960)
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
John Barber papers
Archives of American Art |
referencedIn |
Records of District Courts of the United States. 1685 - 2009. Criminal Case Files. 1845 - 1979. United States of America v. The Masses Publishing Company, Max Eastman, Floyd Dell, C. Merril Rogers Jr., Henry J. Glinterkamp, Arthur Young, and John Reed
National Archives at New York |
referencedIn |
Fred C. Kelly Papers, 1867-1966
Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center |
creatorOf |
Minor, Robert, 1884-1952. Letter, 1923 Nov. 30, Chicago, to Art Young, New York.
University of Michigan |
referencedIn |
Frank, Adelaide Schulkind. Papers, 1925-1972 (inclusive).
Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. Letter, [19]42 Mar. 25, Hotel Irving, New York [to] Betty Farrow] / Art Young.
Indiana State University, Cunningham Memorial Library |
referencedIn |
Keppler Family Papers, 1840-1957
New-York Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Guide to the Daily Worker and Daily World Photographs Collection, 1920-2001
Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives |
creatorOf |
Hires, Harrison Streeter, 1887-1962,. Letters. : Additions.
Haverford College Library |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. Correspondence with Wanda Gág, 1929-1941.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
referencedIn |
Rockwell Kent Papers, ca.1885-1970.
Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
John Reed papers, 1903-1967.
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Papers of Mary Ware Dennett
Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America |
creatorOf |
Young, Art, 1866-1943. Letter, 1929 March 9, New York City [to] Mr. Edwin [Markham], [Staten Island] / Art Young.
Wagner College, Horrmann Library |