Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792 - Social Networks and Archival Context

  • ️Fri Jul 16 1723
referencedIn Joshua Reynolds Collection, circa 1772 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center referencedIn Duveen Brothers records, 1876-1981, 1909-1964 Getty Research Institute referencedIn Doyle, Richard, 1824-1883,. Autograph letters signed from "Dick" [i.e. Richard Doyle] to John Doyle [manuscript], 1842-1843. Folger Shakespeare Library creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792. Letters, 1768-1791. Getty Research Institute referencedIn MacNutt, W. Stewart, 1908-1976. U.N.B. : 1959 - Miscellaneous. University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Harriet Irving Library referencedIn Notes for the catalog of a paintings collection, [not after 1829]. Getty Research Institute referencedIn Garrick, David, 1717-1779,. Autograph letters signed from David Garrick to the Hon. Mr. Fitzmaurice [manuscript], 1773 [January 19], May 6 and October 2. Folger Shakespeare Library referencedIn Library Collection of Study Photographs and Clippings, ca. 1930-2000 Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, The Clark creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792. Autograph letter signed : [London], to Strahan Esqr., 1788 June 1. Pierpont Morgan Library. referencedIn Oliver Goldsmith papers, 1758-1798 Free Library of Philadelphia: Rare Book Department referencedIn J. J. S. Epitaphs selected from various quarters by I. I. S., 1856. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792. Autograph letter signed : London, to Thomas Astle, 1784 Mar. 8. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 1741-1821. Hester Lynch Piozzi correspondence, 1769-1820. Houghton Library creatorOf Say, William, 1768-1834,. [The Dilettanti Society] [graphic] / Sir Joshua Reynolds pinxt. ; Say sculp. Boston Athenaeum creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792. Artist file. Brooklyn Museum Libraries & Archives referencedIn Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784. Painting of Samuel Johnson, n.d. University of Virginia. Library referencedIn Tweedie, Robert A. (Robert Allison), 1908-1989. Canada, Individual, R.A. Tweedie : Correspondence with Lord Beaverbrook regarding various New Brunswick projects, June 1955. University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Harriet Irving Library referencedIn J. Walter (Bookseller). This day was published, in quarto, price five shillings, sewed, Testimonies to the genius and memory of Sir Joshua Reynolds, by the author of Imperfect hints toward a new edition of Shakespeare, 1792. Pennsylvania State University Libraries creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, 1723-1792. Master Hare [Multimédia multisupport]. Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF referencedIn The life and anecdotes of William Russell Birch, enamel painter / William Russell Birch Archives of American Art referencedIn Macpherson, Ann, d. 1862. Letter: 1854 July 11, Belleville [Kingussie], to J.T. Gibson-Craig / Ann Macpherson. University of Edinburgh - Main Library, Edinburgh University Library creatorOf Reynall, Henry, fl. 1791. Autograph document : sent to Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1791. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Papers, 1767-1791. Houghton Library referencedIn Lawrence, Thomas, Sir, 1769-1830. Autograph letter signed : London, to [J.W. Croker], [1829] July 8. Pierpont Morgan Library. referencedIn Barnard, Thomas, 1728-1806. To Sir Joshua Reynolds by the Dean of Derry [poem], 1769. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens referencedIn Papers concerning the Sir Joshua Reynolds estate, 1791-1906 (inclusive), 1791-1799 (bulk). Houghton Library referencedIn Garrick, David, 1717-1779. David Garrick papers, 17--. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives referencedIn Papers relating to the British conquest of Canada, 1759-1773 Houghton Library referencedIn Locker-Lampson, Warburg, Grimson autograph album, 1552-1890. Houghton Library referencedIn Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797. Autograph draft of a toast to Alderman Boydell, sent down the table to Sir Joshua Reynolds at a Royal Academy dinner, [London], 25 April 1789 [manuscript]. Stanford university libraries creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792,. [Portrait of William Duke of Cumberland] [graphic] / The British Library, Group Batchload referencedIn Samuel Johnson letters, 1731-1784. Houghton Library referencedIn Preston Gibson Papers, 1903-1920. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library creatorOf Boswell, James, 1740-1795. Letter 1791 January 4. Denver Public Library, Central Library referencedIn Library Collection of Study Photographs and Clippings, ca. 1930-2000 Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, The Clark referencedIn Papers of Francis Howard, painter, art critic and gallery director, 1891-1954 Tate Gallery Archive creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792. Autograph letter signed : Royal Academy, to [Benjamin West], 1789 Apr. 7. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Burke, Jane Mary Nugent, d. 1812. Autograph note in the third person : to Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1777 Mar. 4. Pierpont Morgan Library. referencedIn Samuel Johnson letter to Joshua Reynolds, 1781 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division referencedIn Siddons, Sarah, 1755-1831,. Letters from Sarah Siddons to various recipients, 1783-1820. Folger Shakespeare Library referencedIn Tom Taylor Collection, c. 1950s - 1980s V & A Department of Theatre and Performance referencedIn Amy Lowell autograph collection, 1523-1930. Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859. Autograph manuscript letter (signed) to [Mary] Berry; Bourges, 1843 September 1. Houghton Library referencedIn Metcalfe, Philip, 1735-1818. Papers concerning the Sir Joshua Reynolds estate, 1785-1901 (inclusive), 1791-1799 (bulk). Houghton Library referencedIn Tomline, George, 1813-1889,. Autograph letter signed from George Tomline, Orwell Park, Ipswich, to -- Brooke [manuscript], 1876 November 13. Folger Shakespeare Library referencedIn Johnsoniana; or, Supplement to Boswell: being anecdotes and sayings of Dr. Johnson, extra-illustrated, 1738-1840 (inclusive), 1784-1837 (bulk). Houghton Library referencedIn Austen, Jane, 1775-1817. Autograph letter signed : London, to Cassandra Austen, 1813 May 24. Pierpont Morgan Library. referencedIn Waterhouse, Ellis Kirkham, 1905-. Notebooks and research files, 1801-1987 (bulk 1924-1979). Getty Research Institute referencedIn William Upcott papers, 1650-1881. Houghton Library referencedIn Leslie, Charles Robert, 1794-1859. Letter : London, to Thomas Sully, Philadelphia, Pa., 1815 Mar. 21. Bryn Mawr College, Mariam Coffin Canaday Library referencedIn Papers, 1808-1888. Houghton Library creatorOf Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784. Samuel Johnson letters, 1731-1784. Houghton Library creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792. Autograph signature, 1784 Mar. 8. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792. Account and sitters book of Sir Joshua Reynolds, ca. 1850? Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens referencedIn Barnard, Thomas, 1728-1806,. Autograph letters signed from Thomas Barnard to David Garrick [manuscript], 1777. Folger Shakespeare Library creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792. Autograph letter signed, 1788 Feb. 11. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792. Papers, 1767-1791. Houghton Library creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, 1723-1792. Working draft manuscript, ca. 1772. Getty Research Institute creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, 1723-1792. Master Hare. Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF creatorOf Turner, Charles, 1774-1857,. [The Dilettanti Society] [graphic] / Sir Joshua Reynolds pinxt. ; Turner sculp. Boston Athenaeum creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792. [Notes on art], [ca. 1794 or later]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library referencedIn Mitchell, Donald Grant, 1822-1908. Letter, 1874 Dec. 3, New Haven [Conn.] to Daniel Huntington [New York?] University of Michigan creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792. Autograph statement unsigned, entitled "Facility" : [n.p., n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library. referencedIn Parr, Samuel, 1747-1825. [Correspondence concerning the Latin epitaph for Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)], [1790][copies made ca. 1821-1823]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792,. Autograph letters signed from Sir Joshua Reynolds, London, to David Garrick and Edmund Malone [manuscript], 1774-ca. 1790. Folger Shakespeare Library creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792. Autograph letter in third person, not signed : [n.p., to Mr. West, n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Gainsborough, Thomas, 1727-1788. Autograph letter signed : [London], to Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1782 Apr. Pierpont Morgan Library. referencedIn Beechey, William, Sir, 1753-1839. Letters, ca. 1798-1834. Getty Research Institute referencedIn Papers, 1752-1795. Houghton Library referencedIn Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, 1768-1836 Yale Center for British Art referencedIn Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 1723-1792 : [miscellaneous ephemeral material]. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Thomas J. Watson Library referencedIn Beattie, James, 1735-1803. Diary : manuscript, May 6 - June 20, 1775. Houghton Library referencedIn Vol. I (ff. i + 214). (a) Papers relating to the "European Magazine," with details respecting the Handel Commemoration, 1784-1787. ff. 59 b-100; (b) Facsimile of Milton's assignment of "Paradise Lost" to S. Symons, 1667. The original is Add. MS. 1886... British Library referencedIn Ellis Kirkham Waterhouse notebooks and research files, 1801-1987, ca. 1924-ca. 1979 Getty Research Institute referencedIn Cotton, William, 1794-1863. 28 letters to John Mitford, 1855-1858. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792. Receipt acknowledging payment for a painting, 1789 July 23. Getty Research Institute referencedIn Frederick W. Hilles manuscript collection, ca. 1668-1902 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library referencedIn Burney, Charles, 1726-1814. [Poems], 1760-1797. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library referencedIn Boswell Collection, 1428-1936, 1700-1795 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library referencedIn John Mitford: Correspondence and Papers, 1796-1859 Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives referencedIn Ruskin, John, 1819-1900. Sir Joshua and Holbein : autograph manuscript : [England?], ca. 1857-1860. Pierpont Morgan Library. referencedIn Flaxman, John, 1755-1826. Autograph letter signed : Buckingham Street [London], to William Hayley, 1804 Nov. 7. Pierpont Morgan Library. referencedIn Hester Lynch Piozzi correspondence, 1769-1820. Houghton Library referencedIn Wilson, Andrew, 1780-1848. Letter: 1823 May 4, 35 Howe Street [Edinburgh], to Andrew Geddes / Andrew Wilson. University of Edinburgh - Main Library, Edinburgh University Library creatorOf Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792. Autograph manuscript, not signed, [n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library. referencedIn Letters of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., collected and edited by George Birkbeck Hill, extra-illustrated, 1413-1900 (inclusive), 1775-1839 (bulk). Houghton Library referencedIn Rebecca Spring Papers, ca. 1830-1900 Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives referencedIn Cunningham, Allan, 1784-1842. Letter : London, to "Dear Sir", 1829 Mar. 31. Bryn Mawr College, Mariam Coffin Canaday Library referencedIn Abington, Mrs., (Frances Barton), 1737-1815. Autograph letter in third person : [London], to Mr. Webster, [n.y.] Nov. 4. Pierpont Morgan Library.