Cornell Law School. - Social Networks and Archival Context

Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Leach, Walter Barton. W. Barton Leach Papers. 1920-1971. Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Thompson, George Jarvis, 1886-1957. George Jarvis Thompson papers, 1906-1957. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Edwin Hamlin Woodruff papers, 1888-1938. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Hand, Clarence. Clarence Hand papers, 1909. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Thoron, Gray. Thoron Gray papers, 1922-1987. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Summers, Robert S. Robert Summers papers, 1969-2011. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Papers, 1927-1984 Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn William Baskerville Hamilton Papers, 1700-1975 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Stevens family. Stevens family papers, [ca. 1775-2004]. Cornell University Library
referencedIn MacDonald, John Winchester, 1905-1981. John Winchester MacDonald papers, [ca. 1921-1974]. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Gray Thoron papers, 1922-1987. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Wilson, Lyman Perl, 1883-1951. Lyman Perl Wilson papers, 1895-1951. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Shannon Minter and Paisley Currah notes from a meeting with the Vice President of Academic Programs and Campus Affairs, 1992. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Flexner, Magdalen Hupfel, 1907-1972. Magdalen Hupfel Flexner papers, 1943-1964. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Larry Palmer papers, 1972-2011. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Sol M. Linowitz Papers, 1778-1999, (bulk 1946-1995) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Strickler, Daniel Bursk, 1897-1992. Lt. General Daniel B. Strickler collection, 1916-1993. Lancaster County Historical Society
referencedIn Boardman, Douglass, 1822-1891. Douglass Boardman papers, 1839-1891. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Frank Irvine papers, 1907-1939. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Douglass Boardman papers, 1839-1891. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Penney, Norman, 1926-. Norman Penney papers, [ca. 1960-1981]. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Cornell Law School,. Civil liberties material,[ca. 1950s]. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Learned Hand papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Forrester, Ray, 1911-. William Ray Forrester papers, 1962-1973. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Best, Kathleen Mary, 1957- . Women lawyers : a case study of early female graduates from the Cornell University Law School, 1979. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Minter, Shannon. Shannon Minter and Paisley Currah Notes from a meeting with the Vice President of Academic Programs and Campus Affairs, 1992. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Ray Forrester papers, 1962-1973. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Robinson, Gustavus Hill, 1881-1972. Gustavus Hill Robinson papers, [ca.1946]-1971. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Woodruff, Edwin Hamlin, 1862-1941. Edwin Hamlin Woodruff papers, 1888-1938. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Cowen, Denis V. (Denis Victor). Is there a place for the white man in Africa / Denis V. Cowan. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Law School. External Relations records, 1991-2000. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn White, Fred Rollin. Fred Rollin White scrapbooks, 1892-1895. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Thistlethwaite, Joe Layet. Joe Layet Thistlethwaite miscellany, 1891-1916. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Kohn, Benjamin. Benjamin Kohn Law School notebooks, 1904-1906. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Gitlitz, James B. Memos for my children : an autobiography, 1995. Cornell University Library
referencedIn James Bradley Thayer papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Willcox, Bertram F. Bertram F. Willcox papers, 1919-1961. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Association of the Bar of the City of New York. Special Committee to Study Commitment Procedures. Confidential : admission to mental hospitals under New York law : report / of Special Committee to Study Commitment Procedures of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York and Cornell Law School. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Irvine, Frank, 1858-1931. Frank Irvine papers, 1907-1939. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Roscoe Pound Papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Palmer, Larry I., 1944-. Larry Palmer papers, 1972-2011. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Cornell Law School. William D. P. Carey prize records, 1926-1931. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Cornell Law School. Course synopses, 1894-1896. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Richard H. Field papers, 1942-1978 Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
creatorOf Cornell Law School photographs, 1974-1996. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
creatorOf Cornell Law School. Cornell Law School photographs, 1974-1996. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Magruder, Calvert, 1893-1968. Papers. 1920-1965 Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Bookstaver, David Richard. David R. Bookstaver notebook, 1926. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Cornell University miscellaneous pamphlet report and publication collection, 1886- Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Cornell Law School Dean's office records, 1917-1989. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Cornell University. Cornell University miscellaneous pamphlet report and publication collection, . 1886- Cornell University Library