Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870 - Social Networks and Archival Context

  • ️Fri May 18 1798

Army officer and author.

From the description of Papers of Ethan Allen Hitchcock, 1810-1873. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 78216510

Soldier and author. During the Mexican War, Hitchcock served in Zachary Taylor's army of occupation and as Inspector-General on Winfield Scott's staff.

From the description of Commentary on Winfield Scott's campaign in the Mexican War, [18--]. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 84926698

From the description of Commentary on Winfield Scott's campaign in the Mexican War, [18--]. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 702150207

Ethan Allen Hitchcock was born in Vergennes, Vermont in 1798. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1817 and was a career Army officer. He served in the Second Seminole War, the Mexican-American War, and the Civil War. A philosopher and scholar, he published several monographs, including Remarks Upon Alchemy and the Alchemists (1857), Swedenborg: A Hermetic Philosopher (1858), and Christ the Spirit (1860). His memoirs are collected in A Traveler in Indian Territory: The Journal of Ethan Allen Hitchcock (Cedar Rapids, Ia., The Torch Press,1930).

From the guide to the Ethan Allen Hitchcock collection on Indian removal, 1804-1896, (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library)

Ethan Allen Hitchcock, grandson of the American patriot Ethan Allen, attended West Point in 1817 and spent most of his life thereafter in the U.S. military.

He served under General Taylor in the Mexican War and held administrative posts with the Union Army during the Civil War.

From the description of Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, letter, 1845. (University of Texas Libraries). WorldCat record id: 23175331

Career army officer and author.

An 1817 U.S. Military Academy graduate born in Vergennes, Vt., Hitchcock served with distinction in various military assignments prior to his Jan., 1842, appointment as lieut. col. of the 3rd Infantry. Stationed at Fort Stansbury, Fla., Hitchcock was ordered in the fall of 1842 to reopen the Seminole War and to pursue, capture, and destroy the remnants of a fugitive Creek Indian band headed by the chief Pascofa. Exercising his belief that friendly negotiation was more effective than hostilities, Hitchcock dismissed two local volunteer companies and convinced the chief and his band to leave peaceably for Arkansas. Throughout his long army career, Hitchcock also studied philosophy, alchemy, and literature, and published several works on those topics.

From the description of Letters : Fort Stansbury, [Fla.], and Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to Samuel Hitchcock, Burlington, Vt., 1843 Jan. 15 - Sept. 20. (Newberry Library). WorldCat record id: 34916750

Biographical Note

  • 1798, May 18: Born, Vergennes, Vt.
  • 1817: Graduated, United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
  • 1824 - 1827 : Instructor, United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
  • 1829: Commandant of corps, United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
  • 1833: Offered governorship of Liberia by American Colonization Society
  • 1833 - 1836 : Frontier duty, Fort Crawford, Wis.
  • 1837 - 1840 : Indian duty, Northwest
  • 1841 - 1843 : General duty, Florida
  • 1846: Published, The Doctrines of Spinoza and Swedenborg Identified
  • 1851: Published, Christ the Spirit
  • 1855: Resigned from army
  • 1857: Published, Remarks upon Alchemy and the Alchemists
  • 1858: Published, Swedenborg, a Hermetic Philosopher
  • 1862: Commissioner for Exchange of Prisoners
  • 1865: Published, Remarks on the Sonnets, and Colin Clouts Commissary General of Prisoners of War
  • 1866: Published, Notes on the Vita Nuova
  • 1868: Married Martha Rind Nichols
  • 1870, Aug. 5: Died, Sparta, Ga.

From the guide to the Ethan Allen Hitchcock Papers, 1793-1888, (bulk 1830-1865), (Manuscript Division Library of Congress)

Archival Resources

Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Smithsonian Archives. Ru 60: Meteorological Project, 1849 1875.
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Letter : n.p., to unknown person, n.p., [ca. 186-?]. Texas Christian University
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Commentary on Winfield Scott's campaign in the Mexican War, [18--]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Letters : Fort Stansbury, [Fla.], and Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to Samuel Hitchcock, Burlington, Vt., 1843 Jan. 15 - Sept. 20. Newberry Library
referencedIn Joseph Holt Papers, 1817-1895, (bulk 1859-1889) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. C.M. Hitchcock leave of absense : by order of General Hitchcock, 1852 Sept. 28. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Frederick M. Dearborn collection of military and political Americana, Part III: The Civil War: The Union, 1804-1915. Houghton Library
referencedIn Hawthorne family. Hawthorne family papers, 1825-1929. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Letter, 1841. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
creatorOf Ethan Allen Hitchcock collection on Indian removal, 1804-1896 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Indiana Indian agents. Papers, 1835-1838. Indiana Historical Society Library
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Letters: to John Canfield Spencer, 1842 Jan 9. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Letters, 1841. [microform]. University of California, Los Angeles
referencedIn Emerson family papers, 1699-1939. Houghton Library
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Ethan Allen Hitchcock letter to his brother Samuel, from Fort Jesup, Louisiana : ALS, 1845 June 14. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn John Anthony Quitman papers, 1833-1858 (inclusive) 1847-1858 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Remarks upon alchymists, and the supposed object of their pursuit : showing that the philosopher's stone is a mere symbol, signifying something which could not be expressed openly without incurring the danger of an auto de fé / by an officer of the United States Army. Smithsonian Institution. Libraries
referencedIn Mark Anthony De Wolfe Howe additional papers Houghton Library
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Papers. United States Military Academy, USMA Library
creatorOf Ethan Allen Hitchcock Papers, 1793-1888, (bulk 1830-1865) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn J. N. Nicollet papers, 1797-1843. Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Augustus Mendon Lord collection, Lord (Augustus Mendon) collection, (bulk 1876-1908), 1778-1908 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn William Woodville Rockhill papers Houghton Library
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Commentary on Winfield Scott's campaign in the Mexican War, [18--]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Croffut, W. A. (William Augustus), 1835-1915. Papers, 1774-1933 (bulk: 1880-1915) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Sprague, Achsa W., 1827-1861. Achsa W. Sprague papers, 1840-1862. Vermont Historical Society
referencedIn Hawthorne Family Papers, ca. 1800-1926 Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Croffut, W. A. (William Augustus), 1835-1915. Papers of W. A. Croffut, 1774-1933 (bulk 1880-1915). Library of Congress
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Ethan Allen Hitchcock papers, 1837-1839. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Dix, Dorothea Lynde, 1802-1887. Papers, 1798-1893 (bulk 1827-1887) Houghton Library
referencedIn William Woodville Rockhill papers Houghton Library
creatorOf Kearny, Stephen Watts, 1794-1848. Letters : Fort Leavenworth, [Kan.] and St. Louis, Mo., to E.A. Hitchcock, St. Louis, Mo., and Fort Jesup, La., 1837-1845. Newberry Library
referencedIn Beaumont, William, 1785-1853. William Beaumont collection, 1834-[ca. 1879]. University of Chicago Library
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, letter, 1845. University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Townsend, E. D. (Edward Davis), 1817-1893. Edward Davis Townsend letter : San Francisco, to his mother : ALS, 1853 Dec. 13 and 15. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn William Roscoe Thayer papers, 1762-1927 (inclusive), 1872-1921 (bulk) Houghton Library
referencedIn United States. War Dept. Letter : War Dept., Washington, [D.C.], to Brvt. Brig. General E.A. Hitchcock, Comm. Pacific Division, 1851 May 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hay, John, 1838-1905. Petition to Abraham Lincoln for exchange of officers held as prisoners of war in Texas, 1864. Boston Athenaeum
referencedIn Photographic Portrait File The Huntington Library
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Papers [microform]. University of Texas Libraries
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Archive of materials related to published versions and corrections to the book Christ the Spirit. University of North Texas Library, UNT
creatorOf Putnam, George Palmer, 1814-1872. Correspondence. Dartmouth College Library
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Transcript in the hand of Mrs. W.A. Croffert of excerpts from the diary of Ethan Allen Hitchcock, 1864-1866 [manuscript], copied 1933. Folger Shakespeare Library
referencedIn Robert Gould Shaw letters to his family and other papers, 1852-1947 (inclusive) 1855-1863 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Truman, George. Papers, 1844-1891. Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
referencedIn Philip Case Lockwood memorial collection of Civil War portraits and autographs, 1862-ca. 1886. Houghton Library
referencedIn California. Governor (1851-1852 : McDougal). Letter: to Brevet Brigadier General E. A. Hitchcock /by Governor McDougal, 1851 Dec 7. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Gratiot, Charles, 1788-1855. Letter, 1828 Nov. 22, Washington [to] Col Thayer. United States Military Academy, USMA Library
creatorOf Hough, Emerson, 1857-1923. Papers of Emerson Hough [manuscript], 1900-1920. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Library Of Congress, Manuscript Division. Ethan Allen Hitchcock Papers.
referencedIn Melville, George W. (George Wallace), 1841-1912. Papers of George W. Melville, 1880-1911. Library of Congress
creatorOf Papers of Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1813-1904. Clifton Waller Barrett Library
referencedIn Letters to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1761-1904 (inclusive), 1820-1888 (bulk) Houghton Library
referencedIn J. N. Nicollet papers, 1797-1843. Library of Congress. Manuscript Division

Bibliographic and Digital Archival Resources

Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Ariel (Steamboat) corporateBody
associatedWith Atkinson, Henry, 1782-1842. person
associatedWith Barton, William Eleazar, 1861-1930, person
associatedWith Beaumont, William, 1785-1853. person
associatedWith Bell, John, 1797-1869. person
associatedWith Big foot, Potawatomi chief. person
correspondedWith Bliss, William Wallace Smith, 1815-1853 person
associatedWith Bliss, W. W. person
associatedWith Buell, Don Carlos, 1818-1898. person
associatedWith California. Governor (1851-1852 : McDougal) corporateBody
associatedWith Chouteau, Pierre, 1789-1865. person
associatedWith Clark, William, 1770-1838. person
associatedWith Cogswell, Jonathan. person
associatedWith Crawford, Hartley, fl. 1838-1839. person
associatedWith Crawford, Thomas Hartley, 1786-1863. person
associatedWith Croffert, W. A., Mrs., person
associatedWith Croffut, W. A. (William Augustus), 1835-1915. person
associatedWith Croghan, George, 1791-1849. person
associatedWith Cullum, George W. (George Washington), 1809-1892. person
associatedWith Dearborn, Frederick M. (Frederick Myers), b. 1876 person
correspondedWith Dix, Dorothea Lynde, 1802-1887 person
associatedWith Dodge, Henry, 1782-1867. person
associatedWith Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library) corporateBody
associatedWith Eliot, William Greenleaf, 1811-1887. person
correspondedWith Emerson family. family
associatedWith Findlay, Charles, fl. 1837-1839. person
correspondedWith Foreman, Edward (Dr.) person
associatedWith Forsyth, John, 1780-1841. person
correspondedWith Fowler, Joseph Smith, 1820-1902 person
associatedWith Fox, J. M. person
associatedWith Gaines, Edmund Pendleton, 1777-1849. person
associatedWith Gratiot, Charles, 1788-1855. person
associatedWith Harris, C. A., fl. 1837. person
associatedWith Harris, Carey Allen. person
associatedWith Hawthorne family. family
associatedWith Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864. person
correspondedWith Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 person
correspondedWith Herndon, William Henry, 1818-1891 person
associatedWith Hitchcock, Charles M., d. 1885. person
associatedWith Hitchcock, C. M. person
associatedWith Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1835-1909. person
associatedWith Hitchcock, Henry, 1791-1839. person
associatedWith Hitchcock, Lucy C. person
associatedWith Hitchcock, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Hitchcock, Samuel, 1808-1851 person
associatedWith Holt, Joseph, 1807-1894. person
associatedWith Hough, Emerson, 1857-1923. person
associatedWith Hough, Franklin B. person
correspondedWith Howe, M. A. De Wolfe (Mark Antony De Wolfe), 1864-1960 person
associatedWith Indiana Indian agents person
associatedWith Jesup, Thomas Sidney, 1788-1860 person
associatedWith Jesus Christ person
correspondedWith Kearny, Stephen Watts, 1794-1848. person
associatedWith Larnard, Charles H. person
associatedWith Library of Congress. Manuscript Division. corporateBody
associatedWith Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872. person
associatedWith Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 person
associatedWith Lockwood, Philip Case, 1844-1897 person
correspondedWith Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882 person
associatedWith Lord, Augustus Mendon, 1861-1941 person
associatedWith Mann, Mary Tyler Peabody, 1806-1887. person
associatedWith Melville, George W. (George Wallace), 1841-1912. person
correspondedWith Miller, James person
associatedWith Miller, James. person
associatedWith Newberry Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Nicollet, J. N. (Joseph Nicolas), 1786-1843. person
associatedWith Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. person
associatedWith Pascofa. person
associatedWith Pilcher, Joshua, 1790-1843. person
associatedWith Pillow, Gideon Johnson, 1806-1878. person
associatedWith Poinsett, Joel Roberts, 1779-1851. person
associatedWith Putnam, George Palmer, 1814-1872. person
associatedWith Quitman, John Anthony. person
correspondedWith Rockhill, William Woodville, 1854-1914 person
associatedWith Scott, Winfield, 1786-1866. person
associatedWith Sellers, John R. person
associatedWith Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. person
correspondedWith Shaw, Robert Gould, 1837-1863 person
correspondedWith Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891 person
correspondedWith Smithsonian Institution corporateBody
associatedWith Spencer, John C. (John Canfield), 1788-1855. person
associatedWith Sprague, Achsa W., 1827-1861. person
associatedWith Sprague, J. T. (John Titcomb), 1810-1878. person
associatedWith Street, Joseph Montfort, 1782-1840. person
associatedWith Taliaferro, Lawrence, 1794-1871. person
correspondedWith Thayer, William Roscoe, 1859-1923 person
associatedWith Townsend, E. D. (Edward Davis), 1817-1893. person
associatedWith Truman, George. person
correspondedWith United States. Army corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Army. Infantry Regiment, 3rd corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Army. Pacific Division (1848-1853) corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs. corporateBody
associatedWith United States Military Academy. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Office of Indian Affairs. corporateBody
correspondedWith United States. War Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith Vroom, Peter Dumont, 1791-1873. person
associatedWith William E. Barton Collection of Lincolniana (University of Chicago) corporateBody
associatedWith Worth, William Jenkins, 1794-1849. person