Tenniel, John, 1820-1914 - Social Networks and Archival Context

  • ️Sun Feb 27 1820
creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914,. Autograph letter signed from John Tenniel, London, to Henry Irving [manuscript], 1879 October 27. Folger Shakespeare Library referencedIn Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider), 1856-1925. H. RIder Haggard papers, 1866-1956. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Autograph letter signed : 10 Portsdown Roah, to [Charles] Dodgson, [no year] July 24. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. ["You are old, said the youth, and your jaws are too weak"] [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Queen Alice [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [Disappearance of the Cheshire Cat] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Autograph letter signed : London, to Mrs. Lascelles, 1901 Jan. 10. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [White Rabbit as the Herald] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Drawings after Tenniel, 1875. Princeton University Library referencedIn Blanche Paxton album on William Makepeace Thackeray, 1836-1868 and undated. Houghton Library creatorOf CHARNWOOD AUTOGRAPHS. Vol. IV. Artistic, dramatic and scientific autogaphs, etc.; circa 16th-20th cent. Included are Sir Christopher Wren, Sir Godfrey Kneller, William Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Joseph Wright of Derby, William Blake, David Cox, Si..., approximately 16th century-20th century British Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Tweedledum tears his hair [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [King, Queen, and Executioner] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. "They'd eaten every one." [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Eastlake, Charles Lock, Sir, 1793-1865. Correspondence of Sir Charles Lock Eastlake and family, 1833-1896. Getty Research Institute creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. John Tenniel autograph letter to unidentified recipent, undated. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Thomas J. Watson Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. ["Gemini! Twins!!!"] ; ["Gemini! Twins!!!"] [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library referencedIn Charles Lutwidge Dodgson collection of papers, 1851?]-1932, 1864-1897 The New York Public Library. Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature. creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Autograph letters signed (2) : London, to "My dear Mark", [1857] and 1860 Nov. 14. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. The garden of live flowers [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel Woodblocks.91 woodblocks engraved by Sir John Tenniel to illustrate Lewis Carroll's works, and an electrotype of a 92nd block Lender: Trustees of Estate of C. L. Dodgson British Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914,. Autograph letter signed from John Tenniel, London, to Irving [manuscript], 1876 February 3. Folger Shakespeare Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Letter, [ca. 1850-1900?], to Dalziel. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. But he was very stiff and proud [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Autograph letters signed (2) : London, to Mr. Veasey, 1864 Nov. 5 and 25. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Autograph letter signed : London, to "My dear Carlo", 1881 Jan. 6. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Bradbury, William, 1800-1869. Sketch of the Punch table : autograph manuscript signed, ca. 1860?. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. The White Knight in the ditch[graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. ["You are old," said the youth, "one would hardly suppose"] [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. "You may shake hands!" [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Autograph letter signed : London, to Mrs. Henry Pilleau, 1885 Jan. 27. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. ["You are old," said the youth, "as I mentioned before"] [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. "What will become of me!" [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library referencedIn Vol. CCCCI (ff. 322). Apr.-June 1884.includes:ff. 1, 16, 260 Leonard Henry Courtney, 1st Baron Courtney of Penwith: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1880-1894.f. 4 Sir Edward Walter Hamilton, GCB; Secretary to W E Gladstone: Correspondence wi... British Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. ["Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!"] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. A Terrible Battle! [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [Alice's evidence] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Vol. XXXVIII (ff. 227). 1900-1909.includes:ff. 1v, 5, 7-8, 27-29, 59-61, 67, 177v-182v, 219v H. Greenhough Smith, editor of 'The Strand Magazine': Correspondence with T. A. Guthrie: 1900-1909: Partly typewritten.ff. 3, 15, 16, 18, 35, 36, 52-75 pas..., 1900-1909 British Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Autograph letter signed : "22 Gloucester Place, New Road," to an unidentified recipient, 184?. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf LETTERS AND PAPERS; 1597-1894, n.d. Presented anonymously, with Add. Ch. 75457, 75731 and 75732, through J. L. Douthwaite, Esq., and the Friends of the National Libraries. Paper; ff. 100. Folio. 1597-1894. Included are:– 1. ff. 1-1b. Order by William..., 1597-1899 British Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Pawns [graphic]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. ALsS : London, to Edmund Evans, 1883 Aug. 9-1889 Dec. 18. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. ["Why, there they are!", said the King] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge, 1832-1898. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson collection of papers, [1851?]-1932 bulk (1864-1897). New York Public Library System, NYPL creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. ["Off with her head!" [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [Painting the Roses Red] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [The Lobster Quadrille] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. ["Nothing but a pack of Cards!"] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Brooks, Shirley, 1816-1874. A collection of signed quotations, etc. : manuscript, 1858-1860 / chiefly by Punch artists. University of Chicago Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Autograph letter signed : London, to Archie Collins , 1875 Jan. 7. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [A-sitting on a gate] [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [Alice and the Pig] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Letter : London, to the editor of "Men and women of the time," [London], 1894 Jan. 21. Texas Christian University creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Autograph letter signed : [n.p.], to F.M. Evans, 1866 July 9. Pierpont Morgan Library. referencedIn Amory, Harcourt, 1855-1925,. Harcourt Amory collection of Lewis Carroll, 1843-1915. Houghton Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. "I doubt it," said the Carpenter, And shed a bitter tear [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library referencedIn John F. Glaser collection of historical autograph letters and manuscripts, 1739-1933. Houghton Library referencedIn Alfred C. Berol Collection of Lewis Carroll, 1845 - 1993 Fales Library & Special Collections referencedIn Letters from various correspondents, 1864-1915. Houghton Library creatorOf Bradbury, William, 1800-1869,. Autograph letter signed : [London], to William Bradbury, 1862 Dec. 31. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Autograph letter signed : London, to Mr. [John Harrison] Stonehouse, 1901 Jul. 8. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. A little door about fifteen inches high [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library referencedIn Gilchrist, Herbert Harlakenden, b. 1857,. Letters from various individuals to Herbert Harlakenden Gilchrist, 1880-1905. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens referencedIn Harcourt Amory collection of Lewis Carroll, 1843-1915. Houghton Library creatorOf DEXTER DICKENS COLLECTION. Vol. IV (ff. 88). Miscellaneous correspondence and papers of literary men and artists, including Charles Dickens; 1829-1903, n.d. The items are arranged in groups in alphabetical order of writer or main correspondent. For a..., 1829-1904 British Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [Alice and the White Knight] [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library referencedIn Rosamond B. Loring collection of printed endpapers, 1900-1950 (inclusive), 1920-1941 (bulk). Houghton Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [The sleeping Gryphon] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. "Now if you're ready Oysters dear--We can begin to feed." [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Letter : to Mr. Knox, 1888 Jan. 30. University of Rhode Island Library, Kingston, University Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Block on the line, 1867. Harold B. Lee Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. "Sit down, all of you, and listen to me!" [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Slithy-Toves--Mome-raths--and Borogoves [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898. Autograph letter signed C.L. Dodgson : Christ Church, Oxford, to Harry Furniss, 1885 Apr. 20. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. "Do I look very pale?" said Tweedledum [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Sir John Tenniel collection of papers, 1861-1871. New York Public Library System, NYPL creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Through the Looking glass! ; [Beginning to melt away] [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [The Cheshire Cat] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library referencedIn Ohio State University. Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum. John Tenniel 1820-1914 biographical file. Ohio State University Libraries referencedIn Vol. III, ff. 353, P-Z.includes:f. 1 Frederick W. Pailthorpe, illustrator to C Dickens: Letter to W. Miller: 1903. f. 2 Francis Turner Palgrave, poet and anthologist: Letter to -: 1862. f. 3 Edward Henry Palmer, orientalist: Letter to S. 0. Grey: 187... British Library creatorOf À Beckett, Gilbert Abbott, 1811-1856. Dawn : autograph manuscript signed, 1847 June 15. Pierpont Morgan Library. referencedIn Charles Lutwidge Dodgson Collection, 1850-1971 Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. "Beginning to melt away" ; [Sketch of a lily] [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library referencedIn Autograph File, T, 1580-1975. Houghton Library creatorOf SUPPLEMENTARY MACMILLAN PAPERS. Vol. III (ff. 215). 1. ff. 1-186. General correspondence, continued (G-Y); 1853-1897, n.d. 2. ff. 153, 187-215. Letters, etc., to Dinah Maria Mulock, Mrs G. L. Craik, followed by a proposal for her memorial; 1845-1887...., 1845-1897 British Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Letter to "My Dear Tristram" : ALS, 1872 Dec. 2. UC Berkeley Libraries creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Letters, 1882-1914. Getty Research Institute creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. "A-sitting on a gate" [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library referencedIn Portrait of Sir John Tenniel by Lance Calkin, 1902 British Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. A dissolving view [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [Hatter gives evidence at the trial] [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Sir John Tenniel collection of papers, 1861-1871 The New York Public Library. Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature. creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. The "Phantom drums" [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library referencedIn Harcourt Amory collection of Lewis Carroll, 1843-1915. Houghton Library referencedIn Sloan, Helen Farr, 1911-2005. Helen Farr Sloan autograph collection, 1886-1964. Helen Farr Sloan Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Autograph letters (3) signed : to J.E. Millais (2) or his wife (1), 1881 Jun. 8-1896 Mar. 8. Pierpont Morgan Library. referencedIn Tenniel, Sir John, 1820-1914 : [miscellaneous ephemeral material]. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Thomas J. Watson Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [The Queen's Croquet-Ground] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [I can't stand this any longer!] [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Swain, Joseph, 1820-1909,. Letters from various correspondents, 1864-1915. Houghton Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Autograph letters signed (3) : London, to Mrs. Hardwick, 1886 Sept. 6, 1889 Feb. 5 and 1895 Jan. 13. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. "Sliding down the poker" [graphic]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. The Three Queens [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Crawhall, Joseph, 1821-1896. Punch dinner ticket : [London], to Charles Keene, 1871 July 22. Pierpont Morgan Library. creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [Gryphon and Turtle dance around Alice] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. The demon of discord vanishing at the appearance in Ireland of the good genius, Victoria, ca. 1847. Harold B. Lee Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. The White King [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library referencedIn Tenniel, John : [miscellaneous ephemeral material]. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Thomas J. Watson Library referencedIn James Russell Lowell additional papers, 1736-1951. Houghton Library referencedIn Berol, Alfred C., b. 1892,. Alfred C. Berol collection of Lewis Carroll, 1845-1993. Churchill County Museum creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [The mad Hatter] [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [Alice with flamingo and the Duchess] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [The Duchess] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Illustrations for Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice [graphic] / drawn by Sir John Tenniel. UC Berkeley Libraries creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. [Dormouse and Teapot] [graphic] / JT [Monogram] ; Dalziel. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. ALS : London, to John Baptist Tenniel, 1866 Mar. 4. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. The white queen [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library creatorOf Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914. Alice with the Fawn [graphic] / JT [Monogram]. Rosenbach Museum & Library