Jones Family Papers, 1801-1932 - View Resource - Social Networks and Archival Context

Jones Family Papers, 1801-1932

The Jones family of Oak Grove near Bethania, Stokes County (now Forsyth County), N.C., included Beverly Jones, a physician and planter; his wife Julia Amelia Conrad Jones; and their ten children: Abraham G. (Abram), James B. (1846-1911), Alexander C., Robert H., Erastus B., Virginia, Ella, Julia, Kate, and Lucien. The collection consists chiefly of correspondence of Beverly Jones, his wife Julia Amelia Conrad Jones, and their children. Letters circulated among Jones family members and members of the Conrad, Hauser, Lash, Lemly, and Wilson families of North Carolina and Henry County, Va. Topics include household and women's affairs and education; religious activities of Moravians, Disciples of Christ, Mormons, and Christian Scientists, especially of Disciples ministers Virgil Wilson and James B. Jones; and medical practice and medical study by Abram G. Jones, a medical student at the University of Virginia and the University of New York. His 1867 thesis on abortion is included. Civil War materials include letters of soldiers in North Carolina and Virginia; letters from civilians commenting on recruiting problems and desertion in the Confederate Army; a diary, 1863, of James B. Jones as a lieutenant in the 1st North Carolina Battalion Sharpshooters serving in North Carolina and Virginia; and a diary, 1864, of Abram G. Jones, describing camp life during the siege of Petersburg. Reconstruction era material includes information on relations with freedmen and Abram G. Jones's medical day book listing physician visits and charges. Later papers are primarily those of the unmarried Jones daughters, Julia, Ella, and Kate. Among the volumes are Julia Amelia Conrad Jones's diaries, Beverly Jones's medical accounts, recipe books, and farm records.