Robyn, Alfred G. (Alfred George), 1860-1935. A Yankee tourist [collection] [microform] / book by Richard Harding Davis ; lyrics by Wallace Irwin ; music by Alfred G. Robyn. - View Resource - Social Networks and Archival Context
A Yankee tourist [collection] [microform] / book by Richard Harding Davis ; lyrics by Wallace Irwin ; music by Alfred G. Robyn. c1907.
Arranged in two groups: I. Scores (1). II. Vocal scores (3). III. Promptbooks (3). The full score is a manuscript for the interpolated number "Rainbow," scored by Frank Saddler. The vocal scores are in English, published by M. Witmark, New York (c1907, pl. no. M.W. & Sons 7769). One copy is marked "Conductor's score"; the second copy bears the stamp of Henry W. Savage. Two copies contain bound in manuscript numbers and the printed music for "Where did you buy your chapeau," by Clare Kummer (Jos. W. Stern, c1907), "Teddy girl," by William Jerome and Jean Schwartz (Francis, Day & Hunter, N.Y. c1907, pl. no. F.D. & H. 232-4), "There comes a night," by Benjamin Hapgood Burt (Jerome H. Remick, N.Y., c1907), and "Wal, I swa," by Burt (M. Witmark, N.Y., c1907, pl. no. M.W. & Sons 8079). The promptbooks are in English, typed, and hardbound.