Sacramento 2024/25 - Transfers - Everything for Football (Soccer) ⚽

  • ️Fri Dec 01 2023

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  1. USA
  2. Sacramento
  3. Transfers

Transfers In

Player Age Date From Details
Jared Mazzola
26 years 12/01/2023 Greenville Triumph SC Greenville Triumph SC Transfer
Trevor Amann
Striker - Centre-Forward
26 years 12/01/2023 Northern Colorado Hailstorm FC Northern Colorado Hailstorm FC Transfer
Cristian Parano
Midfield - Attacking Midfield
25 years 08/16/2023 San Antonio FC San Antonio FC Transfer
Johnny Fenwick
Defense - Centre-Back
30 years 02/09/2023 Tulsa Tulsa Transfer
Juan Sebastian Herrera
Striker - Centre-Forward
30 years 02/03/2023 Cortuluá Cortuluá Transfer
Arnold López
Midfield - Central Midfield
30 years 01/31/2023 Mineros de Guayana Mineros de Guayana Transfer
Shane Wiedt
Defense - Centre-Back
29 years 01/12/2023 Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Transfer
Jared Timmer
Midfield - Defensive Midfield
27 years 12/06/2022 Indy Eleven Indy Eleven Transfer
Russell Cicerone
Striker - Left Wing
30 years 12/02/2022 Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Transfer
Josh Bauer
Defense - Centre-Back
26 years 07/29/2022 Nashville Nashville Transfer

Transfers Out

Player Age Date To Details
Carlos Saldaña
28 years 01/30/2024 Detroit City Detroit City Transfer
Ferrety Sousa
Defense - Right-Back
34 years 01/26/2024 Forward Madison FC Forward Madison FC Transfer
Johnny Fenwick
Defense - Centre-Back
30 years 01/22/2024 Northern Colorado Hailstorm FC Northern Colorado Hailstorm FC Transfer
Luther Archimède
Striker - Centre-Forward
25 years 12/12/2023 Monterey Bay FC Monterey Bay FC Transfer
Douglas Martínez
Striker - Centre-Forward
27 years 03/17/2023 Indy Eleven Indy Eleven Transfer
Santiago Suarez
Defense - Centre-Back
19 years 01/01/2023 New England Revolution II New England Revolution II Transfer
Duke Lacroix
Defense - Left-Back
31 years 12/14/2022 Colorado Springs Colorado Springs Transfer
Maalique Foster
Midfield - Right Midfield
28 years 12/01/2022 Colorado Springs Colorado Springs Transfer
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