Archie Knuckles' Chaotix

Knuckles' Chaotix is the fourth issue of the Sonic Specials comic series published by Archie Comics.

Featured stories[]

Note: This issue takes place between Sonic the Hedgehog #30 - #31.

The Chaos Effect[]


Part 1[]

The Knothole Freedom Fighters arrive at a new amusement park on the Floating Island. Sonic the Hedgehog notices that every Freedom Fighter they've ever met is here, including Knuckles. Knuckles grumpily protests against being called a Freedom Fighter and tells them he didn't invite them. The manager of the park, Renfield T. Rodent, says he invited them and welcomes them all to the park. The rodent eagerly encourages them to head into the Hall of Mirrors.

The group heads inside and enjoys the mirrors, but are then overcome by a flash of light. Knuckles wakes up to see The Freedom Fighters imprisoned behind the mirrors. Dr. Robotnik then appears behind the glass, telling Knuckles that it was all a trap he set with Renfield's help. Knuckles tries to rush at him, but trips on the ground. Robotnik explains that the energies he released transformed his body, removing his spiked fists, super strength, and gliding abilities. Robotnik lets him go, wanting someone to witness his ultimate victory.

Part 2[]

Left a helpless witness to Robotnik's triumph, Knuckles complains about his situation on the outskirts of the amusement park. A bee zips by him and introduces himself as Charmy Bee. He says he was too busy to be at the park when Charmy's friend, Espio the Chameleon, reveals himself. He was hiding in a tree nearby and listening to Charmy and Knuckles chat. Just then, Vector the Crocodile loudly barges in on their conversation, rapping about himself until Espio snatches his headphones. Espio asks if Vector could even hear them with those headphones on, but they all hear Mighty the Armadillo burst out of the nearby cliff.

Mighty says he had help going through the mountain and introduces his friends, Heavy and Bomb. Knuckles is wary at first, but the two robots explain that the Power Gems that power their systems gave them free will. They were disgusted by Robotnik's plan to imprison the Freedom Fighters and escaped Robotropolis. To prove to Knuckles they can trust them, they reveal that the Power Gems also power the mirrors holding the Freedom Fighters, and they brought a supply of Power Gems with them. Knuckles is sure that, with the Power Gems on their side, they can defeat Robotnik.

Part 3[]

The Chaotix face a transformed Mecha Sonic.

Robotnik is complimenting Renfield on a job well done and celebrating when all of the park's rides turn on at the same time. Realizing Knuckles must have gathered reinforcements, Robotnik activates his Material Transport System to bring Mecha Sonic to the Floating Island. He orders the robot to destroy Knuckles and his new Freedom Fighters. Knuckles realizes his plan to distract Robotnik with the rides backfired and decides to charge Mecha Sonic with his new companions.

The group takes turn giving blows to Mecha Sonic, but the robot uses a Power Gem to grow to immense size. Knuckles uses one of the pilfered Power Gems to grow as well and fights Mecha Sonic. Robotnik watches in horror as they crash into the Hall of Mirrors, freeing the Freedom Fighters. With the Hall of Mirrors broken, Knuckles' powers return, and he easily smashes Mecha Sonic to pieces. Robotnik abandons Renfield and escapes on a rocket coaster. The Rodent runs for the exit, but is captured by Espio. With Renfield arrested, Sonic says at least Knuckles got some new friends for a super team of his own. All the newcomers deny being a part of a team. Sonic feels they will be teaming up again in the future though, and dubs Knuckles and his new allies "the Chaotix."



Races and species:





  • Knuckles' muzzle is miscolored white on page six.
  • Mighty makes a reference to The Hills Have Eyes.
  • Knuckles makes a reference to Pulp Fiction.
  • The lyrics to the song Vector sings is similar to "Do The Bartman" from The Simpsons.
  • Metal Sonic (at the time still being referred to as Mecha Sonic) returns for the first time since Sonic the Hedgehog #25. However, he has been redesigned from his original design featured in Sonic the Hedgehog CD and his debut issue, showcasing a more expressive design that more strongly resembles Sonic. This is the only issue to feature this design.
    • The version of Titan Metal Sonic that appears in the issue does not resemble the version seen on the issue's cover, being significantly less detailed and bulky.
  • Knuckles using a Power Gem to grow to a larger size is most likely a reference to the "Grow" item seen in Knuckles' Chaotix.
  • During the battle with Metal Sonic, Vector is shown using Tethers which resemble the magically-conjoined rings seen in Knuckles' Chaotix Where Vector obtained the rings goes unexplained, and they never appear again after this issue.
  • In this story, there is a Sonic doll shown for a prize at a "Test Your Skill" booth.

Tag! You're it![]

  • Writer: Ken Penders
  • Pencils & Inks: Harvey Mercadoocasio
  • Colors: Barry Grossman
  • Letters: Mindy Eisman
  • Editor: Scott Fulop
  • Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick
  • Editor-in-chief: Richard Goldwater
  • Special thanks to: Jennifer Hunn, Cynthia Wilkes and Susan Reyes Suarez at SEGA


Charmy tags Mighty and the armadillo reluctantly joins his game since he has nothing else to do. Charmy drags Vector into the game as well and is tagged by Mighty. Vector can't get his hands on Charmy, so he tries to get Mighty. The armadillo chops down a tree to slow him down. Vector hops out of the way and lands on Espio, who was taking nap while invisible. Vector then tags Espio and runs away. Espio chases after him, but trips and falls. In front of his face is a strange, shadowy figure. Espio realizes he's never met this person before, and the stranger says Espio never would have if they wasn't preoccupied with something else. The stranger disappears, and Espio manages to tag Charmy when he checks on him.



Races and species:


The Hunt is On![]

  • Writer & Pencils: Ken Penders
  • Inks: Jon D'Agostino
  • Colors: Barry Grossman
  • Letters: Mindy Eisman
  • Editor: Scott Fulop
  • Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick
  • Editor-in-chief: Richard Goldwater
  • Special thanks to: Jennifer Hunn, Cynthia Wilkes and Susan Reyes Suarez at SEGA


Knuckles comes running to Mighty, Charmy, and Vector and tells them they are under attack just as a series of laser beams attack them from the sky. Mighty asks if this is Dr. Robotnik's work, but Knuckles believes it may be someone else called Archimedes. As Knuckles explains, Vector falls into a pit. Luckily, he isn't hurt, and the others figure out how to haul the croc out. Suddenly, they hear a whistling noise and see a bombardment of flying explosives coming at them. Mighty and Knuckles duck just in time, but Charmy is hit by the explosion and is knocked out on a bush. Knuckles asks Espio if he's okay, and the chameleon goes out of Stealth Mode in surprise. Espio asks how Knuckles noticed him while he was invisible, but he doesn't give an answer. They leave Charmy behind while they try to find Archimedes.

Out of nowhere, a fighting robot attacks Mighty. Espio and Knuckles leave Mighty to duke it out with the robot. Both Mighty and the robot end up exhausted, fighting to a standstill and dropping to the ground. While Knuckles tries to figure out Archimedes' motives amongst some ruins, Espio is kidnapped by a mysterious figure. Knuckles turns around and realizes Espio is gone. A voice calls out to Knuckles, saying he should have been more careful. The voice asks him what is more important: his friends, or the threat to the Floating Island?



Races and species:




Other features[]

  • Knuckles Art: Two pieces of fanart send into Archie Comics.


Knuckles: Well, I'll be--a chameleon!
Espio: No--he echidna...I'm the chameleon!
Vector: I'm the rep with the 'rap for bein' rude! When it comes to a fight I'm no defector...don't nobody mess with a croc named Vector!
Knuckles: A power gem! Just what I need! 'Cause the bigger they are...the harder I hit!



Preview pages[]


Page 1

Page 1

Pages 2 and 3

Pages 2 and 3

Page 4

Page 4

Page 5

Page 5

External links[]

Playable characters Knuckles · Mighty · Espio · Charmy · Vector · Bomb  · Heavy · **********
Non-playable characters Eggman · Metal Sonic (Metal Sonic Kai) · Amy · Sonic · Tails
Stages Isolated Island · Botanic Base · Speed Slider · Amazing Arena · Techno Tower · Marina Madness · World Entrance · Special Stage · Bonus Stage
Enemies Am-Bush · Beatal · Blitz · Bombbearer · Burboom · Bushbubble · Catalurcher · Dribbler · Floatsam · Gotcha · Gut Buster · Hoverby Mk II · Liftor · Marina Madness Badnik 1, 2 · Motorspike · Needlenose · Piranha · Poptank · Ringleader · Spiketower · Triclod · Ticktock · Trundull
Bosses Amazing Arena sub-boss · Amazing Arena boss · Botanic Base boss · Marina Madness boss · Speed Slider boss · Techno Tower boss · Metal Sonic · Metal Sonic Kai
Playable characters Axel Spin · Climb · Crouch · Dash · Glide · Power Boost · Spin Attack · Spin Dash · Spin Jump · Wall Jump
NPCs V. Maximum Overdrive Attack · Plasma Pulse Attack
Gimmicks and obstacles Balloon · Bumper · Chopper Block · Goal · Elevator · Giant Ring · Goal Plate · High-speed warp tube · Iron ball · Ring Power · Saw · Spring · Switch · "X" Bumper
Items Bound Rings · Chaos Ring · Dark Ring · Item Box (Change, Combi Catcher, Combine Ring, Grow, Invincible, Power Sneakers, Shield, Shrink, Stage Select, Super Ring, Swap) · Ring · Sphere
Other Archie Knuckles' Chaotix · Combi Catcher · Debug Mode · Level Select · Loop · Newtrogic High Zone · Sonic Crackers · South Sea