
The City (市街地 Shigaichi?) is a location that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is an urban center that was rampaged by the Eggman Empire and the mass-produced Death Egg Robots. It served as one of the major battlefields between the Eggman Empire and the Resistance.

The City serves as the location backdrop for Ghost Town, Park Avenue, Sunset Heights, Red Gate Bridge, and Enemy Territory in Sonic Forces.

Concept and creation[]

The City was designed with the atmosphere of European-style buildings and lighting in mind.[1]


The City is a decently-sized quaint town built in a blocky hill landscape with layered soil, colored in different shades of brown and green grass on top of the hills (similar to Green Hill Zone). The City is placed alongside a lake or river, with multiple islands housing several buildings near the main city area. There is also a long, narrow bridge colored red (which resembles the Golden Gate Bridge) that goes all across the city, helping pave roads to get to other islands inaccessible by walking on land.

Following Dr. Eggman's devastation on the City, the location was turned into an all-out warzone, with various Death Egg Robots and Badniks scattered throughout the City, running amok. Property damage is seen no matter what section of the City is shown, with patches of fire randomly spread in the City and brimstone crashing down.



After receiving word from Rouge about a strangely positioned Eggman base, Shadow traveled through an Eggman Empire-occupied section of the City on his way to his rendezvous point with E-123 Omega. As Shadow was progressing through the City, he heard via intercom that Omega was being attacked by an elusive enemy, Infinite, somewhere near the location.

Sonic Forces[]

In Sonic Forces, when Eggman finally began his plan to take over the world with the help of Infinite, he began his conquest by attacking the City. Tails, along with several civilians, were among those who were cornered by Eggman and several Egg Pawns before Sonic arrived to fight back against Eggman. However, Infinite, alongside Phantom Copies of friends and foes of Sonic's managed to subdue Sonic, leaving a void in the world that allowed Eggman to conquer the planet.

Tails happy to see Classic Sonic

Tails and Classic Sonic in the City.

Several months of warfare in the City would pass before the Avatar, after an attempt to fight back against a powerful Infinite, would flee from the City, which led to them joining the Resistance a couple of months later. About six months after Sonic's defeat, Tails was repairing a broken down-Omega among the ruins of the City when he was ambushed by a Chaos Phantom Copy. However, Classic Sonic arrived through a portal from the past to save Tails, who was relieved that another Sonic was present to help fight against Eggman.

Eventually, the Resistance needed someone to go inside the City to rescue civilians when the Eggman Empire broke into Park Avenue, but with the majority of the Resistance's fighters preoccupied with other fights across the globe, Knuckles was forced to send in the Avatar to help turn the tide and save the civilians, to which the Avatar was successful at doing so. Later, Sonic would return to this location after hearing word that Shadow was leading Eggman's army against the Resistance in the City. Wanting to get to the bottom of why Shadow had aligned himself with Eggman, he encountered Shadow while the Eggman Army continued its attack on the City, only for it to be revealed as a Phantom Copy created by Infinite after the real Shadow arrived and defeated the imposter. Amy Rose would later report that Metal Sonic was spotted nearby the City, to which Sonic and the Avatar joined forces to travel to the location and fight the metallic menace, who was also revealed to be a Phantom Copy.

After Eggman and his empire was defeated, Sonic and the Avatar returned to the City, admiring the view and contemplating on what they were going to do now. Sonic, like always, decided to go on his own way, giving one last fist bump to the Avatar before departing.

Shadow Generations[]

In Shadow Generations, a future version of the City from the time where the War to Take Back the Planet was still occurring got transported to White Space as a side-effect of the Time Eater's time-traveling, where it was drained of color and life.

Other game appearances[]

Sonic Forces: Speed Battle[]

In Sonic Forces: Speed Battle, the City appears as one of the main areas in the game. The tracks that take place in the City are as follows:

Icon Track Tier Requirement Difficulty

SFSB Sunset Bridge

Sunset Bridge 2 (100 Trophies) Easy

SFSB Splash Highway

Splash Highway 3 (500 Trophies) Medium

SFSB Viaduct Valley

Viaduct Valley 5 (1500 Trophies) Hard

SFSB Red Gate Bay

Red Gate Bay 6 (2250 Trophies) Hard

The following City tracks are not currently available in the game:

Icon Track Tier Requirement Difficulty

SFSB Red Gate Ruins

Red Gate Ruins 7 (3000 Trophies) Hard

SFSB Splash Highway

Splash Highway R 7 (3000 Trophies) Reversed

SFSB Red Gate Bay

Red Gate Bay R 8 (4000 Trophies) Reversed

Points of interest[]


  • The City was the first Sonic Forces location that was publicly shown, dating back to the game's announcement trailer during the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con.
  • The City is said to be near Green Hill Zone, which if true would place the city on South Island.[citation needed]


  1. 絵と音から魅力を紐解く『ソニックフォース』:設定画公開編(2018年2月号より) (Japanese). Nintendo Dream (24 November 2019). Archived from the original on 25 September 2020. Retrieved on 4 October 2020.

Playable characters Common Amy · Charmy · Knuckles · Omega · Sonic · Tails · Classic Sonic · Silver
Rare Espio · Rouge · Vector · Blaze · Cream · Jet · Wave · Storm · Tangle · Whisper
Super Rare Shadow · Chaos · Metal Sonic · Zavok · Big · Zazz · Zeena · Tikal · Dr. Eggman · Gamma
Special Witch Rouge · Vampire Shadow ·Elf Classic Sonic · Santa Big · Lunar Blaze · Lantern Silver · Spring Cream · All-Star Amy · Slugger Sonic · Tropical Storm · Tidal Wave · Ice Slicer Jet · Reaper Metal Sonic · Movie Sonic · Baby Sonic · Longclaw · Treasure Hunter Knuckles · Elite Agent Rouge · Excalibur Sonic · Jingle Belle Amy · Quarterback Zavok · Sir Lancelot · DJ Vector · Punk Zazz · Super Sonic · Sir Percival · Unicorn Cream · Werehog · Nutcracker Silver · Lucky Whisper · Linebacker Omega · Movie Tails · Sir Gawain · Movie Super Sonic · Paladin Amy · Darkspine Sonic · Super Shadow · Nine · Boscage Maze Sonic · Popstar Amy · Rockstar Rouge · Dragon Hunter Lancelot · Knuckles the Dread · Super Silver · Thorn Rose · LEGO® Sonic · LEGO® Amy · LEGO® Tails · Panda Amy · Sir Galahad · Classic Super Sonic · Mummy Knuckles · Chrono Silver · Snowdrift Sonic · Dragonfire Sonic · Dragonclaw Tails · Valentine Rouge · Jester Sonic · Chuck · Drummer Cream · Valiant Tails · Idol Shadow · Karate Knuckles · Fortune Teller Amy · Extreme Gear Sonic · Detective Vector · Pyromancer Blaze · Dulce Amy · Blossom Amy · Bassist Blaze
Challenger Infinite · Movie Knuckles · Mephiles · Rusty Rose · LEGO® Dr. Eggman · Warlock Infinite · Surge · Grim Sonic · Red · Series Knuckles · Metal Sonic 3.0 · Burning Blaze · Valhalla Surge · Oni Mephiles · Warrior Shadow · Movie Shadow · Movie Super Shadow
Non-playable characters Boo · Chao · Cheese · Froggy · Phantom Copy · Shadow (enemy) · Wisp (Black, Blue, Crimson, Cyan, Gray, Ivory, Magenta, Pink, Red, White, Yellow)
Tracks Green Hill Pyramid Valley · Corkscrew Canyon · Parched Palms
Sky Sanctuary Temple Gate · Celestial Skyway · Pinnacle Peaks · Ancient Isles · Spiral Heights
City Sunset Bridge · Splash Highway · Viaduct Valley · Red Gate Bay
Mystic Jungle Lambent Grove · Electric Arbor · Dash Vegas · Glowing Grotto
Golden Bay Street Retreat · Suburban Speedway · High Hill Park
Planet Wisp Mining Mayhem · Mining Mayhem R
Emerald City Downtown Dash · Emerald Market Blitz · Big City Sprint
Metro City Main Street · Scramble Avenue · Central Park
Removed Sandy Hills · Desert Falls · Parched Palms R · Pyramid Valley R  · Celestial Skyway R · Temple Gate R · Red Gate Ruins · Red Gate Bay R  · Splash Highway R · Tangled Tunnels
Enemies Buzz Bomber · Drone · Egg Chaser · Egg Pawn
Moves/techniques Chaos Spear · Grinding · Grind Step · Hover · Slide · Spin Attack · Spin Jump · Super Sonic Boost
Gimmicks and obstacles Conveyor Belt · Corkscrew · Dash Panel · Grind Rail · Loop · Spikes
Items General Chest · Emerald · Phantom Ruby prototype · Red Star Ring · Ring · Trophy
Item Box power-ups Audio Assault · Balkiry · Bam-Boost · Bashosen · Bass Boost · Bass Rush · Bat Bomb · Beat Boost · Berserker's Axes · Blazing Aura · Blizzard Bomb · Blossom Glide · Blue Tornado · Boo-Boost · Booby Trap · Broadside · Brutal Barrier · Brutal Blitz · Bubble Bomb · Bullet Punch · Bunny Boost · Captive Light · Chao Attack · Chao Chase · Chao Guardians · Chao-nado · Chaos Blast · Chaos Boost · Chaos Charge · Chaos Chord · Chaos Control · Chaos Flame Sword · Chaos Slash · Chaos Spear · Choc Lock · Chopper Boost · Chopper Chomp · Claw Boost · Confusion Boost · Confusion Mine · Crossed Wires · Cyan Laser · Cyborg Smash · Cyclone Charge · Dancing Blade · Dark Blast · Dark Embrace · Dead End · Deadly Replica · Deadly Spears · Drac-O'-Lantern · Dragon Breath · Dragon Dance · Dragon Flight · Dragon Smoke · Drill Spin Boost · Drumbeat · Dual Wield Dash · Earthshaker Fist · Electro Boost · Ember Shroud · EMP Boost · EMP Shield · Energy Cannon · Explosive Mine · Falling Flames · Falling Sword · Fearless Strike · Feral Dash · Festive Forest · Festive Umbrella Boost · Fire Boost · Fire Whirl · Fireball · Firecracker · Firework Flurry · Flames of Disaster · Flue Shot · Fortune Boost · Frozen Chopper Chomp · Gail Meteor · Gathered Flame · Gift Trapped · Gift Wrapped · Gold Rush · Golden Boost · Green Hover · Grimions · Hammer Slam · Hard Rock · Harvest Time · Hedge Maze · Home Run · Honor Guard · Ice Boost · Ice Mine · Ice Wave · Invincibility · Jingle Boost · Jump Scare · Jungle Run · Kanabo Boost · King's Judgement · Knight Smite · Laevatein Lunge · Laser Blaster · Lava Bomb · Lightning · Lightning Bolt · Lightning Boost · Lightning Storm · Lilytrap · Lockup · Love Struck · Lucky Draw · Magical Boost · Metal March · Meteor Charge · Meteor Crash · Missile Launch · Moto-Bug · Panda Mine-ium · Phantom Dagger · Phantom Dash · Pink Spikes · Pit Stop · Power Sneakers · Power Surge · Psy-Chlone · Psychic Strike · Psychic Surge · Psychic Surprise · Pyro-Mine · Rainbow Blast · Reality Warp · Red Dragon · Ring Portal · Rocket Boost · Rockstar Chao Attack · Rocky Road · Savage Throw · Seeking Flame · Sharp Shelter · Shed Light · Shield · Shockwave · Slingshot Boost · Slipstream Whirlwind · Slow Burn · Snowball · Sol Transformation · Solo Hit · Sonic-in-the-box · Soul Surge · Spear Trap · Speed Break · Stalking Onibi · Stalking Shade · Star Trail · Steal · Storm Cloud · Strike Out · Sugar Rush · Super Form · Swarming Darkness · Sweet Roll · Sword Launch · Tail Spring · Tail Strike · Thunder Shield Wall · Tornado · Trap Shot · Tricky Towers · Twin-Tail Boost · Ultimate Waveform · Umbrella Boost · Viking Offense · Vision Scramble · Volt Bolt · Wall of Cards · Whirlwind Wallop · Whirlwind · Wild Card · Wind Boost · Wipeout · Wrench Rush · Zap Trap
Other Air Shoes · Air Shoes (Paramount) · Angry Birds · Arondight · Chaos Emeralds · Ddraig Goch · Eggmobile · EMP-Charged Boots · Excalibur · Experience Point · Extreme Gear (Blue Star II, Type-J, Type-S, Type-W) · Flamberge · Galatine · Holo-Tech Sword · Jet Booster · Laevatein · Outfit · Phantom Ruby · Psycokinetic Enhancers · Ring (Paramount) · Sol Emeralds · Sonic's shoes · Variable Wispon

Playable characters Classic and Modern Sonic (Super Sonic) · Rookie Avatar · Shadow
Non-playable characters Resistance (Tails · Knuckles · Amy · Team Chaotix (Vector · Espio · Charmy) · Silver · Team Dark (Rouge · Omega) · Eggman · Infinite · Phantom Copies (Metal Sonic · Zavok · Chaos) · Orbot · Cubot · Animals (Cucky · Flicky · Pecky · Picky · Pocky · Ricky · Rocky)
Wisps Blue Wisp · Green Wisp · Indigo Wisp · Ivory Wisp · Red Wisp · Violet Wisp · White Wisp · Yellow Wisp
World Map regions Chemical Plant · City · Death Egg · Eggman Empire Fortress · Green Hill · Metropolis · Mystic Jungle
Stages General Lost Valley · Spaceport · Ghost Town · Prison Hall · VS. Zavok · Egg Gate · Arsenal Pyramid · Luminous Forest · VS. Infinite (Bout 1) · Green Hill · VS. Eggman · Park Avenue · Casino Forest · Aqua Road · Sunset Heights · Capital City · VS. Infinite (Bout 2) · Chemical Plant · Red Gate Bridge · Guardian Rock · Network Terminal · Death Egg · Metropolitan Highway · Null Space · Imperial Tower · Mortar Canyon · VS. Infinite (Bout 3) · Iron Fortress · Final Judgement · VS. Death Egg Robot
Episode Shadow Enemy Territory · Eggman's Facility · Virtual Reality
Secret Fire Cannon 1 · Vanish Panel 1 · Bomb Block 1 · Plasma Cannon 1 · Laser Cannon 1 · Reverse Block 1
Extra Flying Pod · Bomb Block 2 · Laser Cannon 2 · Reverse Block 2 · Vanish Panel 2 · Fire Cannon 2 · Plasma Cannon 2
Enemies Balkiry · Buzz Bomber · Chopper · Egg Chaser · Egg Pawn · Egg Tank · Egg Walker · Galaga Bee · Moto Bug · Missile Pod · Nebula · Sandworm · Sprinkler
Bosses Death Egg Robot · Eggman · Egg Dragoon · Infinite · Metal Sonic · Zavok
Moves/techniques Air Boost · Boost · Crouch (grinding) · Double Boost · Double Jump · Drop Dash · Grind Step · Grinding · Homing Attack · Side Step/Cartwheel · Skydiving · Slide · Super Sonic Boost · Spin Attack · Spin Dash · Spin Jump · Stomp · Triple Boost · V. Maximum Overdrive Attack · Wall Jump · Wire Attack
Gimmicks and obstacles Amber block · Balloon · Bomb Block · Bottomless pit · Bumper · Capsule · Conveyor Belt · Dash Panel · Dash Rail · Dash Ring · Drop Target · Electrical emitter · Fan · Flipper · Floating turret · Flywheel · Goal · Goal Plate · Grind Rail · High-speed warp tube · Hint Ring · Iron ball · Jump Panel · Laser field · Light Bridge · Pulley · Rainbow Ring · Ring Shooter · Saw · Slot machine · Spikes · Spring · Spring Catapult · Spring Pole · Star Post · Triangle Bumper · Wide spring · Wire Target · Zip Line
Items General Air bubble · Blue Block · Blue Ring · Container (Unbreakable Container, Wooden Container) · Costume · Item Box (Bonus Rings, Invincibility, Power Sneakers, Shield) · Medal · Meteorite · Number Ring · Red Star Ring · Ring · Silver Moon Ring · Wisp Capsule
Wispons Asteroid · Burst · Cube · Drill · Hover · Lightning · Void
Voice actors English Roger Craig Smith (Modern Sonic) · Mike Pollock (Modern Eggman) · Liam O'Brien (Infinite) · Colleen O'Shaughnessey (Modern Tails, Modern Charmy) · Travis Willingham (Modern Knuckles, Phantom Zavok) · Cindy Robinson (Modern Amy) · Kirk Thornton (Shadow, Orbot) · Karen Strassman (Rouge) · Vic Mignogna (Omega) · Quinton Flynn (Silver) · Keith Silverstein (Modern Vector) · Matthew Mercer (Modern Espio) · Wally Wingert (Cubot)
Japanese Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Modern Sonic) · Kotaro Nakamura (Modern Eggman) · Takashi Kondō (Infinite) · Ryō Hirohashi (Modern Tails) · Nobutoshi Canna (Modern Knuckles) · Taeko Kawata (Modern Amy) · Kōji Yusa (Shadow) · Rumi Ochiai (Rouge) · Taiten Kusunoki (Omega) · Daisuke Ono (Silver) · Kenta Miyake (Modern Vector) · Yūki Masuda (Modern Espio) · Yōko Teppōzuka (Modern Charmy) · Jōji Nakata (Phantom Zavok) · Mitsuo Iwata (Orbot) · Wataru Takagi (Cubot) · Fumihiko Tachiki (Narrator)
Music Songs "Fading World" · "Fighting Onward" · "Fist Bump" · "Infinite" · "Justice" · "Moonlight Battlefield" · "Nowhere to Run" · "Rhythm And Balance" · "Set in Motion" · "Supporting Me" · "The Light of Hope" · "Virtual Enemies"
Albums Sonic Forces Original Soundtrack - A Hero Will Rise · Sonic Forces Vocal Traxx - On The Edge · Sonic Forces Hi-Res Collection · Sonic Forces Original Soundtrack The Vinyl Cutz
Other Boost Gauge · Chaos Control · Chaos Snap · Challenge Mission · "Come Join the Eggman Empire!" · Corkscrew · Daily Mission · Death Crab · Death Egg · Death Queen · Eggman Army · Eggman Empire · Egg Dragoon · Egg Fleet · Egg Mobile · Experience · Health Gauge · Jackal Squad · Levitate · Loop · Mega Mack · Miles Electric · Operation Big Wave · Phantom Ruby · Phantom Ruby prototype · Psychokinesis · Rank · Real-Time Interaction · Red Eye · Resistance HQ · Robotomy · Sandworm · Skill · Sonic Forces digital comic (Moment of Truth, Stress Test, Looming Shadow, Rise of Infinite) · Sonic Forces: Speed Battle · SOS Mission · Time Over · Totem pole · Tunnel · War to Take Back the Planet · Wisp Gauge