When using the Crimson Eagle, the user turns into a crimson-colored eagle-like figure. In Sonic's case, Sonic's entire body turns into a large version of his own head which has no facial features, except for his eyes, which are now pale yellow and without pupils or irises, his ears, which are now behind his head and without ear canals, and a beak-like appendage in place of his muzzle. Additionally, his two upper quills are spread out like wings, with three pink extensions similar to a bird's primaries. However, his two lower quills and middle quills on the back of his head remain.
The Crimson Eagle made its first appearance in the Wii U version and PCversion of Sonic Lost World. In this game, it can first be used in Desert Ruins Zone 1. In gameplay, using the Crimson Eagle allows the playable character to take flight, thus allowing them to fly through the Zones in midair. Additionally, the Crimson Eagle will attract any nearby Rings it passes by and is capable of performing midair dashes.
To use the Crimson Eagle in gameplay, the player must possess a Crimson Wisp. Once transformed, the playable characters takes it to the sky where they automatically start flying forward. If the player is in an area not suited for the Crimson Eagle however, the Crimson Wisp will go dormant (which is illustrated by its on-screen icon sleeping), thus preventing the player from becoming the Crimson Eagle. Once transformed into the Crimson Eagle, the player's Wisp Gauge starts to deplete, and once it runs out, the playable character will revert back to normal. Noticeably, using the Crimson Eagle's dash ability will drain the Wisp Gauge faster. To extend its duration, the player has to collect more Crimson Wisps. Also, touching the ground or flying into a wall as the Crimson Eagle will also end the transformation.
When using the Crimson Eagle in gameplay, the player has the following controls:
In Team Sonic Racing, the Crimson Eagle makes an appearance as a product of the Crimson WispItem Box power-ups that can be obtained on the race tracks. In this game, rather than transforming the playable character when using the Crimson Eagle, the game manifests the Crimson Eagle form separately from the playable character.
To use the Crimson Eagle in gameplay, the player has to press // while in possession of at least one Crimson Wisp. This will make the playable character fire a manifestation of the Crimson Eagle as a projectile. Once fired, this projectile will home in on the closest rival racer in front of the user and incapacitates them temporarily. This Crimson Eagle-based projectile can also be fired backwards, but it will not home in on opponents and will instead function similarly to a regular projectile. On its way to its target however, the Crimson Eagle can fly into an obstacle that will destroy it before it reaches its intended target. The Crimson Eagle is also available as a set of three; if used all at once, they will target the three nearest drivers.
Powers and abilities[]
As the Crimson Eagle, the user can utilize this form's wings to achieve flight and soar through the air unhindered
The Crimson Eagle's only known weakness other than the need to acquire more Hyper-go-on from Crimson Wisps to be maintained for more than a few seconds is that touching any wall or surface will instantly cancel out the transformation, which may cause the user to fall into Bottomless pits or other stage hazards if they cannot land onto somewhere safe.
So far, this is the only Color Power that is based on an animal.
Originally, the Crimson Eagle could only be controlled with the gyroscope controls in the Wii U version of Sonic Lost World. However, a patch was later released which let players control it with the analog stick and buttons too.
The sound created when dashing as a Crimson Eagle is very similar if not identical to the Shadow Rifle and Chaos Lance.