Hammer Attack

The Hammer Attack (ハンマー攻撃 Hanmā Kōgeki?) is Amy Rose's signature attack. It first appeared in Sonic the Fighters and has since then become Amy's primary offensive maneuver in the whole Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a technique where the user attacks with the Piko Piko Hammer. It serves as the basis for many of her other moves like the Spin Attack does for many other characters.


Unlike most other characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, Amy often lacks the ability to perform the Spin Attack and its variations. To compensate for this, Amy instead uses her skills with her personal weapon, the Piko Piko Hammer, to attack her enemies. In the Sonic series, the basic Hammer Attack is where Amy conjures her Piko Piko Hammer and whacks in front of her which damages enemies that come into contact with the hammer. The move sometimes leaves a trail of pink hearts. This is usually done in gameplay by tapping the Action button.

In Sonic Advance 3, if any of the lead characters (Sonic, Knuckles, Tails or Cream) have Amy as his/her partner, they can also perform the Hammer Attack with their own version of the Piko Piko Hammer.


Spin Hammer Attack[]

The Spin Hammer Attack is a move where the Amy spins the Piko Piko Hammer while on the ground. This move can only be used when Amy possesses the Warrior Feather. It has appeared in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.

Jump Attack[]

The Jump Attack is the Hammer Attack performed in midair. This move has appeared in Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut and all three Sonic Advance titles.

Hammer Jump[]

The Hammer Jump is a move where Amy uses the Hammer Attack to launch herself into the air. This move has appeared in Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut, Sonic Advance, and Sonic Advance 3.

Mid-Air Hammer Jump[]

The Mid-Air Hammer Jump is a Hammer Jump performed while Amy is in midair. This move has only appeared in Sonic Advance 3.

Big Hammer Attack[]

The Big Hammer Attack is a move where Amy attacks the foe with an oversized Piko Piko Hammer using extreme force. This move has only appeared in Sonic Advance 3.

Spinning Hammer Attack[]

The Spinning Hammer Attack is a downward whirl with the Piko Piko Hammer from the air. This move has appeared all three Sonic Advance titles.

Swinging Hammer Attack[]

The Swinging Hammer Attack is a horizontal twirl with the Piko Piko Hammer that flattens nearby surroundings. This move has only appeared in Sonic Heroes.

Tornado Hammer[]

Propeller Hammer[]

The Propeller Hammer is a fast whirl with the Piko Piko Hammer that grants Amy brief flight. This move has only appeared in Sonic Heroes and Sonic Generations.

Jumping Hammer Attack[]

The Jumping Hammer Attack is a Jump Attack performed while Amy is in midair. This move has appeared in Sonic Origins Plus and Sonic Superstars.

Hammer Rush[]

The Hammer Rush is a Hammer Attack performed while Amy running. This move has appeared in Sonic Origins Plus and Sonic Superstars.


The Cyhammer is a heavy swing downward on either the ground or in the air with the Piko Piko Hammer that activates a Cyloop in the shape of a heart. This move appeared in Sonic Frontiers.

In other media[]

Books and Comics[]

Archie Comics[]

IDW Publishing[]

Hammer Attack (IDW)

Amy using Hammer Attack, from Sonic the Hedgehog #38.

In the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by IDW Publishing, Amy's hammer attack is a common move she does with her Piko Piko Hammer on multiple occasions.





Amy with her Hammer in Sonic Advance

Amy with her Hammer in Sonic Advance

Amy with her Hammer in Sonic Advance 2

Amy with her Hammer in Sonic Advance 2

Sonic using the Hammer Attack in Sonic Advance 3

Sonic using the Hammer Attack in Sonic Advance 3

Knuckles using the Hammer Attack in Sonic Advance 3

Knuckles using the Hammer Attack in Sonic Advance 3

Tails using the Hammer Attack in Sonic Advance 3

Tails using the Hammer Attack in Sonic Advance 3

Cream using the Hammer Attack in Sonic Advance 3

Cream using the Hammer Attack in Sonic Advance 3



Amy using the Hammer Attack in Sonic Adventure

Amy using the Hammer Attack in Sonic Adventure

Amy using the Hammer Attack in the Sonic Advance titles

Amy using the Hammer Attack in the Sonic Advance titles

Amy using the Hammer Attack in Sonic Heroes (Hammer Twirl)

Amy using the Hammer Attack in Sonic Heroes (Hammer Twirl)

Navigation templates to Hammer Attack

Main article · Scripts (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Gamma, Super Sonic) · Story Screens (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Gamma) · Credits · Glitches · Beta elements · Gallery · Pre-releases (Limited Edition, DX Demo Version) · Re-releases (DX, 2010)

Playable characters Sonic (Super Sonic) · Tails · Knuckles · Amy · Big · Gamma · Metal Sonic**^
Non-playable characters Eggman · Beta (Mark II) · Birdie · Chao (Dark Chao**, Hero Chao**) · Chaos (Chaos 0, Chaos 1, Chaos 2, Chaos 4, Chaos 6, Perfect Chaos) · Cream** · Delta · Epsilon · Froggy · Knuckles Clan (Tikal, Pachacamac & Grandma) · Mecha Sonic Mark III · Mr. Know-It-All · Nights · Station Square Police Department · ZERO · Zeta · Animals (Deer, Elephant, Gorilla, Kangaroo, Koala, Lion, Mole, Parrot, Peacock, Penguin, Rabbit, Robin, Seal, Sea Otter, Skunk)
Adventure Fields Egg Carrier · Mystic Ruins · Station Square
Action Stages Emerald Coast · Windy Valley · Casinopolis · Icecap · Twinkle Park · Speed Highway · Red Mountain · Sand Hill · Sky Deck · Hot Shelter · Lost World · Final Egg
Sub Games Sky Chase · Sand Hill · Hedgehog Hammer · Twinkle Circuit · Boss
Enemies Beat · Bladed Spinner · Boa-Boa · Buyoon · Cart Kiki · Cop Speeder · Egg Keeper · Electro Spinner · Fighter Aircraft A · Fighter Aircraft B · Gola · Ice Ball · Icecap's unnamed aircraft · Kiki · Leon · Pirate · Rhinotank · Sky Deck's unnamed jet fighter · Spark Unit · Spiky Spinner · Sweeper
Bosses Chaos 0 · Chaos 2 · Chaos 4 · Chaos 6 · Beta (Mark II) Gamma · Delta · Epsilon · Zeta · Egg Carrier · Egg Hornet · Egg Viper · Egg Walker · Knuckles · Perfect Chaos · Sonic · ZERO
Playable characters Bolt of lightning · Climb · Dig · Flight Mode · Glide · Hammer Attack · Hammer Jump · Hover · Homing Attack · Homing Missile Launch · Jump Attack · Laser Gun · Light Speed Attack · Light Speed Dash · Lure Attack · Maximum Heat Knuckles Attack · Pick · Propeller Flight · Punch Attack · Rapid Tails Attack · Spin Attack · Spin Dash · Spin Hammer Attack · Spin Jump · Tails Attack
Non-playable characters Arm Punch · Bomb Attack · Bomb Gun Attack · Charge · Double Punch · Earthquake Attack · Electric Arm · Energy Ball Attack · Flame Thrower Attack · Guiding Missiles · Instantaneous Liquefaction · Laser Beam Attack · Homing Tail Slice · Inhale Attack · Marble Attack · Phantom Shadow Move · Punch · Quarter Attack · Scorpion Attack · Shockwave Attack (Chaos 6) · Sonic Boom · Spin Attack · Spinning Spike Attack · Spouting Attack · Squash Roll Attack · Swing Punch
Gimmicks and obstacles Bumper · Bumper Car · Cannon · Capsule · Car · Conveyor Belt · Crank · Dash panel · Dash Ring · Drum Can · Explosion Trap · Fan · Flame dart · Flipper · Fountain · Giant Ring* · Goal Balloon · Hanging Bell · Helicopter · Hint Box · Hint Orb · Icicle · Iron ball · Jump Panel (plate) · Jump Panel (ramp) · Jump Ramp · Laser field · Lit Panel · Mirror · Monkey Detonation Switch · Orca · Point Marker · Power cube · Rocket · Satellite · Sling Shot · Slot machine · Spiked bar · Spring · Spring Catapult · Switch · Teleporter · Wide spring · Wind Path · Zip Line
Items General Air bubble · Cart pass · Chao Egg · Chaos Emerald · Doll · Emblem · Emerald Shard · Employee ID Card · Fish (Akatai, Ankō, Burabasu, Hammer, Ishitai, Marlin, Mechanical fish, Piranin, Ryūgū, Salmon, Shākun, Shibasu, Shīran, Unadon, Utsubon) · Item Box (5 Rings, 10 Rings, Extra Life, High-Speed Shoes, Invincible, Magnetic Shield, Random Rings, Shield, Smart Bomb) · Key Stone (Gold statue, Ice Stone, Silver statue, Wind Stone) · Ring · Sandboard · Snowboard · Sonic Token
Level Up Items Ancient Light · Crystal Ring · Fighting Gloves · Jet Anklet · Jet Booster · Laser Blaster · Life Belt · Light Speed Shoes · Long Hammer · Lure · Power Rod · Rhythm Badge · Shovel Claw · Warrior Feather
Voice actors English Ryan Drummond (Sonic) · Corey Bringas (Tails) · Michael McGaharn (Knuckles) · Deem Bristow (Eggman) · Jennifer Douillard (Amy) · Jon St. John (Big) · Elara Distler (Tikal, Station Square train announcer, default menu voice) · Steve Broadie (Gamma, Pachacamac, Mystic Ruins train announcer) · Tomoko Sasaki (Chao)
Japanese Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) · Kazuki Hayashi (Tails) · Nobutoshi Canna (Knuckles, Mystic Ruins train announcer) · Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman) · Taeko Kawata (Amy) · Shun Yashiro (Big) · Kaori Asoh (Tikal) · Jōji Nakata (Gamma) · Tōru Ōkawa (Pachacamac) · Kaho Kōda (Station Square train announcer) · Elara Distler (default menu voice) · Tomoko Sasaki (Chao)
Music Songs "Open Your Heart" · "It Doesn't Matter" · "Believe In Myself" · "Unknown from M.E." · "My Sweet Passion" · "Lazy Days (Livin' in Paradise)" · "Theme of "E-102γ""
Albums Passion & Pride: Anthems with Attitude from the Sonic Adventure Era · Sonic Adventure: Songs With Attitude Vocal Mini-Album · SONIC ADVENTURE OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK VINYL EDITION · Sonic Adventure Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition · Sonic Adventure Original Sound Track (Digi-Log Conversation) · Sonic Adventure Remix
Strategy guides Sonic Adventure DX Complete Guide · Sonic Adventure DX Strongest Strategy Guide · Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut: Prima's Official Strategy Guide · Sonic Adventure: Navigation Guide · Sonic Adventure: Official Strategy Guide · Sonic Adventure Operation Guide · Sonic Adventure Perfect Guide · Sonic Adventure: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
Other 777 Slots Pinball · Altar of Emerald · Angel Island · Auto Running · Black Market · Card & Pinball · Chao Adventure* · Chao Garden (Station Square Garden, Mystic Ruins Garden, Egg Carrier Island) · Chao Race · Chao Stadium · Chao in Space · Chao Machine · Chao Search* · Corkscrew · Debug Mode · E-100 Series · Egg Mobile · Egg Carrier · Egg Carrier 2 · Eggmanland · Emerald Radar · Freeze · Game Over · Life · Life gauge · Loop · Master Emerald · Mission Mode**^ · Mystic Ruins · Shrine of Knuckles's race · Sonic Adventure (LCD) · Station Square · Tails' Lab · Tornado · Tornado 2 · Transporter Machine · Water

Playable characters Sonic · Tails · Knuckles · Amy
Non-playable characters Dr. Eggman · Chao (Gold Chao) · Animals (Deer, Elephant, Flicky, Gorilla, Kangaroo, Koala, Lion, Mole, Parrot, Peacock, Penguin, Picky, Pocky, Rabbit, Ricky, Robin, Sea Otter, Seal, Skunk)
Zones Neo Green Hill Zone · Secret Base Zone · Casino Paradise Zone · Ice Mountain Zone · Angel Island Zone · Egg Rocket Zone · Cosmic Angel Zone · X-Zone · The Moon Zone · Special Stages
Enemies Buzzer · Drisame · GamiGami · Hanabii · KeroKero · Kiki · Kuraa · Leon · Mirror · Mogu · Oct · Pen · Pierrot · Rhinotank · Senbon · Slot · Tentou · Wamu · Yukimaru
Bosses Egg Hammer Tank · Egg Press · Egg Ball · Egg Spider · Mecha Knuckles · Egg Snake · Egg Wrecker · Egg Drillster · Egg X · Super Egg Robot
Moves/techniques Climb · Giant Steps · Glide · Grinding · Hammer Attack · Hammer Jump · Hammer Whirl · Jump Dash · Insta-Shield · Jump Attack · Look down · Propeller Flying · Skid Attack · Spin Attack · Spin Dash · Super Sonic Boost · Somersault · Swimming (Tails) · Swimming (Knuckles) · Tail Swipe
Gimmicks and obstacles Balloon · Bumper · Bumper wall · Capsule · Cloud · Conveyor Belt · Dash Panel · Fan · Fireball · Flipper · Goal Plate · Grind Rail · High-speed warp tube ·
Items Continue · Item Box (1-Up, ? Ring, 5 Rings, 10 Rings, Blind*, Brake*, Confusion*, Invincible, Magnetic Shield, Shield, Speed Boots, Transparency*, Warp*) · Ring
Other Chao Search* · Life · Loop · Moon · Sonic Advance & Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Official Perfect Guide · Sonic Advance Strongest Strategy Guide · Sonic Advance Victory Perfect Guide · Sound Test* · Time Attack · Tiny Chao Garden* · Time Over · Tornado · Trick Point · Tunnel · Water

Playable characters Sonic (Super Sonic) · Cream and Cheese · Tails · Knuckles · Amy
Non-playable characters Eggman · Vanilla · Guard Robo · Chao · Animals (Deer, Elephant, Flicky, Gorilla, Koala, Kangaroo, Lion, Mole, Parrot, Peacock, Penguin, Rabbit, Robin, Sea Otter, Seal, Skunk)
Zones Leaf Forest · Hot Crater · Music Plant · Ice Paradise · Sky Canyon · Techno Base · Egg Utopia · XX · True Area 53 · Special Stages
Enemies Balloon · Bell · Buzzer · Circus · Flickey · Geji-Geji · Gohla · Hammerhead · Kiki · Koura · Kubinaga · Kura-Kura · Kyura · Madillo · Mon · Mouse · Pen · Piko-Piko · Spina · Star · Straw · Yado
Bosses EggHammerTankII · Egg Bomber Tank · Egg Totem · Aero Egg · Egg Saucer · Egg-Go-Round · Egg Frog · Super Eggrobo Z · True Area 53 boss
General Amy Dash · Boost Mode · Bound · Chao Attack · Chao Rolling Attack · Crouch · Double Spin Attack · Drill Claw  · Double Punch · Flying · Grinding · Hammer Attack · Head Slide · Homing Attack · Jump Dash · Mid-Air Glide · Mid-Air Hammer Swirl · Propeller Flying · Spin Attack · Spin Dash · Spiral Attack · Skid Attack · Step Attack · Super Hammer Attack · Super Skid · Super Sonic Boost · Super Tails Swipe · Swim · Tail Swipe · Wall Climb
Mid-Air Trick Actions Big Air (Happy Spring, Hop Jump, Petit Step, Spiral Upper) · Long Wind Jump (Burning Straight, Humming Top, Sweet Roll, Window Jump) · Stop 'n' Slam (Bound, Drill Claw, Mid-Air Hammer Swirl, Propeller Descent, Soft Bomber) · Quick Reverse (Back Attack, Back Rotor, Back Star, Milky Turn)
Gimmicks and obstacles Bumper wall · Cannon · Dash Panel · Dropping platform · Fan · Gravity Control Switch · Grind Rail · Iron ball · Jump Panel · Light Bridge · Spikes] · Spin ring · Spring · Spring Pole · Star Post
Items Chaos Emerald · Item Box (1-Up, 5 Ring Bonus, 10 Ring Bonus, Attack, Brake, Confusion, Invincible, Magnetic Shield, Mosaic, Power Sneakers, Random Ring Bonus, Shield, Warp) · Ring · Special Ring
Other Auto Running · Chao Bounce · Chao Search · Corkscrew · Freeze · Life · Loop · Sonic Advance 2 Official Guidebook · Sonic Advance 2: Prima's Official Strategy Guide · Time Attack · Time Over · Tiny Chao Garden · Tunnel

Playable characters Sonic (Super Sonic) · Tails · Knuckles · Amy · Cream and Cheese · Eggman
Non-playable characters Vanilla · Gemerl (Ultimate Gemerl) · Chao · Omochao
Zones Route 99 · Sunset Hill · Ocean Base · Toy Kingdom · Twinkle Snow · Cyber Track · Chaos Angel · Altar Emerald · Nonaggression · Special Stage · Mini-Games
Enemies Akatento · Aotento · Ape · Bu-Bu · Buzzer · Clam · Condor · Gaogao · Gekogeko · Ginpe · Guards · Guruguru · Hariisen · Jousun · Juggling · Kamaki · Kyacchaa · Marun · Minimole · Muukaden · Spina · Takkon · Uutsubo · Yadokk · Yukigasen
Bosses Egg Hammer 3 · Egg Ball No.2 · Egg Foot · Egg Cube · Egg Chaser · Egg Pinball · Egg Gravity · Hyper Eggrobo · Ultimate Gemerl
General Amy Dash · Big Hammer Attack · Boost Mode · Bound Attack · Breast Stroke · Breathe · Chao Attack · Chao Ball Attack · Chao Spin · Chao Spinning Attack · Dash Climb · Dog Paddle · Double Mid-Air Glide · Double Punch · Drill Claw · Fire Sliding · Flying · Floating Fall · Grinding · Hammer Attack · Hammer Jump · Hammer Propeller Flying · Head Slide · High Propeller Flying · Hip Drop · Homing Attack · Jump Dash · Leap · Life Ring · Look down · Mid-Air Dash Glide · Propeller Flying · Mid-Air Chao Attack · Mid-Air Chao Ball Attack · Mid-Air Chao Spinning Attack · Mid-Air Glide · Mid-Air Hammer Attack · Mid-Air Hammer Jump · Skid Attack · Spin · Spin Attack · Spin Dash · Spin Jump · Super Sonic Boost · Spinning Hammer Attack · Spiral Upper · Tag Action · Tail Spin Attack · Tail Swipe · Tornado Attack · Upper Spin · Wall Climb · Wind Attack
Mid-Air Trick Actions Big Air (Happy Spring, Hop Jump, Petit Step) · Long Wind Jump (Humming Top, Sweet Roll, Window Jump) · Stop 'n' Slam (Bound Attack, Spinning Hammer Attack, Propeller Descent, Hip Drop)
Gimmicks and obstacles Balloon · Bungee Rope · Dash Panel · Flywheel · Gondola · Grind Rail · High-speed warp tube · Iron ball · Jump Panel · Minecart · Platform-raising Wheel · Propeller Spring · Pulley · Seesaw · Snowblower · Spring · Spring Pole · Special Spring · Spin ring · Star Post · Switch
Items Act Ring · Capsule · Chaos Emerald · Factory Ring · Goal Medal · Item Box (1-Up, 5 Ring Bonus, 10 Ring Bonus, Confusion, Invincible, Magnetic Shield, Minus Ring, Mosaic, Power Sneakers, Random Ring Bonus, Shield, Slow, Swap, Transparency) · Ring · Special Key
Voice actors English Ryan Drummond (Sonic) · Deem Bristow (Eggman) · William Corkery (Tails) · Scott Dreier (Knuckles) · Jennifer Douillard (Amy) · Sarah Wulfeck (Cream) · Jon St. John (announcer)
Japanese Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) · Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman) · Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) · Nobutoshi Canna (Knuckles) · Taeko Kawata (Amy) · Sayaka Aoki (Cream)
Other Altar of Emerald · Angel Island · Chao Playground · Corkscrew · Fly Type · Freeze · Life · Loop · Power Type · Sonic Advance 3 Strongest Strategy Guide · Sonic Factory · Speed Type · Time Attack · Tornado 2 · Water

Playable characters Sonic (Super Sonic) · Tails · Knuckles · Shadow (Super Shadow) · Rouge · Omega · Silver (Super Silver) · Blaze · Amy
Non-playable characters Accordion Player · Adrianna · Alan · Alberto Robert · Alfano · Anna · Antonio · Aristo · Berruni · Bishop · Claudia · Dante · Duchess/Duke of Soleanna · Eggman · Elise · Elkan · Frances · Francesca · GUN Soldier (Herman, Parr) · Galienna · Gina · Hatsun · Iblis · Ken Williams · Ladies-in-waiting · Liza · Lord Regis · Mancini · Mels · Mephiles (monstrous form) · Mikhail · Nicolo · Paganini · Pele · Pinto · Porta · Priest · Prodi · Puccini · Renzo · Roberta · Rossi · Sabrina · Sandro · Solaris · Soleanna Boys (Pucci) · Soleanna Royal Guards (Alessio, Fabio, Giorgio, Guido, Pietro) · Solomon · Solsaliente (Monica) · Sonic Man · Sophia · Zof
Action Stages Wave Ocean · Dusty Desert · White Acropolis · Crisis City · Flame Core · Radical Train · Tropical Jungle · Kingdom Valley · Aquatic Base · End of the World
Town Stages Soleanna Castle Town · Soleanna New City · Soleanna Forest
DLC stages Boss Attacks (Sonic, Shadow, Silver) · Team Attack Amigo
Town Missions Sonic The winder of a Shoemaker · Shadows of Eggman's Mechs · Find Pele, the Beloved Dog · The Soleanna Boys' Challenge · Who is the Captain? · The Hotel's Festival of Rings · Destroy all Enemies in the New City! · The Legend of the Three Musketeers · Chase the Fleeing Car! · Acrobatic Circus Scout · Battle at the Warehouse! · Open the Cave Gate! · Mels, the Soleanna Running Legend · VS Sonic Man · Aristo's Challenge · Take the Lady-in-Waiting to Town! · The 100 Forgotten Rings · The Test of Intelligence · The Test of Courage · The Test of Love
Shadow Defeat the Enemies on the Shopping Street · The Mathematician's Training · Emergency Order: Capture the Thieves' Cars! · Request from the Rimlight Employee · Buggy Ring Race · The Mystery of the Ghost · Motorcycle License Test · Protect the Professor's Car · Car Festival · Agent Test: Intelligence · Agent Test: Strength · Lord Regis' Daughter, Sabrina · Stolen Rimlight Information · Save the Archaeologist! · Destroy the Enemies Invading from the Desert!
Silver Soleanna's Apple Festival · The Training Grounds · The Stolen Bronze Medals · The Airplane Tournament · Protect the Coastline! · The Soleanna Water Target Tournament! · Catch the Soleanna Boys! · Protect the Gate to the Castle Town · Protect the Barrels in the Warehouse District! · Raid: Evil Monster · Get into the Station! · Defeat the Pursuers and Escort Elise! · Lost Company Property · Protect Anna - She Knows the Secret! · Sonic Man Returns! · The Test of Friendship · The Test of Memory · The Test of Heart
Enemies Eggman's robots Egg Armor · Egg Bomber · Egg Cannon (Egg Walker) · Egg Chaser · Egg Commander · Egg Flyer (Egg Buster) · Egg Guardian (Egg Keeper) · Egg Gunner (Egg Lancer, Egg Stinger, & Egg Buster) · Egg Hunter · Egg Liner · Egg Rounder · Egg Searcher · Egg Sweeper ·
Iblis's Minions Gazer · Golem · Iblis Biter  · Iblis Taker · Iblis Worm · Shadow · Stalker · Titan · Tricker
Bosses Egg-Cerberus · Egg-Genesis · Egg-Wyvern · Iblis · Mephiles · Shadow · Silver · Solaris · Sonic
Moves/techniques Arrow of Light · Accelerator Tornado · Attack · Bat Cracker* · Blast Jump · Bomb · Bomb Snipe · Bound Jump · Chaos Attack · Chaos Boost (Chaos Blast, Chaos Lance, Chaos Snap) · Chaos Smash* · Chaos Spear · Climb · Custom Actions (Gun Drive, Homing Smash, Mach Speed, Scale, Slow, Thunder Guard, Tornado) · Crouch · Double Jump · Dummy Ring Blitz · Dummy Ring Bomb · Dummy Ring Snipe · Edge Attack  · Fire Claw · Fly · Glide · Grab All · Ground Shaker · Hammer Attack · Heart Mine · Hold Smash · Homing Attack · Hover · Invisibility · Jump Dash · Levitate · Light Dash · Lock-On Shot · Omega Launcher · Omega Shot · Psychokinesis · Psycho Shock · Psycho Smash · Punch Attack · Screwdriver · Shield of Light · Sliding Attack · Spear of Light · Spin Dash · Spin Jump · Spin Kick · Spinning Claw · Teleport Dash · Turbo Boost · Wall Jump · Wings of Light
Vehicles Bike · Buggy · Hover Craft · Glider
Gimmicks and obstacles Bungee Rope · Conveyor Belt · Cylinder · Eagle · Eye of Solaris · Hanging Bell · Hint Ring · Horizontal Bar · Jump Panel · Laser field · Lotus · Mechanical Ring · Mirror of Soleanna · Orb statue · Orca · PK mark · Purple orb · Point Marker · Pulley · Rainbow Ring · Silver Sphere · Sphere · Spiked bar · Spotlight · Spring · Switch · Tightrope · Trick Jump Panel · Turtle · Vine · Warp Hole · Wide spring · Wind switch
Items General Apple · Barrel · Chaos Drive · Car · Container (Blue crate, Case, Explosive crate, Steel Container, Wooden Container) · Custom Shoes · Dummy Ring · Explosion Trap · Goal Ring · Heart bomb  · Item Box (Extra Life, Gauge Up, High Speed, Invincible, Rings) · Key · Light Core · Medal · Minecart · Ring · Snowboard
Level Up Items Air Chip · Antigravity · Bounce Bracelet · Gem (Blue, Green, Purple, Rainbow*, Red, Sky, White, Yellow) · Heart of Wind · Light Chip · Memory Shard (black, blue, red) · Power Bracelet · Shock Bracelet · Single-Layered Extreme
Voice actors English Jason Griffith (Sonic, Shadow) · Pete Capella (Silver) · Lacey Chabert (Elise) · Mike Pollock (Eggman, Narrator) · Amy Palant (Tails, Ladies-in-waiting) · Lisa Ortiz (Amy, Ladies-in-waiting) · Bella Hudson (Blaze) · Dan Green (Knuckles, Mephiles, Solaris Project scientists) · Kathleen Delaney (Rouge) · Maddie Blaustein (Omega) · David Wills (Duke, G.U.N communitcator)
Japanese Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) · Kōji Yusa (Shadow) · Daisuke Ono (Silver) · Maaya Sakamoto (Elise) · Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman) · Kenji Utsumi (Narrator, Duke) · Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) · Hikari Yono (Ladies-in-waiting) · Nao Takamori (Blaze) · Nobutoshi Canna (Knuckles) · Takayuki Sakazume (Mephiles) · Keiji Okuda (Solaris Project scientist, G.U.N. communicator) · Yoshikazu Kozuma (Solaris Project scientist) · Rumi Ochiai (Rouge) · Taeko Kawata (Amy) · Taiten Kusunoki (Omega)
Music Songs "All Hail Shadow" · "Dreams of an Absolution" · "His World" · "My Destiny" · "Solaris Phase 1" · "Sweet Dreams AKON Mix"
Albums Sonic the Hedgehog Original Soundtrack · Sonic the Hedgehog Vocal Traxx: Several Wills
Other Action Gauge · Auto Running · Chao in Space · Day of Disaster · Dr. Eggman's chair · Dual Chaos Control · Egg Carrier · Egg train · Festival of the Sun · Health Gauge · Life · Limiter Rings · Loop · Multiplayer (Battle Mode, Tag Mode) · Rank · Rimlight · Scepter of Darkness · Shop · Soleanna · Solaris Project · Sonic the Hedgehog: Official Game Guide · Sonic the Hedgehog CHAOS CRUSH! · Super-Speed Stage · Water

Playable characters Main Game Sonic (Super Sonic) · Tails (Super Powers) · Knuckles (Super Powers) · Amy (Super Powers) · Trip (Dragon Form)
Battle Mode Metal Fighters (Mecha Sonic, Metal Amy, Metal Knuckles, Metal NiGHTS, Metal Sonic, Metal Tails, Metal Trip)
Non-playable characters Dr. Eggman · Fang · Animals (Cucky, Flicky, Pecky, Picky, Rocky)
Zones Bridge Island Zone · Speed Jungle Zone · Sky Temple Zone · Pinball Carnival Zone · Lagoon City Zone · Sand Sanctuary Zone · Press Factory Zone · Golden Capital Zone · Cyber Station Zone · Frozen Base Zone · Egg Fortress Zone · Special Stage · Bonus Stage
Enemies Anton · Barrel Thrower · Batbrain · Blaster · Buzz Bomber · Caterpillar Mecha · Chopper · Coaster Buzzsaw · Cooperation Mecha Group · Crabmeat · Crawlshell · Crawlton · Darts Mecha · Eggrobo · Electrical Discharge Mecha · Electric Catfish Mecha · Elephant Mecha · Enemy 10 · Fly Thorn · Fly Thorn 03 · Grapes Mech · Green Beetle Badnik · Hotaru · Item Mecha · Jellyfish Mecha · Kanga Clanga · Light Bird Mecha · Mecha-Bu · Mini Ptera Mecha · Mole Mecha · Soap Bubble Mecha · Scarab Beetle Mecha · Skorp · Slicer · Snail Blaster · Spider Mecha · Splats · Spotted Garden Eel Mecha · Spring Mecha · Tails Doll · Tick-Tock Drone · Toad Mecha · Trampling Mecha · Uni Uni · Watermelon Mecha · Water Strider Mecha
Bosses Mini-bosses Mosasaurus · Speed Jungle Zone mini-boss · Pinball Carnival Zone mini-boss · Lagoon City Zone mini-boss · Press Factory Zone mini-boss · Golden Capital Zone mini-boss · Frozen Base Zone mini-boss
Zone bosses Bridge Island Zone boss · Speed Jungle Zone boss · Sky Temple Zone boss · Pinball Carnival Zone boss · Lagoon City Zone boss · Sand Sanctuary Zone boss · Press Factory Zone boss · Fang · Metal Fighter · Frozen Base Zone boss · Egg Fortress Zone boss · Fang Mecha
Misc. Black Dragon
General Climb · Crouch · Double Jump · Drop Dash · Glide · Grinding · Hammer Rush · Jumping Hammer Attack · Propeller Flying · Ring Rolling · Spin Attack · Spin Dash · Spin Jump
Emerald Powers Avatar · Bullet · Extra (Homing Attack, Tail Swipe, Hammer Throw, Punch Attack, Fire Breath) · Ivy · Slow · Vision · Water · Super
Gimmicks and obstacles Bomb · Bumper · Bumper Wall · Capsule · Color Block · Conveyor Belt · Crusher · Dash Panel · Dash Ring · Elevator · Fan · Flipper · Goal Plate · Grind Rail · High-speed Warp Tube · Iron ball · Magnetic Sphere · Pulley · Sinking Pool · Snowblower · Spikes · Spring · Star Post · Up and Down
Items Air Bubble · Banana · Black Onyx · Chaos Emerald · Floating Item Box · Item Box (Invincible, Power Sneakers, Random, Shield, Super Ring) · Ring
Music Sonic Superstars Original Soundtrack
Other Egg Mobile · Freeze · Loop · Outfit · Northstar Islands · Perfect Bonus · Sonic Superstars: Fang's Big Break · Sonic Superstars Start Book · Sonic Superstars: Trio of Trouble  · Sonic the Hedgehog · Star Circle · Time Attack · Tornado · Tunnel · Unnamed Fang robot