

Metal Sonic absorbing the Hyper-go-on of a Pink Wisp, from "Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps - Part 2".

Hyper-go-on[1] is a force that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is the life source and energy of the Wisps.


Wisp Power

The Wisps using Hyper-go-on to restrain a black hole, from the Wii version of Sonic Colors.

Hyper-go-on materializes into a white, glowing substance.[2][3] It is a very strong energy that serves as the life force of Wisps and can be utilized for several other purposes. It is able to grant the use of Color Powers, convert itself to Boost energy, power machinery, convert Nega-Wisps back to their normal selves, and even teleport entire planets.

Hyper-go-on appears to be incompatible with the power of the Chaos Emeralds; during the Wisp incident, Sonic could not tap into any Hyper-go-on energy if he had the Chaos Emeralds on him, and during the Lost Hex incident, activating a Color Power would automatically shut off the Chaos Emeralds' power.

Color Powers[]

By harnessing the Hyper-go-on energy from a Wisp, users are able to use its Color Power, transforming into a different form that grants special abilities such as new attacks or environmental advantages. The appearance of the transformation and the abilities obtained depends on the type of Wisp and its Hyper-go-on energy.


Sonic Colors[]


Dr. Eggman forcefully extracting Hyper-go-on from Wisps, from "Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps - Part 1".

In the Wii version of Sonic Colors and Sonic Colors: Ultimate, Dr. Eggman made a nasty scheme to conquer the earth that involved stealing the Hyper-go-on energy obtained from Wisps and converting it to negative energy to power both a massive mind control cannon and his Badnik army.[2] To accomplish this, he rounded up the planets inhabited by these creatures and connected them to Egg Planet Park. The doctor and his forces then made full-scale invasions on said planets to capture the local Wisps.[4] Additionally, the villain made sure to set up dozens of Wisp Capsules, Prison Capsules and small bases[2] across the park to extract Hyper-go-on from thousands[3] of unfortunate Wisps, a process of which turned them into Nega-Wisps. The energy was then stored inside giant tanks in the mind control cannon at the Tropical Resort.

During a battle between Sonic and the Rotatatron, the Hyper-go-ons' tanks were punctured by one of the latter's arms. As such, when Eggman tried firing the mind control cannon, it malfunctioned and backfired. This triggered a chain reaction that sent the accumulated negative Hyper-go-on energy flying in every direction. One burst of energy impacted the moon, coating it in a purple smoke. The uncontrolled energy then began to form a massive black hole that began consuming Egg Planet Park. Fortunately, the Wisps saved by Sonic used their Hyper-go-on to not only save him from the black hole, but also neutralize it, restore the Nega-Wisps to normal, and return their planets to their rightful places in the universe.

Sonic Lost World[]

In Sonic Lost World, Sonic would once again make use of the Wisps' Hyper-go-on energy to aid him while exploring the Lost Hex and taking on the Deadly Six.

Sonic Forces[]

In Sonic Forces, the Avatar made use of a variety of Wispons, handheld weapons designed to harness the Hyper-go-on powers of any one species of Wisp without inducing a transformation. Sonic would also make use of the White Wisps' Hyper-go-on in order to perform his Boost.

Team Sonic Racing[]

In Team Sonic Racing, Teams Sonic, Rose, Dark, Vector, and Eggman utilized the Wisps' Hyper-go-on energy for more recreational purposes: to attack each other's vehicles while partaking in Dodon Pa's Grand Prix.


  • An unused Dr. Eggman voice clip suggests that Hyper-go-on is more powerful than Chaos Emerald energy. However, since the line is unused, it cannot be guaranteed.
  • In Sonic Colors, whenever Eggman robs Wisps of their Hyper-go-on energy, they turn into Nega-Wisps. Despite this, when Sonic uses the Hyper-go-on energy to transform into a Color Power, the Wisps appear to be fine. This could be because Eggman completely drains the Wisps, whereas Sonic only uses some of their power.


  1. Sonic Team (16 November 2010). Sonic Colors. Wii. Sega. Cutscene: Movie No. 7.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Hesse, Tyson; GGDG (19 August 2021). "Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps - Part 1". Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps. Season 1. Episode 1. YouTube.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Hesse, Tyson; GGDG (26 August 2021). "Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps - Part 2". Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps. Season 1. Episode 2. YouTube.
  4. The whisper of invasion, "The whisper of invasion"

Playable characters Sonic (Super Sonic) · Mii* · Virtual Hedgehog
Non-playable characters Cubot · Eggman · Metal Sonic^ · Orbot · Tails · Yacker
Wisps White · Cyan · Yellow · Orange · Blue · Green · Pink · Purple · Jade^
Areas Tropical Resort · Sweet Mountain · Starlight Carnival · Planet Wisp · Aquarium Park · Asteroid Coaster · Terminal Velocity · Game Land (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
Enemies Big Chaser · Buzzer · Chopper · Crabmeat · Egg Chaser · Egg Pawn · Jawz · Larva · Mole · Moto Bug · Sandworm · Spinner (Metal, Thunder) · Spiny · Sprinkler
Bosses Rotatatron · Captain Jelly · Frigate Orcan · Refreshinator · Admiral Jelly · Asteroid Coaster sub-boss · Frigate Skullian · Nega-Wisp Armor
Moves/techniques Air Boost · Assist · Boost · Crouch · Double Jump · Drift · Ghost Attack^ · Grind Step · Grinding · Homing Attack · Hop · Jump Dash · Kick boost · Ring Dash · Slide · Skydiving · Spin Dash · Spin Jump · Stomp · Super Sonic Boost · Trick Action · Wall Jump
Color Powers Blue Cube · Cyan Laser · Final Color Blaster · Green Hover · Jade Ghost^ · Orange Rocket · Pink Spikes · Purple Frenzy · Yellow Drill
Gimmicks and obstacles Accelerator Gun · Amber block · Balloon · Billiard Ball · Bomb · Bottomless pit · Dash Panel · Dash Rail · Dash Ring · Dropping platform · Egg Spring · Fan · Floating turret · Fountain · Ghost Anchor^ · Grind Rail · Hint Ring · Iron ball · Jump Panel · Mobile spring · Movable box · Moving Crate · Optical cable · Prism · Pulley · Rainbow Ring · Red School · Sea Monster · Slot machine · Spike Trap · Spring · Spring Pole · Star Post · Switch · Trick Jump Panel · Underground pipe · Wide spring · Zip Line
Items 1-Up* · 100 Count Ring^ · Air bubble · Blue Block · Blue Ring · Chaos Emerald · Container (Chroma Cube, Steel, Unbreakable, Wooden) · Egg Medal · Goal Ring · Meteorite · Park Token^ · Prison Capsule · Ring · Special Ring · Super Ring · Tails Save^ · Wisp Capsule
Voice actors English Roger Craig Smith (Sonic, Wisp announcer) · Mike Pollock (Eggman) · Kate Higgins (Tails) · Kirk Thornton (Orbot) · Wally Wingert (Cubot)
Japanese Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) · Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman) · Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) · Mitsuo Iwata (Orbot) · Wataru Takagi (Cubot) · Utako Yoshino (Yacker) · Fumihiko Tachiki (Wisp announcer)
Music Songs "Reach for the Stars" · "Speak with Your Heart"
Albums Vivid Sound X Hybrid Colors: Sonic Colors Original Soundtrack · Sonic Colors: Ultimate Original Soundtrack "Re-Colors" · SONIC COLORS ULTIMATE 2XLP VINYL SOUNDTRACK
Other Auto Running · Boost Gauge · The Bucket O'Sushi · Corkscrew · Customize^ · Earth · Egg Gun · Egg Planet Park · Egg Shuttle · Egg Spear · Eggman's Ultra-Accelerating Space Elevator · Eggman Enterprises · Hyper-go-on · Life · Loop · Miles Electric · Mind Control Ray · Moon · Nega-Wisp · Options Satellite (Music^) · Rank · Real-Time Interaction · Rival Rush^ · Sonic Colors: BradyGames Official Strategy Guide · Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps (Part 1, Part 2, Complete) · Sonic Colors Comics (The whisper of invasion, Egg Planet Park) · Totem pole · Tractor beam generator · Water · Wisp Gauge

Sonic Runners

Main article | Script | Events | Gallery

Playable characters Sonic (Werehog) | Tails | Knuckles | Classic Sonic | Christmas Sonic | Christmas Tails | Christmas Knuckles | Shadow | Rouge | Halloween Shadow | Halloween Rouge | Espio | Charmy | Vector | Amy | Blaze | Amitie-Style Amy | Gothic Amy | Omega | Metal Sonic | Halloween Omega | Big | Cream | Silver | Tikal | Sticks | Mephiles | ESP Silver
Non-playable characters Accord | Animals (Cucky, Flicky, Pecky, Picky, Pocky, Ricky, Rocky) | Arle Nadja | Amitie | Boo | Carbuncle | Chao (Dark Chao, Hero Chao) | Chip | Cubot | Deadly Six (Master Zik, Zavok, Zazz, Zeena, Zomom, Zor) | Dr. Eggman | Erazor Djinn | Froggy | King Boom Boo | King Shahryar | Maguro Sasaki | Merlina | Omochao | Orbot | Paprisu | Puyo Puyo | Raffine | Ringo Ando | Risukuma | Rulue | Satan | Schezo Wegey | Sig | Suketoudara | Super Sonic | Wisps (Mother Wisp (Dark Mother Wisp), White Wisp (Yacker))
Wisps Cyan | Indigo | Yellow
Stages General Windy Hill | Sky Road | Lava Mountain
Special Stages Desert Ruins | Frozen Factory | Halloween | Tropical Coast
Enemies Balkiry | Buzz Bomber | Caterkiller | Crabmeat | Egg Pawn | Gold Pawn | Moto Bug | Nebula | Snail Blaster | Spinner | Super Egg Pawn
Bosses Iron Ball Eggmobile | Missile Eggmobile | Saw Arm Eggmobile | Eggman | Zazz
Moves/Techniques Spin Dash | Spin Jump | Trick Action
Color Powers Cyan Laser | Indigo Asteroid | Yellow Drill
Gimmicks and obstacles Bomb | Boom Boo | Bottomless pit | Cannon | Dash Ring | Iron ball | Jump Panel | Prism | Rainbow Ring | Saw | Spikes | Spring | Star Post
Items Buddy | Chao Egg | Crystal | Item Box (Combo Bonus, Invincible, Magnet, Shield, Spring) | Power Ring | Red Star Ring | Ring | Sub-Character | Score Boost | Super Ring | Support Springs
Music Sonic Runners Complete Soundtrack | Sonic Runners Original Soundtrack
Other Asteroid Ring | Auto Running | Banking | Chaos Emerald | Chaotix Type | Combo | Dark Type | Death Egg | Easy Type | Eggmobile | Emerald Detector | Emerald Shard | Fly Type | Future Type | Health Gauge | Hero Type | Hourglass | Hyper-go-on | Loop | Master Emerald | Mech Type | Miles Electric | Mind Control Ray | Moon Mech | Power Type | Rose Type | Speed Type | Tails' Lab | Wild Type | Wisp Gauge
V·T·E | {{Runners Adventure info}} | Category