Magic Carpet

For the Sonic the Fighters arena, see Flying Carpet. For the object in Sonic and the Secret Rings, see Jump Carpet.

The Magic Carpet (マジックカーペット Majikku Kāpetto?), also known as the Treasure of Babylon, is a Board type Extreme Gear that appears in Sonic Riders. Supposedly the prototype for the world's very first Extreme Gear, the Magic Carpet was the Babylonians' greatest invention and the fabled treasure residing inside Babylon Garden.



The Magic Carpet's appearance is that of a regular blue, purple, red, white, and yellow carpet, whose design reflects the Babylonians' culture. According to Eggman, the Magic Carpet's has a rich texture that is a sight to behold and feels extraordinary, which alone could make the Magic Carpet be in high demands over the world.

Features and traits[]

The magic carpet is capable of hovering though the air like an Extreme Gear.

Game appearances[]

Sonic Riders[]

The Magic Carpet debuts in Sonic Riders. While appearing as a piece of cloth, the Magic Carpet's material is the same as those that modern Extreme Gears are made of. According to its profile, it holds the status as a legendary Extreme Gear. It is obtained after defeating the Babylon Guardian in Story Mode.

As a Board-type Extreme Gear in Sonic Riders, the Magic Carpet is well-balanced in its attributes with average statistics, an average rate of fuel-consumption and is suited for general riding.

In a race, the Magic Carpet grants its rider Flight Type attributes, allowing the player to use Air Riding. In addition, the players can still utilize the original type-related ability of their characters while riding the Magic Carpet to collect Air, meaning that Speed Type characters can still grind on rails and Power Type characters can still destroy obstacles, when riding the Magic Carpet. However, performing Air Boosts with Magic Carpet also consumes more Air than a normal Extreme Gear.


Dash ★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Limit ★★★★☆☆☆
Power ★★★☆☆☆☆
Cornering ★☆☆☆☆☆☆



During the era when the Babylonians still lived at the Babylon Garden, the Magic Carpet was created by the Babylonians to allow them to travel all over the world to gather treasure. Regarded as their "ultimate invention," the Magic Carpet served as a revolution in the Babylonians' lifestyle, as it eliminated their need to "work hard to keep themselves flying." It was later placed in a treasure chest deep inside Babylon Garden, along with a note left by Stolen, who stated his thoughts about the Magic Carpet, to be guarded by the Babylon Guardian.

When Babylon Garden was buried near the Sand Ruins, the Magic Carpet was buried along with it. Histories about the Magic Carpet being the Babylonians' ultimate treasure, however, continued to roam the world, though all knowledge about it eventually faded into obscurity, leaving only misinterpreted beliefs that it was a treasure of immense value or the Babylonians' technology.


The Magic Carpet was uncovered by the Babylon Rogues (under the machinations of Dr. Eggman), who believed it was a valuable treasure, and Team Sonic, who had arrived to help the Babylon Rogues defeat the Babylon Guardian. As the Babylon Guardian faded away following its defeat, it released the treasure chest containing the Magic Carpet, and both teams were surprised to see what the legendary treasure was. Dr. Eggman then arrived and demanded the Treasure of Babylon, believing it was technology he could use to take over the world, and Sonic and Jet smirkingly complied. Surprised, Eggman found the note left by Stolen and realized that it was useless to him, making him faint from the shock that all his efforts put into hosting the EX World Grand Prix that would bring him the treasure had been for nothing. Regardless, Tails and Wave realized that it was an early type of Extreme Gear. Everyone then watched in surprise and wonder, as Jet's Key to Babylon Garden activated the Magic Carpet.

Sonic Speed Simulator[]


The Magic Carpet, from Sonic Speed Simulator.

In Sonic Speed Simulator, the Magic Carpet appears as an unlockable Extreme Gear of the "Legendary" rarity. It could be obtained during the "Jet's Bet's" event by completing all four challenges. Alternatively, it can be purchased with Robux. Once unlocked, the Magic Carpet can be used by any character, and essentially functions similarly to all other Extreme Gears in the game.

In other media[]

Books and comics[]

IDW Publishing[]

Magic carpet jets room

The Magic Carpet, from Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2022.

In the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by IDW Publishing, the Magic Carpet can be seen hung up on a barbell rack in Jet's room.


  • Despite the fact that the Key to Babylon Garden is required to activate it, the Magic Carpet can be used in gameplay by any character.



Render of the Magic Carpet, from Sonic Speed Simulator


The Magic Carpet activated, from Sonic Riders.

Portrait of the Magic Carpet, from Sonic Speed Simulator


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Could use this in Sonic Speed Simulator.


  1. Official in-game description.

Playable characters Sonic (Super Sonic) · Tails · Knuckles · Amy · Jet · Wave · Storm · Eggman · Cream · Rouge · Shadow · AiAi · Nights · Ulala · E-10000G · E-10000R
Non-playable characters Babylon Guardian · Jet's father · Omochao · Stolen
Courses Main Metal City/Night Chase · Splash Canyon/Red Canyon · Egg Factory/Ice Factory · Green Cave/White Cave · Sand Ruins/Dark Desert · Babylon Garden/Sky Road · Digital Dimension/Babylon Guardian · Sega Carnival/Sega Illusion
Survival Dual Towers · Snow Valley · Space Theater
Moves/techniques Air Ride · Air Slide · Attacks · Grinding · Kick Dash · Super Sonic Boost · Tornado · Trick Action
Gimmicks and obstacles Air Pit · Automatic Trail · Barricade · Bomb · Car · Catapult · Dash Panel · Dash Ring · Grind Rail · Slipstream · Trick Zone
Items Air · Item Box (Air, Explosion, High Speed, Invincible, Magnetic Shield, Random, Rings, Speed Down) · Ring
Extreme Gear Accelerator · Access · Advantage F, Advantage P, Advantage S · Air Broom · Air Tank · Auto-Slider · BANANA · Beginner · Berserker · Blue Star · Blue Star II · Cannonball · Channel5 · Chaos Emerald · Cover F, Cover P, Cover S · Darkness · Destroyer · E-gearG · E-gearR · E-Rider · Faster · Fastest · Gambler · Grinder · Hang-On · Heavy Bike · High Booster · Hovercraft · Legend · Light Board · Magic Carpet · Night Sky · Omnitempus · Opa Opa · Pink Rose · Power Gear · Powerful Gear · Red Rock · Rengoku · Slide Booster · Smile · Speed Balancer · Super Hang-On · Temptation · The Crazy · Trap Gear · Turbo Star · Type-J · Type-S · Type-W · Yellow Tail
Voice actors English Jason Griffith (Sonic, Jet, Shadow) · Amy Palant (Tails) · Dan Green (Knuckles, Storm) · Bella Hudson (Wave, Babylon Computer) · Lisa Ortiz (Amy) · Mike Pollock (Eggman) · Kathleen Delaney (Rouge) · Rebecca Honig (Cream) · Maddie Blaustein (E-10000G, E-10000R, Babylon Guardian) · Liza Jacqueline (Omochao) · Kaoru Morota (AiAi) · Apollo Smile (Ulala)
Japanese Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) · Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) · Nobutoshi Canna (Knuckles) · Daisuke Kishio (Jet) · Chie Nakamura (Wave, Babylon Computer) · Kenji Nomura (Storm, Babylon Guardian) · Taeko Kawata (Amy) · Etsuko Kozakura (Omochao) · Kaoru Morota (AiAi) · Apollo Smile (Ulala)
Music Songs "Catch Me If You Can" · "Sonic Speed Riders"
Albums Speedbeats Grand Prix: Sonic Riders Original Soundtrack
Other Air Tank · Babylon Garden · Babylon Rogues' ship · Babylonians · Bashōsen · Chaos Control · Chaos Emerald · Fly Type, Power Type, Speed Type · Eggman Empire · Emerald Detector · Freeze · Key to Babylon Garden · Loop · Mission Mode · Rank · Robotnik Corp. · Sonic Riders: BradyGames Official Strategy Guide · Sonic Riders Strongest Strategy Guide · Shop · Sonic Extreme · Sonic Extreme (Game Boy Advance) · World Grand Prix · Time Attack

Playable characters Roblox avatar · Sonic · Tails · Knuckles · Riders Sonic · Sailor Tails · Amy · Treasure Hunter Knuckles · Stealth Suit Sonic · Chef Amy · Summer Sonic · Metal Sonic · Birthday King Sonic · Classic Sonic · Summer Amy · Adventure Knuckles · Mechanic Tails · Metal Sonic Mach 3.0 · Aviator Tails · Big · Riders Knuckles · Classic Tails · Riders Tails · Camper Knuckles · Angler Big · Chrome Metal Sonic · Rouge · Jet · Riders Rouge · Riders Amy · Fake Metal Knuckles · Fake Metal Tails · Fake Metal Sonic · Reaper Metal Sonic · Skeleton Knuckles · Vampire Sonic · Witch Rouge · Gothic Amy · Werehog · Detective Tails · Gold Metal Sonic 3.0 · Frontiers Sonic · Kunoichi Amy · Espio · Rusty Rose · Sonic (New Yoke Style) · Invisible Espio · Santa Sonic · Nine · Elf Tails · Reindeer Knuckles · Winter Sonic · Prime Rouge · Android Shadow Orange · Hologram Metal Sonic · Shadow · Flame Shadow · Riders Shadow · Omega · Easter Amy · Cream · Renegade Knucks · Rebel Rouge · Adventure Sonic · Gold Style Shadow · Holographic Metal Sonic · Android Shadow Pink · Racesuit Sonic · Racesuit Shadow · Racesuit Jet · Tuxedo Classic Sonic · Racesuit Classic Sonic · Racesuit Classic Tails · Android Shadow Green · Ninja Espio · Vector · Riders Vector · Android Shadow Blue · Zebra Sonic · Android Shadow Red · Racesuit Amy · Racesuit Tails · Gemerl · Tangle the Lemur
Non-playable characters General Black Doom · Dodon Pa · Eggman · Froggy · Omochao (Chrome Metal Sonic Omochao, Chrome Omochao, Crimson Omochao, Cyber Omochao, Hologram Omochao, Holographic Omochao, Metal Sonic Omochao) · Pocky
Chao Amy Chao · Apple Chao · Arctic Chao · Armorer Chao · Avocado Chao · Banana Chao · Beach Chao · Bee Chao · Berry Chao · Birthday Chao · Black Chao · Blackberry Chao · Bloxian Chao · Blue Chao · Blueberry Chao · Boxy Chao · Business Chao · Camembert Chao · Candy Corn Chao · Cerulean Chao · Charged Black Chao · Charged Blue Chao · Charged Cyan Chao · Charged Green Chao · Charged Orange Chao · Charged Peach Chao · Charged Pink Chao · Charged Purple Chao · Charged Red Chao · Charged Yellow Chao · Cheese Cake Chao · Cherry Tea Chao · Circuit Chao · Cloud Chao · Clover Chao · Cookies and Cream Chao · Coral Chao · Cotton Candy Chao · Crimson Chao · Cyan Chao · Dark Aquatic Chao · Dark Chao · Dark Chaos Chao · Detective Chao · Dragon Fruit Chao · Easter Egg Chao · Eggman Chao · Electric Chao · Elf Chao · Evergreen Chao · Feijoa Chao · Fire Chao · Fire Ninja Chao · Fisherman Chao · Foxy Chao · Full Moon Chao · Gift Chao · Gingerbread Chao · Gold Chao · Grape Chao · Gratitude Chao · Gray Chao · Green Chao · Halloween Chao · Hazel Chao · Heart Chao · Holographic Chao · Ice Chao · Jet Chao · Jewel Amethyst Chao · Jewel Black Chao · Jewel Citrine Chao · Jewel Cyan Chao · Jewel Diamond Chao · Jewel Gold Chao · Jewel Green Chao · Jewel Jasper Chao · Jewel Larimar Chao · Jewel Peridot Chao · Jewel Pink Chao · Jewel Red Chao · Jewel Sapphire Chao · Jewel Silver Chao · Jewel Sunstone Chao · Jewel Topaz Chao · Karate Chao · Kiwi Chao · Koco Mask Chao · Knuckles Chao · Kunoichi Amy Chao · Lavender Chao · Lemon Lime Chao · Light Chaos Chao · Lilac Chao · Lychee Chao · Marine Chao · Masked Chao · Master Chao · Mega Chao · Midas Chao · Miner Chao · Mint Chao · Mochi Chao · Moon Chao · Moonlight Chao · Mousse Chao · Mummy Chao · Mystic Chao · Navy Chao · Neon Chao · Ninja Chao · Orange Chao · Passion Fruit Chao · Peach Chao · Pilot Chao · Pink Chao · Pink Wisp · Popcorn Chao · Prism Chao · Pumpkin Chao · Purple Chao · Racer Chao · Ranger Chao · Red Wisp · Red Chao · Reindeer Chao · Resistance Chao · Riders Chao · Rouge Chao · Samurai Chao · Sanic · Santa Hat Chao · Scarecrow Chao · Shadow Chao · Sherbet Chao · Skull Chao · Silver Pumpkin Chao · Snowman Chao · Sonic Chao · Spice Latte Chao · Spirit Chao · Sprout Chao · Star Chao · Strawberry Chao · Strawberry Scoop Chao · Sunkissed Chao · Stealth Suit Chao · Swap Chao · Tails Chao · Taxi Chao · Techno Chao · Tiki Chao · Timekeeper Chao · Traveler Chao · Tropical Chao · Tundra Chao · Valentine Chao · Velvet Chao · Violet Chao · White Chao · Water Chao · Water Ninja Chao · Watermelon Chao · White Wisp · Winter Chao · Witch Chao · Yellow Chao · Yellow Green Chao · Yellow Hoodie Chao · Yellow Wisp · Yeti Chao · Yogurt Chao
Enemies Batbrain · Boo · Boom Boo · Buzz Bomber · Chopper · Crabmeat · Gun Beetle · Helicorn · Nebula · Pumpkin Ghost · Spinner · Splats · Turtloids
Worlds Legacy Green Hill · Green Reef · Lost Valley · Emerald Hill · Snow Valley · Hill Top · Chemical Plant · Metal Madness · Tornado Assault · Diamond Terminal Zone · Metal City Race · Metal City Skate Park · Pumpkin Hill · Green Hill Cyberspace · World Premiere · New Yoke Tag Arena · Emerald Hill Boss Fight · City Escape Race
Rebirth Green Hill · Lost Valley · Emerald Hill · New Yoke City · Hill Top · Speed Jungle · No Place · Cyber Station · Metal City Skatepark · City Escape · Space Colony ARK · Radical Highway · Pumpkin Hill · Autumn Forest · Metal Madness · Metal City Race · Emerald Hill Boss Fight · Emerald Coast Race · Race World
Moves/Techniques Boost · Chaos Spear · Doom Powers (Doom Spears, Doom Surf, Doom Wing) · Double Jump · Glide · Grinding · Homing Attack · Hoverboard Boost · Jump Dash · Spin Dash · Spin Dash Charge · Spin Jump
Gimmicks and obstacles Air bubble · Balloon · Capsule · Dash Panel · Generator · Grind Rail · Jump Panel · Kicker · Sky Ring · Spikes · Spring · Wide spring
Items General Air · Candy · Candy Cane · Chaos Orb · Character card fragment · Chili dog · Circuit Board · Crate · Data Disk · Digital Footprint · Eggman Key · Elemental Scroll · Emerald Shard · Enchantment Shrine · Extreme Gear (Black Shot, Gold Shot, Blue Star, Blue Star II, Chrome Star Hoverboard, Classic Type-J, Golden Midas, Magic Broom, Magic Carpet, Metal Star, New Yoke Hoverboard, Pink Rose, Potential, Red Rock, Rengoku, Santa Sleigh Hoverboard, Snow Hoverboard, Starride, Temptation, Type-J, Type-S, Type-W, Yellow Tail) · Firework · FriendDex · Fusion Machine · Gate key · Giant Pumpkin's Root · Giant Ring · Gift · Gingerbread Cookie · Jitsu Scroll · Magnet · Memory Token · Metal Scrap · Moonstone · Mysterious Orb · Mysterious Slime · Pink crystal · Purified Pearl · Rebirth Energy · Repelling Seed · Ring · Scrap Metal · Seashell · Spin Wheel · Uncut Diamond · Upgrade Machine · Time Shard · UGC · Volcanic Crystal · Witch's Bloom · Wrench
Trails Android Trail · Aqua Electro Trail · Aqua Square Trail · Aqua Wavy Trail · Black Electro Trail · Black Square Trail · Black Trail · Black Wavy Trail · Blue Electro Trail · Blue Square Trail · Blue Trail · Bone Trail · Bubble Trail · Candy Corn Trail · Chaos Spear Trail · Checkers Trail · Crimson Fury Trail · Chrome Blur Trail · Cyber Corruption Trail · Cyber Energy Trail · Dark Fade Trail · Default Trail · Destruction Trail · Eerie Fog Trail · Eggman Trail · Espio Blur Trail · Fire Blitz Trail · Ghost Trail · Gold Rush Trail · Gravity Pull Trail · Green Square Trail · Green Trail · Green Wavy Trail · Hallow Dark Trail · Hologram Trail · Hyper Wave Trail · Indigo Square Trail · Indigo Wavy Trail · Jack-O'-Lantern Trail · Jitsu Trail · Jolly Trail · Laser Trail · Lightning Thunder Trail · Lizard Fire Trail · Metal Blur Trail · Moonfall Trail · Moonglow Trail · Nebula Starburst Trail · Orange Wavy Trail · Paradox Prism Trail · Peach Pixel Trail · Pink Bat Trail · Pink Blossom Trail · Pink Electro Trail · Pink Wavy Trail · Plaid Trail · Pumpkin Trail · Purple Electro Trail · Purple Lightspeed Trail · Purple Strike Trail · Purple Wavy Trail · Radioactive Trail · Red Electro Trail · Red Square Trail · Red Wavy Trail · Retro Neon Trail · Scarlet Slash Trail · Smoldering Trail · Snowflake Trail · Sonic Speed Trail · Sonic & Knuckles Trail · Spider Trail · Spillin Rings Trail · Stealth Blur Trail · Sunshine Trail · Tails Blur Trail · Toxic Trail · Trick O' Treat Trail · Turbo Trail · Vine Spirit Trail · Void Hole Trail · Voltaic Trail · White Electro Trail · White Wavy Trail · Yellow Electro Trail · Yellow Wavy Trail
Others Air Necklace · Crystal Ring · Egg Carrier · Experience Point · Hammer Gloves · Light Speed Shoes · Loop · Master Emerald · Miles Electric · Rebirth · Shop · Shovel Claw · Sunglasses · Tails' Lab · Tails' Winter Workshop · Time Trial · Tornado (Christmas Tornado, Chrome Tornado, Golden Tornado, Halloween Tornado) · Update board · Vending machine