Marina Madness

A floating port of airships. You can't move forward unless you use the airship that moves with the wind and waves. There are also aircraft that will take you to specific locations.

— Description, Knuckles' Chaotix[1]

Marina Madness (マリーナマッドネス[1] Marīna Maddonesu?) is a stage in Knuckles' Chaotix. It is one of the main five attractions that make up Newtrogic High Zone, consisting of a floating port of airships that move with the wind and waves.




Marina Madness contains many flying ships that helps the player get across the level. Some of those ships contain switches that will cause them to rise or sink, allowing access to new areas of the levels.


Level 1[]

Level 2[]

Level 3[]

Level 4[]

Level 5[]

At the end of Level 5, Dr. Robotnik decides to take matters into his own hands and attack the player.



At the start of the battle, Dr. Robotnik will rise out of the sea in a machine, surrounded by a protective shield. The Doctor then tries to crush the player. Robotnik will then remove the shield, revealing the machine's true appearance, which will begin to move up and down with the remains of the shield orbiting it and dealing damage if the player hits it. The battle ends once the Dark Ring powering the machine disintegrates, leaving Robotnik no other choice but to escape in his jet pack.



Name Artist(s) Length Music track
"Seascape" Junko Shiratsu, Mariko Nanba 2:29


  1. 1.0 1.1 Chaotix (Sega 32X) Japanese instruction booklet, pg. 40.

Playable characters Knuckles · Mighty · Espio · Charmy · Vector · Bomb  · Heavy · **********
Non-playable characters Eggman · Metal Sonic (Metal Sonic Kai) · Amy · Sonic · Tails
Stages Isolated Island · Botanic Base · Speed Slider · Amazing Arena · Techno Tower · Marina Madness · World Entrance · Special Stage · Bonus Stage
Enemies Am-Bush · Beatal · Blitz · Bombbearer · Burboom · Bushbubble · Catalurcher · Dribbler · Floatsam · Gotcha · Gut Buster · Hoverby Mk II · Liftor · Marina Madness Badnik 1, 2 · Motorspike · Needlenose · Piranha · Poptank · Ringleader · Spiketower · Triclod · Ticktock · Trundull
Bosses Amazing Arena sub-boss · Amazing Arena boss · Botanic Base boss · Marina Madness boss · Speed Slider boss · Techno Tower boss · Metal Sonic · Metal Sonic Kai
Playable characters Axel Spin · Climb · Crouch · Dash · Glide · Power Boost · Spin Attack · Spin Dash · Spin Jump · Wall Jump
NPCs V. Maximum Overdrive Attack · Plasma Pulse Attack
Gimmicks and obstacles Balloon · Bumper · Chopper Block · Goal · Elevator · Giant Ring · Goal Plate · High-speed warp tube · Iron ball · Ring Power · Saw · Spring · Switch · "X" Bumper
Items Bound Rings · Chaos Ring · Dark Ring · Item Box (Change, Combi Catcher, Combine Ring, Grow, Invincible, Power Sneakers, Shield, Shrink, Stage Select, Super Ring, Swap) · Ring · Sphere
Other Archie Knuckles' Chaotix · Combi Catcher · Debug Mode · Level Select · Loop · Newtrogic High Zone · Sonic Crackers · South Sea