Ring (Archie)

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This object exists primarily or exclusively within the Post-Super Genesis Wave continuity.

Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

Rings are objects that appear in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. They are golden rings found all around Sonic's World, and are great sources of energy. Several bodies of water around the planet are known to produce them, which are referred to as Lakes of Rings.


Powers and traits[]

Rings are great sources of mystical and highly potent energy, only surpassed by Dark Gaia energy and the Chaos Emeralds,[1] which can be harnessed to power machinery.


Shattered World Crisis[]

Rotor the Walrus built the Sky Patrol and designed it to run on Ring energy, necessitating occasional resupply as he did at the Eusebes Shrine.[2] Dr. Eggman also determined that the Dark Gaia energy emanating from the broken planet exceeded the total energy of the world's Rings.[1]


Super Ring[]

The Super Ring is a hypothetical Ring that Walter Naugus ordered Nicole to create to restore his lost powers. In the end however, it never came to be.[3]

Red Star Ring[]

The Red Star Ring is a unique Ring produced by a Lake of Rings under the influence of a Chaos Emerald. While Dr. Ellidy determined that it possessed roughly the same qualities as a regular Ring, it had the potential for much greater energy output.[4] This was later demonstrated effectively when Nicole used that energy to transform into Overclocked Nicole.[5]


See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #266, "Ambushed! Part One"
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog #263, "Waves of Change Part Four: Divine Waters"
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog #252, "At All Costs Part 2: A New Lease on Life"
  4. Sonic Universe #72, "Spark of Life Part Two"
  5. Sonic Universe #74, "Spark of Life Part Four"

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