Sky Sanctuary (Sonic Generations)

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Sky Sanctuary (スカイサンクチュアリ Sukai Sankuchuari?) is the third Stage in the console/PC version of Sonic Generations. It is a reimagination of Sky Sanctuary Zone from Sonic & Knuckles, representing said game in the Classic era.


Modeled after the original zone, Sky Sanctuary consists of a series of floating ancient ruins in a clean, light blue sky with few rather large clouds. The aforementioned ruins are made of white marble and are covered by many kinds of vegetation, such as mosses and palm tress. There are also some bridges with floors that are made of glass with technological patterns on them. Also, in the background at the end of both Acts of Sky Sanctuary, the Death Egg can be seen.


A version of Sky Sanctuary from somewhere in spacetime got transported to White Space where it was drained of color and life. This would be the third area Classic and Modern Sonic pay a visit to after ending up in White Space. By speeding through Sky Sanctuary, the Sonics are able to fix space, thereby restoring Sky Sanctuary and, by extension, Knuckles, from the lifeless states they had been put in by the Time Eater.


Sky Sanctuary is a very open stage. Unlike the original Sky Sanctuary Zone, this stage comes with various alternate paths to take.

Sky Sanctuary Act 1 incorporates most of the elements from the original Sky Sanctuary Zone, including Pole Elevators, clouds, spinning platforms, and Warp Points. Other gimmicks are added as well, such as the Spinning Tops from Sonic the Hedgehog 3, and black blocks that become visible and tangible once Classic Sonic presses a switch.

Sky Sanctuary Act 2 uses gameplay elements from the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 version of Sonic Unleashed. Most of the stage is in 3D, though there are a few 2.5D sections as well. While the 2.5D sections work the same as in Sky Sanctuary Act 1, the 3D sections make use of Grind Rails, Jump Panels, Dash Rings, etc. The Act also includes the gimmicks from the 2.5D sections with a few modifications. There are also various sections of the Act that require the player to use the Quick Step.


Act 1[]

As Classic Sonic, the player must first run through numerous ancient floating buildings in Sky Sanctuary. Eventually, almost at the end of the Act, the player will have to run up a collapsing path that will lead to the Goal Plate.

Act 2[]

The 3D section of this Act is similar to Act 1. The player must speed their way through numerous ancient floating buildings. Similar to Act 1, Sonic must run up a collapsing path that will lead to the Goal Ring.


The following are the suggested clear times for achieving a high enough score to achieve each Rank. Maximum time that can be buffered by Ring Bonus are listed as well. Perfect Bonus, acquired by clearing the stage without losing a life, increases the Rank by one Rank.

Rank Time
Act 1 Act 2
A Rank (Sonic Generations Console) 3:00.00 3:30.00
B Rank (Sonic Generations Console) 8:00.00 8:30.00
C Rank (Sonic Generations Console) 13:00.00 13:30.00
Ring Bonus Buffer (MAX) +2:30.00 +2:30.00

Challenge Acts[]

Act 1[]

  • Doppelganger Race!: Face off against Sonic's double and beat him in a race to the goal.
  • Eggrobo Rush: Reach the goal in time while fending off a bevy of menacing Eggrobos!
  • Aerial Paradise: Use Warp Points to make your way to the goal in the allotted time.
  • Ring Time Challenge: Use Ring Time Triangle/Y to get a set number of Rings and reach the goal in time to earn the Ring Time Skill!
  • Amy: Topsy Turvy: Race against Amy while riding on a spinning top and beat her to the goal.

Act 2[]


  • Sky Sanctuary includes numerous references and Easter eggs:
  • In both Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic Generations, the Death Egg can be seen in the background of Sky Sanctuary. In Sonic & Knuckles, the next level is Death Egg Zone, and in Sonic Generations, the next level is the fight against the Death Egg Robot, which coincidentally takes place in the Death Egg.
    • The Death Egg is seen rising in the background of both acts.
  • In the Sky Sanctuary Hub, there are trees with grapes growing on them. In the United States manual of Sonic & Knuckles, it mentions that Knuckles' favorite food is grapes.
  • Knuckles is one of the five characters that are saved and appear in a stage of that game, the others being Rouge (City Escape), Espio (Seaside Hill), Blaze (Crisis City) and Charmy (Planet Wisp).
  • The crumbling ground from the end of the original level is featured in both Acts.
  • As well as Green Hill, when using Boost in this level, the music adds fast-paced drums.
  • In Sonic & Knuckles, Knuckles leaps over the initial gap and extends a bridge to allow Sonic to cross. However, in Sonic Generations, the switch to form the bridge is on the side Sonic approaches from.
  • Throughout Sky Sanctuary, there are stones that resemble the cuffs that Silver the Hedgehog wears. At the beginning of Sky Sanctuary Act 2, there is a circle of glass panels that resembles the marking on Silver's glove.
  • Despite being drained of life, parrots can be seen flying around the ruins.
  • The stages 2-5, 2-7, and 3-3 from Sonic Frontiers are based off the 2D sections of Sky Sanctuary Act 2, Act 1, and the 3D sections of Act 2, respectively.


Name Artist(s) Length Music track
"Sky Sanctuary: Act 1" Naofumi Hataya 2:18
"Sky Sanctuary: Act 2 - Normal" Jun Senoue & Richard Jacques 2:17
"Sky Sanctuary: Act 2 - Fast" Jun Senoue & Richard Jacques 2:20
N/A (White Space) Jun Senoue 0:53


See also[]

Playable characters Classic and Modern Sonic (Super Sonic)
Non-playable characters Classic and Modern Eggman · Classic and Modern Tails · Bark · Bean · Fang · Classic Metal Sonic · Mighty · Ray · Animals (Flicky, Picky, Pecky, Cucky) · Babylon Rogues (Jet, Storm, Wave) · Blaze · Chao (Cheese · Dark Chao^ · Dark Chaos Chao^ · Hero Chao^ · Light Chaos Chao^) · Chip · Cream · Cubot · Dark Gaia · Emerl · Mephiles · Amy · Knuckles · Chaotix (Charmy, Espio, Vector) · Omega^ · Omochao · Orbot · Perfect Chaos · Rouge · Silver · Tikal · Time Eater · Wisp (Yacker)
Wisps Orange · Pink
Stages Green Hill · Chemical Plant · Sky Sanctuary · Speed Highway · City Escape · Seaside Hill · Crisis City · Rooftop Run · Planet Wisp · Casino Night
Challenge Acts Doppelganger Race! · The Buzz Bombers' Revenge! · Knuckles: Horde of Enemies · Swingset Circus · High Speed Challenge · Look Out Below! · Tails: Way Past Fast · Jump Rush · 300% Boost Gauge Challenge · Tails: Toxic Skies · Which Switch is Which? · Aqua Shield Challenge · Invincibility Challenge · One Ring Challenge · Amy: Taking the Leap Together! · Grappling with Grabbers · Underwater Ring Machine · Eggrobo Rush · Aerial Paradise · Ring Time Challenge · Amy: Topsy Turvy · Knuckles: Buried Treasure · 200% Boost Gauge Challenge · Balloon Bonanza · High-Speed Hijinks (Modern) · Cream: Chao Hunt · Hot Pursuit (Classic) · High Speed Challenge 2 · Resisting Arrest · Overdrift · Hot Pursuit (Modern) · Drill Baby Drill · Espio: Master of Camouflage · Lord of the Board · Thunder Shield Challenge · Rouge: The Bombardier · Rite of Spring · Cream: Helping Hand · Dash Ring 1-2-3 (Modern) · Topsy-Turvy · High-Speed Hijinks 2 · Rescue the Animals! · Espio: Way of the Ninja · High-Speed Hijinks (Classic) · Underwater Challenge · Rouge: The Temptress · Trick Island · Surf, Sea, and Sand · Terror From the Deep · Goal Post Juggle · Vector: Through the Storm · Flame Shield Challenge · Ring Time Challenge 2 · Power Stomp Challenge · Switcheroo · Blaze: Piercing the Flames · Four-way Cannon Cavalcade · High-Rise Balloon Climb · Dash Ring 1-2-3 (Classic) · Charmy: Don't Bug Me! · One Ring Challenge 2 · Barrel Ring Bonus · Rooftop Rail Grind · Endless Boost · Vector: Pick Up the Beat · With Your Powers Combined · Goal Post Juggle 2 · Chase After Blaze · Rescue the Animals 2! · Cart Challenge · Charmy: High in the Sky · Action Master · Orange Rocket, Blast Off!
Enemies Aero-Cannon · Buzz Bomber · Buzzer · Chopper (Giant Chopper) · Cop Speeder · Crabmeat · Egg Chaser · Egg Fighter (Egg Fighter: Sword) · Egg Launcher (H) · Egg Launcher (H+V) · Egg Launcher (V) · Egg Pawn · Eggrobo (Missile Eggrobo) · Grabber · Gun Beetle · Gun Hunter · Iblis's Minions (Iblis Biter, Iblis Taker, Iblis Worm) · Mono Beetle · Moto Bug · Sandworm · Spinner (Thunder Spinner) · Spiny · Sprinkler
Bosses Rivals Metal Sonic · Shadow · Silver
Era bosses Death Egg Robot · Perfect Chaos · Egg Dragoon · Time Eater
Playable Air Boost · Atomic Spin · Boost · Bound Jump · Cartwheel · Crouch · Double Jump · Drift · Drop Dash^ · Freestyle Tricks · Grind Step · Grinding · Homing Attack · Hop · Insta-Shield · Jump Dash · Kick boost · Light Speed Dash · Mid-Air Dash · Quick Step · Slide · Skydiving · Spin Attack · Spin Dash · Spin Jump · Stomp · Super Sonic Boost · Super Sonic Missile · Wall Jump
Non-playable Dig · Drill Attack · Fire Beam · Flying · Heart Effect · Ice Wave · Meteor Smash · Ninja Arts: Camouflage · Propeller Flying · Psychic Knife · Psychokinesis · Restraint Trap · Ring Spark Field · Sun Burst · Teleport Dash · V. Maximum Overdrive Attack · Warping arm attack · Whirlwind
Color Powers Orange Rocket · Pink Spikes
Skills Aqua Shield · Flame Shield · Thunder Shield · Twin Spin Attack · Invincible Start · Shield · Power Sneakers · Long Spin Dash · Treasure Scanner · Homing Attack · Hercules Muscles · Breath Holder · Boardmaster · Ring Time · Blast Off · Speed Up · Direct Jump · Power Stomp · Quick Slide · Acceleration · Smasher Bonus · Ring Energy Bonus · Boost Gauge Up · Serial Homing · Auto-Gauge · Gauge Rebooter · Trick Mastery · Endless Boost · Power Brake · Sure-Footed · Safety Net · Last Chance · 10-Second Rings · Athleticism · Time Break · Super Sonic · Sega Genesis Controller · Drop Dash^
Gimmicks and obstacles Balloon · Barrel · Big Balloon · Blue blob · Bomb · Bonus Bell · Bottomless pit · Bumper · Cannon · Capsule · Car · Cart · Cloud · Crusher · Dash Panel · Dash Rail · Dash Ring · Dimensional Bomb · Egg Spring · Explosion Trap · Fan · Flipper · Four-way Cannon · Gear Platform · Goal Plate · Gondola · GUN Military Truck · Hanging Bell · Heart bomb · Helicopter · High-speed warp tube · Horizontal Bar · Iron ball · Jump Panel · Kao · Laser field · Meteorite · Movable box · Pole Elevator · Propeller Spring · Pulley · Rainbow Ring · Rocket · Route Signal · Saw · Seesaw · Sling Shot · Slot machine · Spike Trap · Spikes · Spinning Top · Spinning Platform · Spotlight · Spring · Spring Catapult · Spring Pole · Star Post · Switch · Trick Jump Panel · Wall Jump Block · Warp Point · Wide spring · Zip Line
Items Air bubble · Boss Gate · Boss Gate Key · Buoy · Chaos Emerald · Container (Case, Spike Block, Steel Container, Unbreakable Container, Wooden Container) · Energy Core · Goal Ring · Information Pod · Item Box (1-Up, Aqua Shield, Flame Shield, Invincible, Power Sneakers, Skateboard, Super Ring, Thunder Shield) · Medal · Mega Mack · Musical note · Red Star Ring · Ring · Snowboard · Time Bonus · Wisp Capsule
Voice actors English Roger Craig Smith (Modern Sonic, Wisp announcer) · Mike Pollock (Classic and Modern Eggman) · Kate Higgins (Classic and Modern Tails) · Travis Willingham (Modern Knuckles) · Cindy Robinson (Modern Amy) · Kirk Thornton (Shadow) · Quinton Flynn (Silver) · Laura Bailey (Blaze, Omochao) · Karen Strassman (Rouge) · Michelle Ruff (Cream) · Keith Silverstein (Modern Vector) · Troy Baker (Modern Espio) · Colleen O'Shaughnessey (Modern Charmy)
Japanese Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Modern Sonic) · Chikao Ōtsuka (Classic and Modern Eggman) · Ryō Hirohashi (Modern Tails) · Takuto Yoshinaga (Classic Tails) · Nobutoshi Canna (Modern Knuckles) · Taeko Kawata (Modern Amy) · Kōji Yusa (Shadow) · Rumi Ochiai (Rouge) · Daisuke Ono (Silver) · Nao Takamori (Blaze) · Sayaka Aoki (Cream) · Kenta Miyake (Modern Vector) · Yūki Masuda (Modern Espio) · Yōko Teppōzuka (Modern Charmy) · Etsuko Kozakura (Omochao) · Fumihiko Tachiki (Wisp announcer)
Music Songs "Sonic Boom" · "You're My Hero" · "Super Sonic Racing" ·"Open Your Heart" · "It Doesn't Matter" · "Escape from the City" · "For True Story" · "E.G.G.M.A.N." · "Sonic Heroes" · "What I'm Made of..." · "Right There, Ride On"* · "Vela Nova" · "I Am... All of Me" · "All Hail Shadow" · "His World" · "Dreams of an Absolution" · "Seven Rings In Hand" · "Let the Speed Mend It" · "A New Venture" · "Race to Win" · "Un-Gravitify" · "Endless Possibility" · "Knight of the Wind" · "Free" · "Reach for the Stars"  ·
Albums 20 Years of Sonic Music · Blue Blur: Sonic Generations Original Soundtrack · History of the 1st Stage Original Soundtrack White Edition
Other Boost Gauge · Chao in Space · Chao Rescue^ · Collection Room · Combo · Corkscrew · Crystal Ring^ · Death Egg · Death Egg Robot · Egg Dragoon · Egg Gun · Egg Mobile · Egg Spear · Lair of the Time Eater · Life · Light Speed Shoes^ · Loop · Miles Electric · Mirror Room · Orca · Perfect Bonus · Rank · Sonic's birthday · Sonic Generations: BradyGames Official Strategy Guide · Sonic Generations (manga) · Sonic Generations of Skate · Sonic X Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings^ · Space Colony ARK · Statue Room · Time Hole · Tornado-1 · Totem pole · Tunnel · Water · White Space