South Sea

The South Sea (南海[1][2] Nankai?) is a location that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a sea found on Earth.


As its name implies, the South Sea is a body of water that is located in the Southern Hemisphere of Earth. Known locations here include the Newtrogic High Zone[1] and a sole island that was once home to an ancient civilization.[3][2]



At some point in the past, an ancient civilization made their home on the South Sea, where they would achieve prosperity. In recent times, this civilization's remains became an archeological site known as Regal Ruin.[3][2]

Knuckles' Chaotix[]

In Knuckles' Chaotix, a few months after the Angel Island incident, an upheaval deep in the South Sea caused by tectonic movement from the Master Emerald's Pillar resulted in a small island appearing out of nowhere. Thanks to the Pillar's energy, this island changed its appearance very quickly, turning the once-empty rock into a green paradise. No sooner, Dr. Robotnik went to the island and found out about the ancient civilization that once lived there through Rings he theorized could lead him to the Master Emerald. As such, he set out to build an amusement park-themed stronghold, the Newtrogic High Zone, on the island for a new plan to conquer the world.[1] However, thanks to the efforts of Knuckles and new allies in the form of Vector, Espio, Charmy and Mighty, the doctor's plans were foiled.

Sonic R[]

In Sonic R, two Chaos Emeralds somehow appeared in Regal Ruin. At the same time, this area became one of the race courses in the World Grand Prix.[4] As such, Sonic and his friends, alongside Dr. Robotnik and his minions, would race through Regal Ruin to obtain the Chaos Emeralds, though they did not fall into the doctor's hands in the end.

In other media[]

IDW Punishing[]

Fang the Hunter miniseries[]

Fang's Gang would head over to Newtrogic High Zone, but the lab starting to flood due to it being destroyed. Eggman would rescue them and would be taken away.[5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Chaotix (Super 32X) Japanese instruction booklet, pgs. 4-5.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 SONIC-R コースイメージ (Japanese). Sonic Channel. Retrieved on 1 August 2022. "Regal Ruin (リーガル ルーイン) - 南海に浮かぶ遺跡を舞台にしたミステリアスなコースです。かつての栄華がしのばれる、巨大で美しい古代の文明の中を走り抜けていきます。 [Regal Ruin - A mysterious course set in an archaeological site floating in the South Sea. Run through a huge and beautiful ancient civilization that once flourished.]"
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Map & Driving Tech". ソニックRオフィシャルガイド. SoftBank. 24 December 1997. p. 73.
  4. Sonic R (Sega Saturn) Japanese instruction booklet, pgs. 4-5.
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog: Fang the Hunter Issue 2

Playable characters Knuckles · Mighty · Espio · Charmy · Vector · Bomb  · Heavy · **********
Non-playable characters Eggman · Metal Sonic (Metal Sonic Kai) · Amy · Sonic · Tails
Stages Isolated Island · Botanic Base · Speed Slider · Amazing Arena · Techno Tower · Marina Madness · World Entrance · Special Stage · Bonus Stage
Enemies Am-Bush · Beatal · Blitz · Bombbearer · Burboom · Bushbubble · Catalurcher · Dribbler · Floatsam · Gotcha · Gut Buster · Hoverby Mk II · Liftor · Marina Madness Badnik 1, 2 · Motorspike · Needlenose · Piranha · Poptank · Ringleader · Spiketower · Triclod · Ticktock · Trundull
Bosses Amazing Arena sub-boss · Amazing Arena boss · Botanic Base boss · Marina Madness boss · Speed Slider boss · Techno Tower boss · Metal Sonic · Metal Sonic Kai
Playable characters Axel Spin · Climb · Crouch · Dash · Glide · Power Boost · Spin Attack · Spin Dash · Spin Jump · Wall Jump
NPCs V. Maximum Overdrive Attack · Plasma Pulse Attack
Gimmicks and obstacles Balloon · Bumper · Chopper Block · Goal · Elevator · Giant Ring · Goal Plate · High-speed warp tube · Iron ball · Ring Power · Saw · Spring · Switch · "X" Bumper
Items Bound Rings · Chaos Ring · Dark Ring · Item Box (Change, Combi Catcher, Combine Ring, Grow, Invincible, Power Sneakers, Shield, Shrink, Stage Select, Super Ring, Swap) · Ring · Sphere
Other Archie Knuckles' Chaotix · Combi Catcher · Debug Mode · Level Select · Loop · Newtrogic High Zone · Sonic Crackers · South Sea