Special Stage Key

The Special Stage Key[1] (スペシャルステージキー[2] Supesharu Sutēji Kī?), also known as the Special Key[3] (スペシャルキー[4] Supesharu Kī?) or SP Key,[5] is an object that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a golden, sparkling key that allows entrance to a Special Stage once collected.


Special Stage Keys are golden keys with short blades with two silver ridges. In terms of size, Special Stage Key is about same size as the playable character. In Sonic Advance 3, the key's head is formed to resemble five-pointed star.

Game appearances[]

Sonic Heroes[]

In Sonic Heroes, the Special Stage Keys can be found in various locations of the Stage where it is usually contained in a Cage. The player can collect the Special Stage Key by simply having the leading character touch it. Once the Special Stage Key is collected, its icon will appear in the HUD on the top-left corner of the screen. After completing the stage, the team is taken to the Special Stage. If the player is attacked (except if the leading character had a Shield upon being attacked) or loses a life (e.g. falling into a bottomless pit), the Special Stage Key disappears. There are no Special Stage Keys in Super Hard Mode.

Sonic Advance 3[]

Special Key Sprite

In Sonic Advance 3, a similar key item called the Special Key[3] (スペシャルキー[4] Supesharukī?) or SP Key,[5] which appears in an Act of a Zone after the player has found all ten Chao from that zone. Most Special Keys tend to be located near the start of the Act. Once the key is collected, it will appear in the HUD. After the player clears or quits the Act, the collected Special Key is added to the total number of Special Keys for that Zone in the player's possession displayed in the HUD while in the Zone Map. The player can only hold a maximum of nine Special Keys from each Zone at a time. The player can then jump onto the locked Special Spring on the Zone Map to enter the Special Stage which consumes one Special Key in the process.



Sonic Heroes


Sonic Heroes


  1. Sonic Heroes (Nintendo Gamecube) United States instruction booklet, pg. 25.
  2. Sonic Heroes (Xbox) Japanese instruction booklet, pg. 23.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Sonic Advance 3 (Game Boy Advance) United States instruction booklet, pg. 23.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Sonic Advance 3 (Game Boy Advance) Japanese instruction booklet, pg. 39.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Dimps, Sonic Team (7 June 2004). Sonic Advance 3. Game Boy Advance. Sega. Area/level: Route 99. "Hint: Congratulations! You can now collect the SP Key in this Zone."

Playable characters Team Sonic Sonic (Super Sonic) · Tails (Super Tails) · Knuckles (Super Knuckles)
Team Dark Shadow · Rouge · Omega
Team Rose Amy · Cream and Cheese · Big
Team Chaotix Espio · Charmy · Vector
Non-playable characters Eggman · Metal Sonic (Neo Metal Sonic) · Chocola · Froggy · Shadow Android · Omochao · Dark Chao · Chao
1P Play stages Sea Gate · Seaside Hill · Ocean Palace · Grand Metropolis · Power Plant · Casino Park · BINGO Highway · Rail Canyon · Bullet Station · Frog Forest · Lost Jungle · Hang Castle · Mystic Mansion · Egg Fleet · Final Fortress · Special Stage
2P Play stages Action Race Seaside Hill · Grand Metropolis · BINGO Highway
Battle City Top · Casino Ring · Turtle Shell
Bobsled Race Seaside Course · City Course · Casino Course
Expert Race Rail Canyon · Frog Forest · Egg Fleet
Quick Race Road Rock · Mad Express · Terror Hall
Ring Race Egg Treat · Pinball Match · Hot Elevator
Special Stages Special Stage 1 · Special Stage 2 · Special Stage 3
Enemies Bomb Flapper · Cameron · Cannon Flapper · E-2000 · E-2000R · Egg Bishop/Egg Magician · Egg Hammer · Egg Knight · Egg Pawn (Casino version) · Falco · Flapper · Gold Cameron · Gold Klagen · Gun Flapper · Heavy-Egg Hammer · Klagen · Laser Flapper · Needle Flapper · Pumpkin Ghost · Rhinoliner · Search Flapper · Solid Flapper · Solid Pawn
Bosses Egg Hawk · Team Sonic, Dark, Rose, Chaotix · Robot Carnival · Egg Albatross · Robot Storm · Egg Emperor · Metal Madness · Metal Overlord
Speed Homing Attack · Jump Dash · Kick · Light Dash · Lightspeed Attack · Propeller Hammer · Rocket Accel · Shuriken · Spin · Spin Jump · Swinging Hammer Attack · Tornado Jump (Black Tornado, Blue Tornado, Leaf Swirl, Tornado Hammer) · Triangle Jump
Fly Ascending Flight · Cheese Attack · Dummy Ring Bomb · Spin Jump · Sting Attack · Thunder Shoot · Quick Ascent
Power Auto Homing · Body Press · Bubblegum Descent · Fire Combination · Fire Dunk · Fire Launcher · Fireball Jump · Forward Power Attack · Hammer Down · Jump Fire Knock · Jump Fireball · Remote Power Attack (Fireball, Fire Knock) · Spin Jump · Triangle Dive · Umbrella Descent · Wide Power Attack (Big Fishing, Omega Arm, Vector Breath, Volcanic Dunk)
Team Blasts Sonic Overdrive · Chaos Inferno · Flower Festival · Chaotix Recital · Super Sonic Power
Other Chaos Control · Crouch · Crystal Attack · Grind Step · Grinding
Gimmicks and obstacles Ball Switch · Bingo · Bobsled · Bomb · Bumper · Bumper wall · Cannon · Check Point · Conveyor Belt · Dash Panel · Dash Rail · Dash Ring · Detonator Switch · Drop Target · Fan · Fireball · Flipper · Flower · Formation Change Gate · Giant Frog · Giant Switch · Grind Rail · Hint Ring · Iron ball · Jump Panel · Kao · Laser field · Mushroom · Orb switch · Pole · Power Gong · Propeller · Pulley · Rainbow Ring · Sling Shot · Slot machine · Spring · Target Switch · Track switch · Triangle Bumper · Trolley · Vine · Warp Flower · Weight · Wide spring
Items Capsule · Car · Casino chip · Castle Key · Cell key · Chaos Emerald · Container (Cage, Case, Steel Container, Unbreakable Container, Wooden Container) · Emblem · Engine Core · Floating Item Box · Goal Ring · Hermit crab · Item Box (1 UP, Barrier, Fly Charge, High Speed, Invincible, Rings, Power Core, Team Blast Ring) · Light spider marking · Power Core · Ring · Special Stage Key · Sphere · Torch
Voice actors English Ryan Drummond (Sonic, Metal Sonic) · Deem Bristow (Eggman) · William Corkery (Tails) · Scott Dreier (Knuckles) · David Humphrey (Shadow) · Lani Minella (Rouge, Omochao) · Jon St. John (Omega, Big) · Jennifer Douillard (Amy) · Sarah Wulfeck (Cream) · Bill Corkery (Espio) · Marc Biagi (Vector) · Emily Corkery (Charmy)
Japanese Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic, Metal Sonic) · Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman) · Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) · Nobutoshi Canna (Knuckles) · Kōji Yusa (Shadow) · Rumi Ochiai (Rouge) · Taiten Kusunoki (Omega) · Taeko Kawata (Amy) · Sayaka Aoki (Cream) · Takashi Nagasako (Big) · Yūki Masuda (Espio) · Kenta Miyake (Vector) · Yōko Teppōzuka (Charmy) · Etsuko Kozakura (Omochao)
Music Songs "Sonic Heroes" · "We Can" · "This Machine" · "Follow Me" · "Team Chaotix" · "What I'm Made of..."
Albums Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax · Triple Threat: Sonic Heroes Vocal Trax · Sonic Heroes Official Soundtrack · Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition
Other Alligator · Armored train · Audio Room · Chaotix Detective Agency · Dummy Ring · Egg Bazooka · Egg Emperor · Egg Fleet · Egg Gun · Egg Spear · Fly Type · Health Gauge · HEXAeco · Life · Loop · Moon · Orca · Palm plant · Power Type · Rank · Sonic Heroes Official Guidebook · Sonic Heroes: Prima's Official Strategy Guide · Sonic Heroes Puzzle · Speed Type · Super Hard Mode · Team Blast Gauge · Tornado 2

Playable characters Sonic (Super Sonic) · Tails · Knuckles · Amy · Cream and Cheese · Eggman
Non-playable characters Vanilla · Gemerl (Ultimate Gemerl) · Chao · Omochao
Zones Route 99 · Sunset Hill · Ocean Base · Toy Kingdom · Twinkle Snow · Cyber Track · Chaos Angel · Altar Emerald · Nonaggression · Special Stage · Mini-Games
Enemies Akatento · Aotento · Ape · Bu-Bu · Buzzer · Clam · Condor · Gaogao · Gekogeko · Ginpe · Guards · Guruguru · Hariisen · Jousun · Juggling · Kamaki · Kyacchaa · Marun · Minimole · Muukaden · Spina · Takkon · Uutsubo · Yadokk · Yukigasen
Bosses Egg Hammer 3 · Egg Ball No.2 · Egg Foot · Egg Cube · Egg Chaser · Egg Pinball · Egg Gravity · Hyper Eggrobo · Ultimate Gemerl
General Amy Dash · Big Hammer Attack · Boost Mode · Bound Attack · Breast Stroke · Breathe · Chao Attack · Chao Ball Attack · Chao Spin · Chao Spinning Attack · Dash Climb · Dog Paddle · Double Mid-Air Glide · Double Punch · Drill Claw · Fire Sliding · Flying · Floating Fall · Grinding · Hammer Attack · Hammer Jump · Hammer Propeller Flying · Head Slide · High Propeller Flying · Hip Drop · Homing Attack · Jump Dash · Leap · Life Ring · Look down · Mid-Air Dash Glide · Propeller Flying · Mid-Air Chao Attack · Mid-Air Chao Ball Attack · Mid-Air Chao Spinning Attack · Mid-Air Glide · Mid-Air Hammer Attack · Mid-Air Hammer Jump · Skid Attack · Spin · Spin Attack · Spin Dash · Spin Jump · Super Sonic Boost · Spinning Hammer Attack · Spiral Upper · Tag Action · Tail Spin Attack · Tail Swipe · Tornado Attack · Upper Spin · Wall Climb · Wind Attack
Mid-Air Trick Actions Big Air (Happy Spring, Hop Jump, Petit Step) · Long Wind Jump (Humming Top, Sweet Roll, Window Jump) · Stop 'n' Slam (Bound Attack, Spinning Hammer Attack, Propeller Descent, Hip Drop)
Gimmicks and obstacles Balloon · Bungee Rope · Dash Panel · Flywheel · Gondola · Grind Rail · High-speed warp tube · Iron ball · Jump Panel · Minecart · Platform-raising Wheel · Propeller Spring · Pulley · Seesaw · Snowblower · Spring · Spring Pole · Special Spring · Spin ring · Star Post · Switch
Items Act Ring · Capsule · Chaos Emerald · Factory Ring · Goal Medal · Item Box (1-Up, 5 Ring Bonus, 10 Ring Bonus, Confusion, Invincible, Magnetic Shield, Minus Ring, Mosaic, Power Sneakers, Random Ring Bonus, Shield, Slow, Swap, Transparency) · Ring · Special Key
Voice actors English Ryan Drummond (Sonic) · Deem Bristow (Eggman) · William Corkery (Tails) · Scott Dreier (Knuckles) · Jennifer Douillard (Amy) · Sarah Wulfeck (Cream) · Jon St. John (announcer)
Japanese Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) · Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman) · Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) · Nobutoshi Canna (Knuckles) · Taeko Kawata (Amy) · Sayaka Aoki (Cream)
Other Altar of Emerald · Angel Island · Chao Playground · Corkscrew · Fly Type · Freeze · Life · Loop · Power Type · Sonic Advance 3 Strongest Strategy Guide · Sonic Factory · Speed Type · Time Attack · Tornado 2 · Water