Techno Tower

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Techno Tower
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There's only one direction to go, and that's up. Race through the vertical maze, searching for hidden bonuses. Robotnik billboards often hide surprises.

— Description, Knuckles' Chaotix manual

Techno Tower (テクノタワー Tekunotawā?) is a Stage in Knuckles' Chaotix. It is one of the five main attractions that make up Newtrogic High Zone.


As the name implies, Techno Tower is a massive tower extending high into the sky.


When playing through Techno Tower, the player has to get to the top of said tower, primarily through the use of Springs. Techno Tower also features a series of floating platforms which can be used to reach the top. Also, in Level 5, the player has access to a drilling machine that will drill through five or so walls before breaking.


Level 1[]

Level 2[]

Level 3[]

Level 4[]

Level 5[]

At the end of Level 5, Dr. Robotnik attempts to finish off the heroes.



The Techno Tower boss

Upon reaching the top of the tower in Level 5, Dr. Robotnik decides to insult the player by placing a glass dome, mini-base over top. The player is then brought up via an elevator to battle the dastardly Doctor. Within the dome, Robotnik uses a machine with extendable arms to try attack the player, as well as using various devices within the mini-base to try outwit our heroes. After the boss is defeated, the Dark Ring powering the machine is released and disintegrates, forcing Robotnik to fly off on his jetpack, and sending the player back to the World Entrance.



Name Artist(s) Length Music track
"Electoria" Junko Shiratsu, Mariko Nanba 2:43


  1. Chaotix (Sega 32X) Japanese instruction booklet, pg. 41.

Playable characters Knuckles · Mighty · Espio · Charmy · Vector · Bomb  · Heavy · **********
Non-playable characters Eggman · Metal Sonic (Metal Sonic Kai) · Amy · Sonic · Tails
Stages Isolated Island · Botanic Base · Speed Slider · Amazing Arena · Techno Tower · Marina Madness · World Entrance · Special Stage · Bonus Stage
Enemies Am-Bush · Beatal · Blitz · Bombbearer · Burboom · Bushbubble · Catalurcher · Dribbler · Floatsam · Gotcha · Gut Buster · Hoverby Mk II · Liftor · Marina Madness Badnik 1, 2 · Motorspike · Needlenose · Piranha · Poptank · Ringleader · Spiketower · Triclod · Ticktock · Trundull
Bosses Amazing Arena sub-boss · Amazing Arena boss · Botanic Base boss · Marina Madness boss · Speed Slider boss · Techno Tower boss · Metal Sonic · Metal Sonic Kai
Playable characters Axel Spin · Climb · Crouch · Dash · Glide · Power Boost · Spin Attack · Spin Dash · Spin Jump · Wall Jump
NPCs V. Maximum Overdrive Attack · Plasma Pulse Attack
Gimmicks and obstacles Balloon · Bumper · Chopper Block · Goal · Elevator · Giant Ring · Goal Plate · High-speed warp tube · Iron ball · Ring Power · Saw · Spring · Switch · "X" Bumper
Items Bound Rings · Chaos Ring · Dark Ring · Item Box (Change, Combi Catcher, Combine Ring, Grow, Invincible, Power Sneakers, Shield, Shrink, Stage Select, Super Ring, Swap) · Ring · Sphere
Other Archie Knuckles' Chaotix · Combi Catcher · Debug Mode · Level Select · Loop · Newtrogic High Zone · Sonic Crackers · South Sea