Window Jump

The Window Jump (ウィンドウジャンプ Windō Janpu?) is a recurring move in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is the Long Wind Jump technique used by Miles "Tails" Prower.


When performing the Window Jump, Tails thrusts himself forward while tucking in his arms and legs and twirling his twin-tails, thereby increasing his horizontal speed to gain distance.

In gameplay, the Window Jump is useful for crossing larger areas when sent flying into the air or preserving Tails' momentum when falling to the ground. Additionally, the move will not cancel the momentum Tails receives from Boost Mode. By comparison to other Long Wind Jumps, the Window Jump's movements have a slight upwards inclination, but it does not last very long or lets Tails damage foes in his flight path, meaning it leaves him vulnerable to enemy collision. Also, the Window Jump can only be pulled off after Tails has been launched into midair by gimmicks like the Spring or Ramp.

Game appearances[]

Sonic Advance 2[]

The Window Jump first appeared alongside the other Long Wind Jump maneuvers in Sonic Advance 2. To perform the Window Jump in gameplay, the player must press right/left on Directional buttons and the R Button at the same time after being launched into midair by gimmicks. The direction Tails heads in is determined by the direction pressed on Directional buttons.

Sonic Advance 3[]

In Sonic Advance 3, the Window Jump returned as Tails' Long Wind Jump maneuver, and one of his Special Actions.[1] In this game, Tails can only use the move when having Sonic as his partner. To perform the Window Jump in gameplay, the player must press the R Button after being launched into midair by gimmicks. To launch the Window Jump in a certain horizontal direction, press left/right on Directional buttons when pressing the R Button. Pressing the R Button without selecting a direction launches the Window Jump in the direction Tails faces.


  1. Sonic Advance 3 (Game Boy Advance) United States instruction booklet, p. 10.

Playable characters Sonic (Super Sonic) · Cream and Cheese · Tails · Knuckles · Amy
Non-playable characters Eggman · Vanilla · Guard Robo · Chao · Animals (Deer, Elephant, Flicky, Gorilla, Koala, Kangaroo, Lion, Mole, Parrot, Peacock, Penguin, Rabbit, Robin, Sea Otter, Seal, Skunk)
Zones Leaf Forest · Hot Crater · Music Plant · Ice Paradise · Sky Canyon · Techno Base · Egg Utopia · XX · True Area 53 · Special Stages
Enemies Balloon · Bell · Buzzer · Circus · Flickey · Geji-Geji · Gohla · Hammerhead · Kiki · Koura · Kubinaga · Kura-Kura · Kyura · Madillo · Mon · Mouse · Pen · Piko-Piko · Spina · Star · Straw · Yado
Bosses EggHammerTankII · Egg Bomber Tank · Egg Totem · Aero Egg · Egg Saucer · Egg-Go-Round · Egg Frog · Super Eggrobo Z · True Area 53 boss
General Amy Dash · Boost Mode · Bound · Chao Attack · Chao Rolling Attack · Crouch · Double Spin Attack · Drill Claw  · Double Punch · Flying · Grinding · Hammer Attack · Head Slide · Homing Attack · Jump Dash · Mid-Air Glide · Mid-Air Hammer Swirl · Propeller Flying · Spin Attack · Spin Dash · Spiral Attack · Skid Attack · Step Attack · Super Hammer Attack · Super Skid · Super Sonic Boost · Super Tails Swipe · Swim · Tail Swipe · Wall Climb
Mid-Air Trick Actions Big Air (Happy Spring, Hop Jump, Petit Step, Spiral Upper) · Long Wind Jump (Burning Straight, Humming Top, Sweet Roll, Window Jump) · Stop 'n' Slam (Bound, Drill Claw, Mid-Air Hammer Swirl, Propeller Descent, Soft Bomber) · Quick Reverse (Back Attack, Back Rotor, Back Star, Milky Turn)
Gimmicks and obstacles Bumper wall · Cannon · Dash Panel · Dropping platform · Fan · Gravity Control Switch · Grind Rail · Iron ball · Jump Panel · Light Bridge · Spikes] · Spin ring · Spring · Spring Pole · Star Post
Items Chaos Emerald · Item Box (1-Up, 5 Ring Bonus, 10 Ring Bonus, Attack, Brake, Confusion, Invincible, Magnetic Shield, Mosaic, Power Sneakers, Random Ring Bonus, Shield, Warp) · Ring · Special Ring
Other Auto Running · Chao Bounce · Chao Search · Corkscrew · Freeze · Life · Loop · Sonic Advance 2 Official Guidebook · Sonic Advance 2: Prima's Official Strategy Guide · Time Attack · Time Over · Tiny Chao Garden · Tunnel

Playable characters Sonic (Super Sonic) · Tails · Knuckles · Amy · Cream and Cheese · Eggman
Non-playable characters Vanilla · Gemerl (Ultimate Gemerl) · Chao · Omochao
Zones Route 99 · Sunset Hill · Ocean Base · Toy Kingdom · Twinkle Snow · Cyber Track · Chaos Angel · Altar Emerald · Nonaggression · Special Stage · Mini-Games
Enemies Akatento · Aotento · Ape · Bu-Bu · Buzzer · Clam · Condor · Gaogao · Gekogeko · Ginpe · Guards · Guruguru · Hariisen · Jousun · Juggling · Kamaki · Kyacchaa · Marun · Minimole · Muukaden · Spina · Takkon · Uutsubo · Yadokk · Yukigasen
Bosses Egg Hammer 3 · Egg Ball No.2 · Egg Foot · Egg Cube · Egg Chaser · Egg Pinball · Egg Gravity · Hyper Eggrobo · Ultimate Gemerl
General Amy Dash · Big Hammer Attack · Boost Mode · Bound Attack · Breast Stroke · Breathe · Chao Attack · Chao Ball Attack · Chao Spin · Chao Spinning Attack · Dash Climb · Dog Paddle · Double Mid-Air Glide · Double Punch · Drill Claw · Fire Sliding · Flying · Floating Fall · Grinding · Hammer Attack · Hammer Jump · Hammer Propeller Flying · Head Slide · High Propeller Flying · Hip Drop · Homing Attack · Jump Dash · Leap · Life Ring · Look down · Mid-Air Dash Glide · Propeller Flying · Mid-Air Chao Attack · Mid-Air Chao Ball Attack · Mid-Air Chao Spinning Attack · Mid-Air Glide · Mid-Air Hammer Attack · Mid-Air Hammer Jump · Skid Attack · Spin · Spin Attack · Spin Dash · Spin Jump · Super Sonic Boost · Spinning Hammer Attack · Spiral Upper · Tag Action · Tail Spin Attack · Tail Swipe · Tornado Attack · Upper Spin · Wall Climb · Wind Attack
Mid-Air Trick Actions Big Air (Happy Spring, Hop Jump, Petit Step) · Long Wind Jump (Humming Top, Sweet Roll, Window Jump) · Stop 'n' Slam (Bound Attack, Spinning Hammer Attack, Propeller Descent, Hip Drop)
Gimmicks and obstacles Balloon · Bungee Rope · Dash Panel · Flywheel · Gondola · Grind Rail · High-speed warp tube · Iron ball · Jump Panel · Minecart · Platform-raising Wheel · Propeller Spring · Pulley · Seesaw · Snowblower · Spring · Spring Pole · Special Spring · Spin ring · Star Post · Switch
Items Act Ring · Capsule · Chaos Emerald · Factory Ring · Goal Medal · Item Box (1-Up, 5 Ring Bonus, 10 Ring Bonus, Confusion, Invincible, Magnetic Shield, Minus Ring, Mosaic, Power Sneakers, Random Ring Bonus, Shield, Slow, Swap, Transparency) · Ring · Special Key
Voice actors English Ryan Drummond (Sonic) · Deem Bristow (Eggman) · William Corkery (Tails) · Scott Dreier (Knuckles) · Jennifer Douillard (Amy) · Sarah Wulfeck (Cream) · Jon St. John (announcer)
Japanese Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) · Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman) · Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) · Nobutoshi Canna (Knuckles) · Taeko Kawata (Amy) · Sayaka Aoki (Cream)
Other Altar of Emerald · Angel Island · Chao Playground · Corkscrew · Fly Type · Freeze · Life · Loop · Power Type · Sonic Advance 3 Strongest Strategy Guide · Sonic Factory · Speed Type · Time Attack · Tornado 2 · Water