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- ️Fri Dec 31 2021
This program is derived from VirtualDub, version 1.10.5-test7
Major improvements:
- extended API for plugins (see updated sdk)
- better filter preview UI
- support deep color and alpha
- support TIFF sequences (alpha and 16 bpc supported)
- support plugin encoders
- x264 - ported from x264vfw project
- CineForm
- FFV1, Huffyuv, Prores - custom made (based on FFMPEG) with basic options
- Lagarith - this is just renamed codec dll, removes some butthurt to install this outdated codec if you need it
- support projects
- Improved timeline control
- Improved capture mode
Note: Direct stream copy and smart rendering
Note: Display options for good performance
Note: Understanding processing performance
Please share your feedback here: VideoHelp Forum or here: tickets
See also Doom9 forum
Using source code:
branch "master" has all recent work (repository "code" on SF)
also available on GitHub (link)
maintained solutions are VirtualDub-VC2008.sln and VirtualDub.sln (vs 2015)
Contrubutions welcome! -
other parts can be found as zip archives and other git repositories here
New plugins
Caching Input Driver
Download: included in pack VirtualDub pack
Source code: Caching Input Driver
Keeps a range of decoded frames in memory. This allows smooth navigation forward AND backward and makes interactive editing manageable with any delta-frame format like H264.
Can open avi, mp4, mkv, mxf and many other supported by FFMpeg library.
Can deliver frames in high precision format (up to 16 bit).
Can open multiple segments, images, image sequences, audio files.
Can open cineform in avi, mkv, mov using builtin decoder.
Also can use cineform decoder from ffmpeg (use open options to enforce it).
Known file extensions are divided in 3 groups:
- FFMpeg : video
- FFMpeg : images
- FFMpeg : audio
All these options belong to Caching Input Driver.
Fused with Caching Input Driver (most properties are the same).
Blends a picture or video on top of background (Similar to Logo filter).
Can be animated.
Can be used to reverse video.
Only rgb32 mode now.
Canvas size
More detail
More detail
Master blend
Download: included in pack VirtualDub pack
Allows to crossfade various color correction filters etc.
Also includes live histograms.
6-axis color correction
(couldnt invent a better name)
Single filter for basic corrections.
Top 4 sliders allow to fix contrast (levels), white balance, overall saturation.
Other 6 sliders allow to adjust saturation of 6 color ranges.
Optimized with sse2, faster than enough. 2x faster if using only top 4 sliders.
Supports rgb and rgb64 modes but rgb64 implementation is reference (10x slower).
rgb levels
Download from folder: plugins/rgb levels
Similar to internal levels but with individual r/g/b adjustment.
Supports rgb and rgb64 modes.
Cannot adjust gamma in current version.
Gauss blur and unsharp
Download from folder: plugins/Gauss blur and unsharp
These are two independent plugins compiled as single module (they share similar code).
Comparing blur to old Emiliano Ferrari plugin:
- much faster - uses SSE2 intrinsics, separable passes, sliced processing
- radius is fractional and ranges from 0 to 25 (max kernel is 101x101 px)
- params can be typed in edit boxes
Unsharp has similar features and UI.
Notes on max radius: at this setting blur kernel becomes noticeably quantized and image is not top smooth. The algorythm needs to be rewritten for bigger kernel/better quality, dont attempt to simply remove the limit and recompile.
Modified plugins
Download from folder: plugins/ColorTools
Renders WaveForm, Vectorscope, Histograms.
Developed by trevlac, origin:
- fixed corruption bug
- added preview
- added "Save defaults" button
Settings are saved under current_user\Software\\ColorTools
Neiromaster Lab
Download from folder: plugins/Neiromaster lab
Color Correction in Lab space.
Author website:
- improved UI
Dialog layout changed to narrow vertical to allow some space for preview, removed some unnecessary elements, added some graphic as visual hint.
Note: I do not confirm that it has anything to do with Lab colorspace. Actually it works in basic YCbCr.
Rgb scale
Download from folder: plugins/rgb scale
Simple rgb amplification.
Derived from plugin written by Donald Graft.
- greatly improved performance - new code used SSE2 intrinsics
- edit boxes are now editable
- range increased to x8 (type 800 in edit box)