Atlas-5(501) (Atlas-V(501))

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Atlas-5(501) (X-37B OTV-2) [ULA]
(short fairing)

Atlas-5(501) (Topaz 3) [ULA]
(medium fairing)

→ complete Atlas-5 launch list

Version Stage 1 Stage 2
Atlas-5(501) CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-SEC / RL10A-4-2 or RL10C-1
Performance (kg) LEO LPEO SSO GTO GEO MolO IP
Atlas-5(501) 8250 6420 5945 3970 1500
Nr:  TNr: Vehicle:        Serial:   Fair: LS:         Date:         Payload

21   1    Atlas-5(501)    AV-012    5S    CC SLC-41   22.04.2010    X-37B OTV-1 (USA 212)
23   2    Atlas-5(501)    AV-025    5M    Va SLC-3E   21.09.2010    Topaz 1 (USA 215, NROL 41)
24   3    Atlas-5(501)    AV-026    5S    CC SLC-41   05.03.2011    X-37B OTV-2 (USA 226)
34   4    Atlas-5(501)    AV-034    5S    CC SLC-41   11.12.2012    X-37B OTV-3 (USA 240)
42   5    Atlas-5(501)    AV-042    5M    Va SLC-3E   06.12.2013    Topaz 3 (USA 247, NROL 39) / ALICE / SMDC-ONE 3.1, 3.2 / SNaP / TacSat 6 / FIREBIRD FU1, FU2 /
                                                                    AeroCube 5A, 5B / CUNYSAT 1 / IPEX / M-Cubed/COVE 2
54   6    Atlas-5(501)    AV-054    5S    CC SLC-41   20.05.2015    X-37B OTV-4 (USA 261) / GEARRS 2 / LightSail 1 / OptiCube 1, 2, 3 / USS Langley / AeroCube 8A, 8B / BRICSat-P /
                                                                    PSat A
84   7    Atlas-5(501)    AV-081    5S    CC SLC-41   17.05.2020    X-37B OTV-6 (USA 299) / FalconSat 8 (USA 300)
99   8    Atlas-5(501)    AV-104    5S    CC SLC-41   06.10.2023    KuiperSat P1 / KuiperSat P2
Fairing types:
5S = 5 m diameter, 10.2 m inner height
5M = 5 m diameter, 12.9 m inner height
5L = 5 m diameter, 15.9 m inner height
Launch sites:
CC  = Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA USA
Va  = Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, USA USA