Sunsat (SO 35, Sunsat-OSCAR 35)

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Sunsat [Stellenbosch Univ.]

Sunsat (Stellenbosch University Satellite) was a micro-satellite designed and built by electrical engineering students at the Stellenbosch University in South Africa. This is the first micro-satellite developed in South Africa.

The primary mission objectives are imaging, world wide store-and-forward email communications, and satellite engineering research. Secondary mission objectives are studies of the earth magnetic field, gravity field, atmosphere, and ionosphere plus intercomparison of GPS and SLR precision orbits.

SUNSAT has the following instrumentation onboard:

  • High resolution imager
  • Precision attitude control
  • Magnetometer
  • GPS Array
  • Retroreflector array: a hemispherical annulus mounted to the boom. The RRA has 8 corner cubes made of fused silica.
  • Radio amateur communications (operated as OSCAR 35 or SO 35)

The mission ended with the last communication on 19 January 2001.

Nation: South Africa
Type / Application: Experimental
Operator: Stellenbosch University
Contractors: Stellenbosch University
Equipment: see above
Configuration: ?
Propulsion: None
Power: Solar cells, batteries
Mass: 63 kg
Orbit: 400 km × 838 km, 93.00°
Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
Sunsat (SO 35, Sunsat-OSCAR 35) 1999-008C 23.02.1999 Va SLC-2W Delta-7920-10 with ARGOS, Ørsted