Polypodiopsida - Wikispecies
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Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Tracheophyta
Divisio: Pteridophyta
Classis: Polypodiopsida
Ordines: †Oligocarpiales – Cyatheales – Gleicheniales – Hymenophyllales – Osmundales – Polypodiales – †Heroleandrales – †Hydropteridiales – Salviniales – Schizaeales
Genera (incertae sedis): †Aculea –
†Amanda –
†Discosoropteris –
†Heterophyton –
Polypodiopsida Cronquist, Takht. & W.Zimm., Taxon 15: 133. Apr 1966.
- Cyatheopsida Doweld, Prosyllabus Tracheoph. xii (2001)
- Filicopsida auctt.
- Gleicheniopsida Doweld, Prosyllabus Tracheoph. ix (2001)
- Hymenophyllopsida Doweld, Prosyllabus Tracheoph. ix (2001)
- Pteridopsida Ritgen, Schr. Ges. Beförd. Naturwiss. Marburg 2: 63 (1828) («Pterides»)
- Marsileopsida Nakai ex C.F.Reed, Bol. Soc. Broter. Ser. 2, 28: 8 (1955) («Marsileata»)
- Matoniopsida Doweld, Prosyllabus Tracheoph. ix (2001)
- Osmundopsida Doweld, Prosyllabus Tracheoph. ix (2001)
- Salviniopsida Kamelin & Shmakov in Kamelin, Fl. Altaia: 250 (2005)
- Schizaeopsida Doweld, Prosyllabus Tracheoph. x (2001)
Note: WS follows PPG I (2016) not Christenhusz & Chase, (2014 & 2018). Pteridopsida Ritgen 1828 is the earlieast available name at the rank of class.
- Ritgen, F. von. 1828. Über die Aufeinanderfolge des ersten Auftretens der verschiedenen organischen Gestalten. J. Ch. Krieger, Marburg. 60 pp. (Preprinted from Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der gesamten Naturwissenchaften zu Marburg 2: 41–138. 1831. Google Books) Preprint in Google Books Reference page.
- Cronquist, A., Takhtajan, A. & Zimmermann, W.M. 1966. On the higher taxa of Embryobionta. Taxon 15(4): 129–168. DOI: 10.2307/1217531 PDF Reference page.
- Doweld, A.B. 2001. Prosyllabus Tracheophytorum. Tentamen systematis plantarum vascularium (Tracheophyta) [Prosyllabus Tracheophytorum. Опыт системы сосудистых растений]. LXXX + 110 pp. Moscow: Geos. ISBN 5-89118-283-1. Фундаментальная электронная библиотека «Флора и фауна» DJVU Google Books
Reference page.
Additional references
- Christenhusz, M.J.M. & Chase, M.W. 2014. Trends and concepts in fern classification. Annals of Botany 113(4): 571–594. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mct299 PDF Reference page.
- Christenhusz, M.J. & Chase, M.W. 2018. PPG recognises too many fern genera. Taxon 67(3): 481–487. DOI: 10.12705/673.2
Reference page.
- Kramer, K.U. 1990. Notes on the Higher Level Classification of the Recent Ferns. pp. 49–52 in: Kubitzki, K., Kramer, K.U. & Green, P.S., The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 1: Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. New York: Springer,
- Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group (PPG I) 2016. A community-derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54(6): 563–603. DOI: 10.1111/jse.12229 Reference page. (including subclasses Equisetidae, Ophioglossidae, Marattiidae and Polypodiidae)
- Smith, A.R., Pryer, K.M., Schuettpelz, E., Korall, P., Schneider, H. & Wolf, P.G. 2006. A classification for extant ferns. Taxon 55(3): 705–731. DOI: 10.2307/25065646 JSTOR ResearchGate PDF. Reference page.
- Schuettpelz, E., Rouhan, G., Pryer, K.M., Rothfels, C.J., Prado, J., Sundue, M.A., Windham, M.D., Moran, R.C. & Smith, A.R. 2018. Are there too many fern genera? Taxon 67(3): 473–480. DOI: 10.12705/673.1
Reference page.
- Wang, F.-G. & Xing, F.-W. 2014. Heterophyton, a new substitute name for Allophyton X.W. Wu (Pteridopsida). Phytotaxa 163(5): 299–300. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.163.5.6 Reference page.
- Polypodiopsida – Taxon details on Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS).
- Polypodiopsida – Taxon details on National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
- EOL: Polypodiopsida
беларуская: Папараці
dansk: Bregne (bregner)
Deutsch: Farn (Farne)
English: Fern (ferns)
español: Helecho (helechos)
français: Fougère (fougères)
magyar: Páfrányok
日本語: ウラボシ綱, シダ綱
Nederlands: Varen (varens)
norsk nynorsk: Blom, bregne
norsk: Bregne
polski: Paprocie
português: Feto (fetos)
русский: Папоротниковые
Tiếng Việt: Lớp Dương xỉ
中文: 水龍骨綱